Olej z konopi na raka i nie tylko

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Hemp oil cure for cancer, and more

Hemp seeds contain 30-35% oil. Freshly extruded is colored greenish. After the sunlight becomes almost colorless. Freezing Point -15- -20 degrees C. Drying time 4-8 days. Composition: polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3: 20%, polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-6: 60-63%, monounsaturated fatty acids 8-9%. Polyunsaturated fatty acids belong to: alpha-linolenic acid, stearydynowy, gamma-linolenowy, linoleic.

Hemp oil can be eaten in salads, z Horror, open chlebku, Grits. Inhibits the aggregation of blood cells, reducing the risk of heart attack and embolism. Decreases the production of pro-inflammatory mediators. Granulation and accelerates the regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes. It can be used in a mixture with lime water to heal wounds and burns. In addition to wraps to dry eczema and eczema. It can be helpful in nurturing the skin of atopic dermatitis, łuszczycą i owrzodzeniami. With vitamin A (admixed in liquid form) used to cultivate dry skin, of pressure ulcers and in the treatment of frostbite. Instead of liquid vitamin A can be added to a bit of cod liver oil hemp oil. Hemp oil is running antiatherogenic. Recommended for diseases of the nail, Hair, rheumatic diseases, multiple sclerosis and hypertension. Oral accept 1 tablespoon oil 1-2 times a day or in foods cold.

Correct, strong medicinal product is only cannabis oil (Marijuana, Cannabis). About this below.

Mr. Rick Simpson at the age of sixty years, who lives in Nova Scotia in eastern Canada and hemp grown, to produce medicinal extract them with an extremely high content kannabinoli need and provide it for free. Started 1997 r. after, when he suffered a serious accident. Zbawienna much ekstraktu, assisting in numerous diseases is well known, Rick believes, however,, that he had discovered a cure for…

Simpson believes, that his preparation is an excellent remedy - among other things - to cancer. Most of the knocks on the head, but there are people, who seized upon it as a drowning man, and say, that helped them in a short time. From a theoretical point of view, it is not unreasonable, it was a bit to reports from research centers in various countries, kannabinoli that high doses contained in marijuana heal (or inhibit the growth of) for example,. cancer called glioblastoma, in experimental animals. Receptors kannabinoidowe, in the cells of many tissues responsible for a number of functions in the body, and probably to the mechanisms of apoptosis, programmed cell death. Supporters of the oil by rapidly arrives recipe, reportedly arrives as new reports of wyleczeniach!
Rick Simpson highlights, cancers that are contemporary epidemic, where pharmaceutical companies make money by selling hundreds of thousands of tons of various drugs despite, that their effect is questionable. The companies do not want to change, because business is too lucrative - and its concentrated extract of cannabis can not be patented.

Rick thinks, that the method gives the best results in the treatment of cancer using cannabis, because it allows the horse properly receiving doses. It is recommended to start from a smaller volume, than a grain of rice, up to gram or preferably two per day in multiple doses, which can be administered in capsules. It's even more than the equivalent of twenty grams of dried and so powerful intoxication can cause a problem, but apparently the patients habituated, and more importantly, recover. Jak dodaje Rick, hemp intoxication is less dangerous than cancer, and since this plant yet no one died.
According to reports enthusiasts extract reveals incredible power quickly and clearly using the outside in case of skin cancer or various skin problems, ran itd. For example, illustrates the effects of short English-language film TEN, without knowledge of English can be seen as a fast pace, through the use of oil there was a recession cancer.


The link below is a recipe for the execution of medicinal hemp oil.


0lej konopny1- http://porady.uzdrawianie.org

Hemp oil and seeds - properties and applications

The properties of hemp seed:

- Are Superfood, therefore contain a high concentration of nutrients
- Contain high quality protein (35% the seed content), in contrast to soy cause flatulence
- Contain amino acids (more than meat or soy)
- Contain fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6, omega-9)
- A rich source of minerals (calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, eating)
- A rich source of omega-3 (more than in walnuts)
- B vitamins and vitamin E
- Source of fiber

Hemp seed Action:

- Patients with skin problems (np eczema), reduce symptoms
- Strengthen bones
- Ideal for vegans, as they are a rich source of protein
- Strengthen the immune system and reduces the duration of illness
- Regenerate the body at the cellular level
- Reduce inflammation in the body
- Reduce the risk of heart disease
- Improve memory
- Have antitumor activity
- May reduce the risk of diabetes
- Improve digestion and cleanse the bowel

The use of hemp seed

Hemp seeds can be added anywhere, anytime:
- Salads,
- Shakeów,
– smoothies,
– cookies
– and wherever possible.

The seeds can be done Milk!

How to make hemp milk?

1. To 1 Pour a glass of hemp seed 4 glasses of water.
2. Exactly blendujemy 2-3minuty to obtain a milky consistency.
3. Such milk should strain, separating the husk from milk.

The scales after mixing with oil, hemp, can be used as peeling - A fantastic cosmetic. Milk is suitable for drinking directly, or it can be done with nutty fruit. Hemp is a great alternative to soy. If you scare soybeans due to GMO, phytoestrogens or which causes bloating, This will be the perfect solution hemp. Provide us with protein, fatty acids, antyoksydantów, The plant sterol, vitamins and minerals. When we provide all the nutrients the body, This stop the development of many diseases. Konopia to not only food, but also medicine.

Hemp in cosmetics?

Hemp was also used in cosmetics. Many cosmetics on the market contain mineral oils (a byproduct of fuel) even the olives to the body for children or face creams. Hemp oil seems to be a great alternative, because they nourish the skin, moisturize and heal abrasions and cuts even.

Hemp Oil

True hemp oil we have to look at herbal stores or health food. We use it as a crude, keep away from heat sources, and after opening in a refrigerator. You can eat it all, children, adults and elderly, enough to have one teaspoon a day to keep the body in good health. If you want to use oil for therapeutic purposes is the amount you need to increase the 2-3 tablespoons per day. Remember that hemp oil can not be overdosed, but you have to watch your body to respond to changes in diet. The oil itself does not have a distinctive taste, a bit like a nut, has a color from light to bright green. blends in well with all kinds of salads and salads.

Hemp Oil Properties:

- Contains omega-6 and omega-3 in perfect proportion (3:1), is the best source of unsaturated fatty acids
- Gamma-linolenic acid in the oil prevents heart attacks, atherosclerosis and stroke
- Is a rich source: amino acids, vitamins, minerals, Phytosterols, kannabinoidów (CBD is a psychoactive substance, which has a calming effect), Antitumor

In recent times, there are several studies involving hemp oil (Cannabis sativa). Even leaked information, it's too Nixon, research was conducted with the participation of the oil had already been shown, that it has anticancer properties. As is usual in such cases, Big Pharma successfully hid these studies, and the 40 years, no one talked about them. Think of how many people, friends and family members would have a better chance of recovery, if the flow of such information was looser. Fortunately, there are naturopaths, who more often recommend hemp oil for both children and adults.

The use of HEMP OIL:

- To treat inflammation of various origins (rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease)
- With cardiac diseases ( 4-5 teaspoon of oil per day lowers cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood to reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis, hypertension and atherosclerosis)
- With skin problems (atopic dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, herpes, erythema, eczema, lacerations and abrasions, tinea)
- With respiratory disease (asthma, sinusitis, tracheitis, diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract)
- For the treatment of endocrine disorders ( menstrual pain, premenstrual syndrome, menopause because it protects against osteoporosis)
- In the treatment of neurological diseases (strengthens the nervous system, improves concentration, helps in the treatment of depression, neurosis and autism)

Olej z konopi i jej nasiona – właściwości i zastosowanie

The oil can be bought at Allegro, directly from the manufacturer.
