Category Archives: Movies, lectures, articles

Easy and Effective Ways – cancer, guzy, cysts and other

Easy and Effective Ways – cancer, guzy, cysts and other

ssanie oleju
Oil Suction

Ladies and Gentlemen, I try to post simple, easy and inexpensive methods, ways
especially in cases of so-called incurable, difficult, chronic etc..
Also present in this entry effective, stare, known ways to get rid of many problems.
Please read carefully the following video in which Barbara in Kazan
– farmaceutka, naturoterapeutka
excellent ways forward in the fight against often
serious health problems.

Please also refer to the comments under the video which is also a lot of
valuable information.

FREE METHODS, THAT YOU SHOULD KNOW – Barbara Kazana – 16.10.2017 r

Comments below the video you can read after direct entry on YouTube:

TREATMENT PLANTS, WHICH DO NOT KNOW – Barbara Kazana – 23.10.2017 r.

Comments below the video you can read after direct entry on YouTube:


ssanie oleju Bartek
Suction oil Bartek


Conversations with God

neale donald walsch

15 lat temu kupiłem 3 tomy “Conversations with God”. Później następne między innymi “Przyjaźń z Bogiem”.
Z tych książek uzupełniałem wiedzę, pomogły mi w osobistym rozwoju duchowym.
Dzięki wiedzy z tego typu literatury mamy możliwość poszerzenia świadomości,
można rozwiązać różne problemy życiowe, zdrowotne, finansowe, partnerskie itp.
A świadomość pomoże rozwiązać różne problemy w tym zdrowotne i w wielu przypadkach zmienić własne życie: złe nawyki, addictions, anger, zrównoważyć i wyciszyć umysł i wiele innych korzyści.


Conversations with God (the. Conversations with God) - Trilogy Neale Donald Walsch book. According to Walsch her co-authored by God, He wrote the letter automatic transmission. In 2006. a film on real, dramatic experiences Neal.

Neale Donald Walsch – biography – here

rozmowy z bogiem

Książki Neale Donald Walscha przeznaczone są dla każdego. They are a wonderful gift for those, who truly crave and appreciate answers questions; who with a sincere heart, an open mind and longing in the soul searching for the truth. Books move the eternal issues of life and love, the purpose and function, people and relationships, good and evil, sin and guilt, forgiveness and redemption, the path to God and the road to hell… the word, wszystko.
Bluntly discuss issues of sex, power, marriage, children, working, Health, “life from life”… wszystko. Explores war and peace, knowledge and ignorance, sacrifice and taking, joy and sorrow. They consider what specific, and that the abstract, visible and invisible, truth and untruth.

Quotes from “Conversations with God” tom I
– You are the creator of your own reality, and life will not be released to you from the other side,
than you think, that you will. Source: s. 77
– I want for you, what you want for myself. Nothing more, nothing less. I do not sit and not deal with human successive requests, wondering, do której
z nich się przychylić. Everything is governed by the law of cause and effect, a nie moja łaska
lub niełaska. Source: s. 156
– Fear is energy, which reduces, close, draws, escapes, hides, collect, okay. Love is the energy, that enlarges, opens, sends, is, reveals, offers, package. Source: s. 36
– Do you want, to make your life really "took off"? Then change your thinking about it. And about himself. Thought, talk and act like God - where you are.
Source: s. 104–105
– Do not judge nor condemn, because you do not know, why something happens or what it is for. Source: s. 60
– Is it your intention to be able called fear or in a state called love? Where are you and where - from what state - going out against life?
Source: s. 224
– The state of your health will improve immediately, gdy przestaniecie się martwić
– umartwiać. Source: s. 244
Read more quotes –

Film “Conversations with God” She tells the true story of Neale Donald Walsch, that inspired and changed the lives of millions around the world.
The journey begins with the unexpected result of a car accident in which the main character breaks his neck, and he loses his job. Soon we are witnessing the transformation as a normal guy transforms himself from a homeless bum struggling for survival. We see his emotional struggle to get enough food, develop friendships and reclaim your life.
And from the moment when everything seems to be going in the right direction situation becomes even worse. Feeling like a complete failure in every aspect of life,
Neale full of anger and bitterness asks God questions and, to his disbelief receive a response.

Conversations with God – the true story of Neale Donald Walsch – lector EN

Books can be bought here
rozmowy z bogiem


Laminine – Movies, prezentacje


Laminine – Movies, prezentacje

Przygotowalem dla Państwa filmy na których omówione są produkty firmy LPGN
or: Laminine, Laminine Omega , Digestive , Immune

Pokazane są i omówione przykłady uzdrowień po stosowaniu Laminine.

Laminine – niesamowite przypadki uzdrowień
omówienie produktów 27.07.15

Pan Tadeusz omawia uzdrowienia wielu osób w tym swojej mamy i wielu bliskich znajomych którzy dzięki Laminine pozbyli się bardzo poważnych problemów zdrowotnych takich jak:
– Udar mózgu, sparaliżowana prawa strona – u wieloletniego kolegi
– Alzheimer, stan zaawansowany – mama
– Silna, wieloletnia zakrzepica żył – kolega
– Tumor (gruczolakorak) – siostra znajomej
– Porażenie mózgowe od urodzenia – dziewczyna 25 years, córka znajomych

Oraz inne niesamowite przypadki jak:
– Silna łuszczyca przez 33 years – kobieta 50 years
– Nowotwór prostaty, diabetes, wysokie ciśnienie – mężczyzna 85 years
– Paraliż dziecięcy (Heine-Medina) of the 1,3 years – dziewczynka 10 years
– Otyłość – 240 kg i liczne dolegliwości – mężczyzna

Następnie Tadeusz omawia produkty firmy LPGN:
– Laminine
– Laminine Omega
– Digestive
– Immune
Skład preparatów, skuteczność, na co działają itp.

Laminine – Kevin Sorbo żyje dzięki Laminine
Podczas kręcenia odcinka serialu “Herkules” Kevin Sorbo zasłabł i upadł.
W szpitalu lekarze postawili diagnozę:
Tętniak na sercu i 3 wylewy, dając mu 8 – 9 miesięcy życia.
Na filmie opowiada jak do tego doszło i w jaki sposób pokonał te problemy.
Laminine pomogła również Kevinowi w usprawnieniu pamięci.

Laminine – źródło życia – 04.08.2015
Odpowiednie nawodnienie i odżywianie organizmu, nie tylko pokarmem.
Jajko – źródło życia – omówienie wartości odżywczych jajek.
Już w latach 20 były prowadzone badania nad wykorzystaniem niezwykłych wartości
jaj w walce z chorobami.
Preparat Laminine powstał z jaj w 9 dniu inkubacji.
Laminine okazała się bardzo skutecznym, naturalnym produktem w uzdrawianiu
z wielu “difficult” w tym wrodzonych chorób.
Omówienie stosowania Laminine, skład i działanie.
Następnie przedstawione są Laminine Omega , Digestive , Immune
Laminine w medycznej księdze PDR.

Brak skutków ubocznych
Brak przeciwwskazań
Brak ograniczeń wiekowych
Nie można przedawkować

Przykłady uzdrowień:
– Twardzina – sklerodermia
– Różne formy łuszczycy
– Tzw. uciekające oko
– Paraliż dziecięcy (Heine-Medina)
– Odmłodzenie, regeneracja całego organizmu
– Brak tkanki tłuszczowej,
– Depression
– Regulacja układu sercowo-naczyniowego
– Żylaki
– Nadwaga
– and other

Pan Tadeusz opowiada na prezentacji różne, niesamowite przypadki uzdrowienia.
– Udar mózgu – sparaliżowana prawa część ciała, przykurcz prawej ręki.
After 4 weeks. zażywania Laminine jadł juz prawą ręką a po 5 miesiącach jeździł samochodem.
– Osoba z Alzhaimerem, moja mama – kilka lat choroby, nie rozpoznawała najbliższych i stwarzała liczne problemy.
Już po pierwszych dniach była różnica – była spokojniejsza, lepiej spała.
After 4 weeks. powiedziałem że tak jak jest teraz już może być do końca życia.
Mama wiedziała gdzie jest, co robi, biegała na grzyby.
– Spotkałem znajomą, której siostra Beata jest chora na raka, jest na wykończeniu
i leży w szpitalu.
Gruczorakolak – przerzuty na nerki, na kręgosłup, straciła wzrok i praktycznie lekarze nie dają szans.
Po podaniu Laminine zaczęły się dziać cuda, bo tak to tylko można określić.
Więcej szczegółów o przypadku Beaty na innej prezentacji.
– Przykład mojego kolegi był dla mnie następnym, niesamowitym przypadkiem.
Wył z bólu, ciągle na środkach przeciwbólowych od kilkunastu lat – nic nie pomagało.
Zakrzepica żył, otwarte rany na kostkach nóg.
– Zaawansowana łuszczyca, leczyła się na całym świecie i nic nie pomagało.
After 1/2 roku mogła wyjść na plażę w stroju do opalania – są zdjęcia.
– Mężczyzna 85 years – 2 lata wcześniej miał raka prostaty, diabetes, wysokie ciśnienie
i nie mógł ustać na nogach
After 2 latach zażywania Laminine – całkowite wyleczenie raka prostaty, ustąpiła cukrzyca, wysokie ciśnienie i czuje się bardzo dobrze.
– Dziewczynka 10 lat z paraliżem dziecięcym od 1,3 years, na wózku.
Po zażywaniu Laminine jest samodzielna.
Zdjęcia powyższych przypadków na
I have 8 przypadków osób które dzięki Laminine bardzo szybko wychodzą z raka,
w tym z raka trzustki, który uchodzi za najgorszego.
Poza tym Laminine pomogła w wyjściu z cukrzycy, Parkinsona – praktycznie w każdym przypadku ten preparat pomógł.

Co powoduje że Laminine jest tak fantastyczna? – czynnik wzrostu fibroblastów – FGF.
Szczegółowe omówienie tej kwestii.
Następnie są omówione 2 rodzaje Laminine i Immune.

Prezentacja Laminine – Produkty i uzdrowienia – 03.07.15
Tadeusz omawia różne przypadki uzdrowień dzięki Laminine.
W tym osobisty, rodzinny problem z mamą chorą na Alzheimera.
Oraz przypadek Beaty, farmaceutki chorej na raka, która w ciężkim stanie,
po chemiach, operacji dzięki Laminine żyje i powraca do zdrowia. Przypadek kolegi Andrzeja z wieloletnią i rozległą zakrzepicą żył
Omawia również pokrótce produkty firmy LPGN.

Irene Savchin przekazuje dużo informacji, Pictures, opisów licznych uzdrowień w różnych częściach świata dzięki Laminine.
Są to liczne przykłady wszechstronnego i skutecznego działania Laminine w wielu trudnych schorzeniach u osób w różnym wieku.

Laminine – niesamowite uzdrowienia i produkty – 03.08.15
Pan Tadeusz omawia uzdrowienia wielu osób w tym swojej mamy i wielu bliskich znajomych którzy dzięki Laminine pokonują lub uwolnili się z bardzo poważnych schorzeń:
– Udar mózgu – sparaliżowana prawa strona
– Alzheimer – stan zaawansowany
– Tumor (gruczolakorak)
– Rak trzustki
– Neuroblastoma – nowotwór u dziecka (guz 1kg)
– Silna, wieloletnia zakrzepica żył
– Silna łuszczyca – na całym ciele
– Nowotwór prostaty, diabetes, wysokie ciśnienie
– Paraliż dziecięcy (Heine-Medina)
– Porażenie mózgowe od urodzenia – nie mówiła, nie chodziła
– Otyłość – 240 kg i liczne dolegliwości

Następnie omawia produkty firmy LPGN:
– Laminine
– Laminine Omega
– Digestive
– Immune
Skład preparatów, skuteczność, na co działają itp.

Laminine – niesamowite działanie na zwierzątka
Papużka nierozłączka nie chodziła, forma paraliżu.
Po kilku dniach ptak jest w pełnym zdrowiu.
Psy chętnie liżą Laminine – proszek z kapsułek.


Laminine wpływa korzystnie również na zwierzęta.
Więcej o stosowaniu Laminine zwierzaczkom – here



How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio – Movies

How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio – Movies

zapper + blutzapper

How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio cz.1
Interview with on how to use the zapper and natural supplements
in the treatment of many diseases. The underlying foundation of almost all diseases
are microorganisms, pathogens. These are the main reasons that you need to eliminate the various, simple means.

How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio cz.4
Interview with on the use of natural supplements in the treatment of many diseases. The underlying foundation of almost all diseases are microorganisms, pathogens. These are the main reasons that you need to eliminate the various, simple means.

How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio cz.5
Interview with – Supplements and Methods. Using natural supplements in the treatment of many diseases. The underlying foundation of almost all diseases are microorganisms, pathogens. These are the main reasons that you need to eliminate the various, simple means.

And here's to use free book by Jan Taratajcio:

MARIAN JAN TARATAJCIO chain of life – pdf

Life chain - book


Dr. Burzynski – Cancer is a serious business and part 1 2 – Movies

Dr. Burzynski – Cancer is a serious business

Film “Burzynski” is the story of a doctor and biochemist Dr.. Stanislaw Burzynski, who won the largest and probably the most intriguing legal battle against the federal Food and Drug Authority (FDA) in US history.

Winning the battle Dr.. Burzynski with the Government of the United States were focused around his healing cancer gene therapy, I discovered it in 1970 and called Antyneoplastonami, and now completed the second phase of clinical trials 2009 (supervised by the federal Food and Drug Administration – FDA), and the final phase of clinical trials approved by the FDA can be started in 2011- with the exception of obtaining the required 300 millions of dollars to fund the final stage supervised by the FDA clinical trials.

Once Antineoplaston will be approved for general treatment, it will be the first time in history, when a single scientist, not a pharmaceutical company will have an exclusive patent and distribution right, breaking marketing model life-saving breakthroughs in medicine.

Antineoplaston are responsible for curing some of the most incurable form of cancer deaths. The film shows many patients with cancer cured, who chose this treatment instead of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation – with full disclosure of medical history records from diagnosis to recovery. The film also shows the list of FDA-supervised clinical trials Antyneoplastonów with other standard treatments – recenzjonowanej published in the medical literature.

One form of cancer – distracted, children's brain stem glioma has never been cured in any experimental clinical trial in the history of medicine. Antineoplaston is the first method in history, by which this type of cancer cured – in several cases.

“Burzynski” documents the winning 14-year battle, both Dr.. Burzynski and his patients, to obtain FDA-approved clinical trials Antyneoplastonów.

Dr. Burzynski resides and runs a medical clinic in Houston, Texas. Initially, it can produce and manage their discovery without FDA approval (years 1977-1995), because the right of the state of Texas at the time did not require, to physicians in Texas are required to comply with federal law in this situation. This law has since been changed.

Burzynski ability to effectively treat incurable cancer by changes in the paradigm of treatment – is a surprise for the pharmaceutical industry. Ironically, This fact prompted the initiation of numerous investigations by The Texas Medical Council, who fruitlessly continued Dr.. Burzynski to the Texas Supreme Court, clumsily trying to prohibit him from medical practice.

In addition, the FDA was involved in the convening of the four juries in the preparatory process – These benches jury determined the alleged lack of evidence, that the prosecution could occur with an indictment against Dr.. Burzynski. Last, The jury in the fifth 1995 year, opinion on about bringing Dr.. Burzynski indicted, result of which there were two federal processes, in which two different Benches jury stated about the lack of guilt and cleared him of the charges. If convicted, Dr. Burzynski would, a sentence of up to 290 years in a federal prison and 18,5 millions of dollars in fines.

What has been revealed in a few years after Dr. Burzynski defended their freedom, helps to outline a more coherent picture of what the real motivations of the US government in the ruthless persecution of the physician and scientist Stanislaw Burzynski.

Caution: After approval Antyneoplastonów for public use, One researcher will have an exclusive license to manufacture and sell these drugs on the open market, before they become generic – PhRMA omitting (Association of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in the US) to benefit from the most spectacular gene therapy to treat cancer, the world has ever seen.

Dr. Burzynski – Cancer is a serious business, part 1


Dr. Burzynski – Cancer is a serious business, part 2

The 2 cz. Video of expression of those treated by Dr. Burzynski. The history of women and children with brain glioma treated at the clinic of Dr. Burzyńskego. Antineoplaston – terapia in cancer. Numerous obstacles that passed people willing to therapy and the same Dr. Burzynski.



Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski – articles

The drug of Dr. Burzynski soon in pharmacies

“At last we can breathe a sigh of relief. Many patients will have the chance of successful treatment of cancer, hitherto regarded as a death sentence” - So recent decision of the American Food and Drug Agency (FDA) comments, in an interview with “New Dziennik, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, author of the novel cancer therapies.

US Food and Drug Administration finally approved the plan by Dr. Burzynski and his team of cancer drug. This is an unprecedented, because until now only large pharmaceutical companies, possessing a gigantic budget, be able to apply for the introduction of drugs on the market.

“We did it, what no one has done, because everyone looks, to get money from the government or pharmaceutical companies. Sell ​​your soul. I have not sold your soul, I did it, what I thought was right. I believe, that we can save many lives and moving forward, that meanness is attacking us, This is the normal case. The larger attacks, the results have improved” - Said in an interview with “New Dziennik” Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski.

The new drug was approved for the treatment of certain types of liver failure, as well as to combat malignant brain tumors, and a kind of leukemia. Soon will go to pharmacies, thus becomes widely available - this from a doctor, will depend, or prescribe to the patient, or not. To, whether it will be refunded, this will depend on the insurance company.

Polish doctor uses a novel method of cancer treatment, wherein the keywords are the so-called Antineoplaston. Are specific peptides and derivatives of the amino acids present in the urine. Historically, this process has relied on extraction from human urine, Today the drug is prepared by synthesis. According to the doctor, they strengthen the immune system, preventing the development of cancer. In addition, the patient is administered suitably formulated together medicament.

“Cancer is not one disease, there is 1000 different types of cancer. They differ in gene structure, This does not recognize the microscope. The same method will not work for all people, because every therapy has to be chosen individually. That many doctors do not know. But we have special descriptions of our methods, we want to publish it in medical journals. If it succeeds, I think, it will be a revolution in the treatment of cancer. The only question, how quickly doctors begin to apply our method - says Dr. Burzynski and adds, Unfortunately, not all that far, you can save. - Some patients have such genes, for which no medicine does not work. Their treatment requires further research”.

Clinic Dr.. Burzynski's Houston. Each, who would like to get information on treatment options, may call: (800) 714-7181.

klinika -


Stanislaw Burzynski - Dr. growing hope

With Dr. B, as they call it sick, talking Andrzej Kazimierczak

In Lublin remember his experiments with human urine at the Medical University. Today in Houston, Texas, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski clinic leads, which is developing a novel method of treatment for cancer patients. After years of battle in the courts and allegations of fraud can take patients back. About his struggle for hope for the sick says "Dziennik Land".

dr burzyński -

Andrzej Kazimierczak: It is said of the Lord as "Doctor of Hope". Is this hope even more increased after the recent decision of the agency's Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?

Stanislaw Burzynski: - No doubt it. This ruling is the change in the FDA's decision two years ago, when ordered us to halt the admission of new patients for treatment antyneoplastonami. Although this did not stop our business, he completed the second phase of the program these drugs, However, it would not allow to save many people with advanced cancer. Some, unknown number of people just died, but this fact - as you know - the bureaucrats do not matter.

That decision was not, happily, for clinic irreversible effects?

- W 2012 the FDA largely blocked the activity of our clinic, prohibiting the admission of new patients. It happened after this, died as a 6-year-old patient suffering from a brain tumor. This decision was the more controversial, that the percentage of children suffering cured from this disease in our clinic is 20 percent. Let us remember, that is the highest average in the country. A year ago, while the same government agency issued a warning, that "expresses concern about the safety of the patients'. Now suddenly changed her mind.

With the new ruling, we can finally move forward with research. FDA lifted because a limit on research in my clinic in Houston and we can practically resume. This is the third phase, which is the last step before the official approval of the drug. In addition, we take on the treatment of these patients, who do not have a chance to clinical trials. Such studies are in fact limited to certain diagnoses and not all patients may be admitted. FDA therefore concluded, that I can help people, who previously had virtually no help.

Currently, much larger than ever number of people can hope for a cure thanks to your drugs?

- Absolutely yes. To give some perspective here remind, that the disease incidence of brain tumors, where we specialize in the treatment of, in the United States is about. 100 thousands. Most of these patients die, because the treatment is ineffective, with the exception of those few cases, which can be operated in an early stage. If we can cure about with us. 20 proc. patients with glioblastoma, a cure rate for other tumors is even higher, This can be calculated, that we are able to save a large number of people. How much? Well let's say, that the inhabitants of a medium-sized city. On the other hand, there are only theoretical considerations, because, in fact, such a large number of patients are not able to cure. If, however, our drugs are approved for general use, that this could happen in practice.

What is the difference between the second and third phase of testing each drug?

- Approval of the drug in the US is based on the so-called. three phases of clinical trials. In the second phase you have to prove, that the drug is effective in a number of patients. In the case of a brain tumor was show, that due to tumor therapy is reduced or even completely disappears. We conducted such research 14, proving, the disappearance of the tumor was observed in such patients percent, What is required. But that's not all. These tests ran for a long period, so we can demonstrate, that these people live very long - 15 or 20 years. On this basis the FDA granted the status of "breakthrough designation", that is, a breakthrough treatment, when you need to demonstrate a high survival rate of patients. These breakthrough treatments, and is currently used for many drugs in the United States. We will strive for the status of our medicines, because we have a clear reason for doing so. At the same time, we will conduct an intensive study of the third phase, to more accurately determine the, how drugs work.


dr stanisław burzyński -

The therapeutic activity of Dr.. Stanislaw Burzynski began, when, as a student of the Medical University in Lublin found, the blood of cancer patients are not three compounds present in healthy, which gave rise to the discovery antyneoplastonów. This was in 1966 r. Dreams of the practical application of the discovery directed him to Houston, Texas. There in 1977 r. founded the clinic. The 1984 r. Texas Board of Medical Examiners sued him first process. Then came the federal service. The 1997 r. Dr. Burzynski was acquitted him after a lawsuit by the FDA. He was threatened with the multi-million dollar fine and 290 years in prison. The 2012 r. FDA blocked the activity of the clinic, Dr.. Burzynski. In July this year. This decision was canceled.


How long will the third phase?

- The third phase usually lasts a long time - from five to seven years. It costs a lot of money. Currently estimated to, that will be needed for this purpose over 40 million. It seems to me, however,, the third phase will be able to run in parallel with the research needed to achieve a "breakthrough designation", and shorten its duration.

Can we accept, that the FDA's decision to the Lord and the clinic of Dr.. Burzynski no longer threaten lawsuits?

- I certainly do not threaten us with the FDA, but we must not forget, we still have dangerous strikers against each other. Let us remember, For the last two years took total war, the aim of which was once again full liquidation of our business. The war began in the typical Soviet-style, when we are persecuted, first in a small, the local newspaper, and then there was slandering columns largest newspaper in the United States. These people are paid from certain sources hostile to us and still have money for their activities. It is still under attack by state organizations, but to a favorable decision probably soon cease FDA. Especially, that the major players in the campaign directed against us slowly withdraw from its activities. The others just lonely cowboys, who still want to shoot, but do not really know, where is the aim of ...

The current situation reminds me of some western script, where the rich rancher wants to get rid of bad cowboys. Hires the right man, in the film can be a John Wayne, that the trick to the very end. In our case,, the hearing will take place soon. I believe, that there will be an investigative journalist, that will show how hostile the environment we are corrupt and as such, sooner or later, will have to disappear. Conducted a campaign against us, not only in the US, but also in Poland, England and even in China, but the main adventurers slowly begin to withdraw from this unproductive activity. Inferior players are still trying to do something, but they have no chance, as evidenced by the recent decision by the FDA.

Is the start of the third phase may be, that patients will have a chance to free treatment?

- We will accept for treatment of patients from around the world, providing them with free drugs. But we must remember, that taking on treatment is selective and not all patients may be subjected to our therapy. However, if you have already been accepted, get it for free drugs, while laboratory tests remain payable whether medical or nursing staff.

They can also expect to undergo treatment outside of Texas?

- Naturally, so, but only when, the rise of our subsidiaries outside the United States. We are going to introduce our therapies in multiple clinical centers in the world, which will be conducted by the best specialists in this field, but this is only the plans for the future. In the meantime, we hope, that we will be definitely approved drugs and doctors will be able to be widely used. It should be stressed, that so far no cure for a brain tumor has not passed the third phase. All were approved after the completion of the second phase and are available on the market. We went a step further.

Is the choice of treatment depends on the cancer patient, for example, by race?

- We use personal approach, assuming, that every patient is different. We have patients from all over the world, but in choosing the method in any case we do not take into account the country of origin. We study the genes and on the basis of tests to make gene therapy patients. The obvious is the question, that e.g.. patients in China is different gene composition than those from Europe and Africa. It is also known, that the people of the so-called. Third World better give up our treatment, because they have a better attitude to modern medicine. As there are so many varieties of cancer treatment is always individualized and each patient requires a separate approach.

Are you educating their successors, who will continue to fight against such a formidable opponent for humanity which is a tumor?

- In our clinic, we have a number of doctoral students, who are currently learning about our treatments will be able to run this business for the benefit of future generations. In addition, oncologists come to us from different places in the world, to take a closer look at our methods. For example,, center based on our experience began in Japan. And tomorrow (8 July. - Editor. red.) I expect the visit of a delegation from Thailand with a high probability can post, the doctors in this country will follow in the footsteps of the Japanese. In the near future we will open our center in Spain and probably in several other countries.

And when in Poland?

- In Poland, unfortunately, not, because the medical community on the Vistula are inimical to us, but just have a lot of luck in human medicine, Polish who come. In the past, lined up his hand for cooperation, but repeatedly met with denial, So probably a great progress in this area should not count.

Thank you for the interview. I wish you continued success, and the patients recovery.

Stanislaw Burzynski - Dr. growing hope

Do fungus (candida) can cause cancer – film

Do fungus (candida) can cause cancer???

A study by Dr. Tullio Simoncini showed the fungal disease is a cancerous tumors caused by one of the species of mold – Candida fungus known as the causative agent of thrush. The weakening of the body causes Candida becomes malignant. Soda (sodium bicarbonate) proved to be a powerful means to fight the candida and cancer.



Invasive disease – Parasites – film

Invasive disease – Parasites

How dangerous are parasites. 4,5 billion people infected with various diseases
Until 99,9% keeping animals in the house is exposed to those not of invited guests.
14 million deaths are caused by parasites.

The stranger within us – Movies

The stranger within us – Movies


The stranger within us – odcinkowy the serial pasożytach, threats,
the causes of most diseases.

Co dzieje się z człowiekiem, który padnie ofiarą najstraszniejszych stworzeń
w przyrodzie? “The stranger within us” to seria dokumentalna przedstawiająca procesy zachodzące w ludzkim ciele zaatakowanym przez pasożyty.
Przyjrzyjmy się, jak te niewidoczne, przebiegłe żyjątka zagnieżdżają się w ciele nieświadomego żywiciela i doprowadzają do wybuchu choroby.

Poznamy 10-letniego chłopca, który dostał wysokiej gorączki po kąpieli w jeziorze. Zobaczymy, co stało się z grupą studentów medycyny, którzy po powrocie z wakacji skarżyli się na potworne bóle głowy i mieli objawy zapalenia opon mózgowych.
Jak z pasożytami walczy współczesna medycyna? Czy zawsze udaje się na czas wykryć sprawcę tajemniczej choroby?

Alien inside of us, part 1 – Sleeper cells
Hey 1 – Dormant cells 11-month-old Garrett Richardson swallowed the worm eggs, which in a few days they reached his head and began to devour the brain. Certain of the Vietnam veteran was able to return safely from the front, but at home it caught insidious enemy. He moves in the body, poisoning droppings authorities and the lymphatic system. In this episode we will flukes, which cause ,second next to malaria, the most serious parasitic diseases worldwide – schistosomatozę. Flukes that feed on human blood, and their infection occurs through contact with contaminated water. The larvae secrete a special substance, which dissolves the skin and causes the victim, between tissues that forms a small opening, which is determined by the center. These parasites may be stuck in the human body for many years. Stranger within us is a fascinating series, who discovers, that the cause of the mysterious illness often were not bacteria or viruses, and insidious parasites, who found a haven in the body of unsuspecting victims! Each case is a tense struggle for life. Is to show the achievements of modern medicine, human drama and fascinating discoveries about the human body. View, if we can save the young woman, the brain is eaten by a mysterious enemy and the people of Tekasasu, infested by a parasite devouring a piece of their bodies. Is a challenge with the mysterious worms in the intestines will fall is not yet strong body young athlete, a teenager infected by the amoeba save eyesight, when the parasite takes aim at her eyes? Check, which can threaten man and the stranger within us can master the entire human species?

The stranger within us part 4 – Masters of camouflage
Masters of camouflage In this episode we will see the greatest masters of deception. Teenager Mallorie Greiner suffering from infection caused by amoeba. In turn, the runner Rick touched disease transmitted by ticks. Life is threatened Mohammed Meah, in the small intestine established here pinworms. The hero of this episode will protozoan babeszja – a tiny parasite that causes babesiosis, disease transmitted by ticks and dogs. It destroys red blood cells and can lead to severe anemia. In the episode we look closely at the kind of amoeba Acantoamoeba. It penetrates into the eye of human with water and isolated chemicals dissolve slowly cornea. Stranger within us is a fascinating series, who discovers, that the cause of the mysterious illness often were not bacteria or viruses, and insidious parasites, who found a haven in the body of unsuspecting victims! Each case is a tense struggle for life. Is to show the achievements of modern medicine, human drama and fascinating discoveries about the human body. View, if we can save the young woman, the brain is eaten by a mysterious enemy and the people of Texas, infested by a parasite devouring a piece of their bodies. Is a challenge with the mysterious worms in the intestines will fall is not yet strong body young athlete, a teenager infected by the amoeba save eyesight, when the parasite takes aim at her eyes? Check, which can threaten man and the stranger within us can master the entire human species?

The stranger within us Part 5 – Living with the Enemy
Living with the Enemy In Virginia young woman is attacked by a parasite resistant to any treatment, which threatens her life. A similar problem is a farmer from the Midwest US, and a resident of New York. The trio has little chance of getting rid of the intruders from your body. Protagonist of this section will be common human parasite – armed tapeworm. The human body can produce it even 250 000 eggs per day. He settles in the human stomach and a cyst gets to the brain, eye or muscle. We will know the parasite responsible for toxoplasmosis transmitted by cats, that jet especially dangerous for pregnant women. Stranger within us is a fascinating series, who discovers, that the cause of the mysterious illness often were not bacteria or viruses, and insidious parasites, who found a haven in the body of unsuspecting victims! Each case is a tense struggle for life. Is to show the achievements of modern medicine, human drama and fascinating discoveries about the human body. View, if we can save the young woman, the brain is eaten by a mysterious enemy and the people of Texas, infested by a parasite devouring a piece of their bodies. Is a challenge with the mysterious worms in the intestines will fall is not yet strong body young athlete, a teenager infected by the amoeba save eyesight, when the parasite takes aim at her eyes? Check, which can threaten man and the stranger within us can master the entire human species?

Other parts were unfortunately removed from the Internet:
Alien inside of us, part 2 – The outbreak
The stranger within us part 3 – Sex maniacs
The stranger within us cz.6 – robbers

czas na zdrowie

Parasites – the cause of most diseases – film

Parasites – the cause of most diseases – film


Parasites are the cause of most diseases.
Diseases caused by parasites. 90% diseases arise in the colon
(large intestine).

Parasites can attack any part of the body. 80% deaths resulting from infectious diseases are caused by parasites. Cleanse the body of toxins lingering years