Stomach cancer

birch leaf

Stomach cancer

Original information from a book by Czeslaw Klimuszko – “Wróćmy do ziół”

I console myself still, we'll find a cure for this terrible scourge, which puts out millions of lives, especially in countries with a higher civilization and living standards.
Effective antidote remain a dream.
Poniżej podana mieszanka wypróbowana przez szereg lat wielu pomogła
w zahamowaniu choroby i o lat kilka przedłużyła życie ludzkie.


All herbs after 50 g.
1. Willow bark (Cortex Salice)
1. Herb mistletoe (Herbs Visci)
2. Birch leaf (Folia Betulae)
3. Objectives Fiolka trójbarwnego (Violae plant tricoloris)
4. Bilberry leaf (Folia myrtilli)
5. St. John's wort (Herbs Hyperici)
6. Nettle leaf (Nettle leaves)
7. Couch grass rhizome (Rhizoma Agropyri)
8. The root of Oman (Radix Inulae)
9. Marshmallow root (Radix Althaeae)
10. Pine buds (Jewels Pini)
or Porost Icelandic (Lichen Islandicus)
Drink 3 times a day after a glass before a meal.
In addition to drink daily
before bedtime sweet juice of raw cabbage - 1 glass.

Czesław Klimuszko – “Wróćmy do ziół” – str.134-135

Please also read with a natural and effective Laminine


fiołek trójbarwny