Tag Archives: cold

George Zieba – Therapies hidden parts.08 – resistance and other issues


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George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.8 – resistance and other issues

Plans for the suffering, seeking help.
Newly-creation is a newly formed tissue, This symptom, symptom choroby,
which is already in the body and is the cause of which must be treated.
Cancer is not a disease, is only a name – cancer.
Cancer treatment appropriate doses of vitamin C.
The patient has the right of deciding how to be treated.
The issue of iodine, Lugol's iodine for hyperthyroidism. Vitamin C in fruits.
Information about vegetables. Quality of food.
Strengthening the immune system: Wit.D3 + wit.K2 MK-7, Also a few drops of
iodine (Lugola).
Way to cold: hydrogen peroxide 3%.
The next way: water hydrogen peroxide Iodine – gargle.
The way to the bay: saline hydrogen peroxide 2-3 drops Lugoli (later upgraded by p.Jerzego) – You can get rid of the perennial problems of the sinuses.
At higher temperatures: wit.C.
Lots of information in the book p.Jerzego.

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you


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17. Mudra dragon head

17. Mudra dragon head

mudra głowa smoka


In diseases of the "wind" - diseases of the lungs, upper respiratory tract
and nasopharyngeal.
Recommended for the prevention of colds, and the disease has already developed, therefore should teach their children to perform this mudra.

Method of exercising:
the middle finger of the right hand embraces and further oppresses phalanx finger of the same hand. Similarly, in the right hands. We combine both hands. Thumbs of both hands are joined together side surfaces. The other fingers are crossed with each other.

Mudra should be carried out after 15 minut minimum 2 times a day.