Category Archives: George Zieba – Hidden therapies

George Zieba – experienced naturoterapeuta.
I invite you to read the vastness of knowledge, years of experience excellent skill in the art of natural healing.
He is the author of the best-selling book “Hidden Therapies – What your doctor does not tell you”
George Zieba over 20-hundred years of experience in Naturoterapia, particularly in respect of
to natural methods of treatment and prevention of chronic diseases and cancer. It publishes articles in the press, as well as lectures on simple and effective methods of treatment and prevention of disease without the use of artificially synthesized. She is a qualified clinical hypnotherapist in Australia and the US.
He is also the translator of the book "Cholesterol - Scientific lie", written by
Dr. Uffe Ravnskov. This book was created after many years of medical research studies
or other medical publications, that the medical community is not completely known.

Since there is a lot of lectures and new ones,
I decided to help you, and I made comments.
You can quickly find interesting issues.

George Zieba – Ukryte Terapie cz.15

uktyte terapie cz.15

George Zieba – Ukryte Terapie cz.15

Byłem w USA przez 2 weeks. i miałem kontakt z dr Janem Lubeckim, wspaniałym, skromnym i ciepłym człowiekiem, pracuje intensywnie 7 dni w tygodniu mając 84 years.
Wyprowadza cięzko chorych którzy cierpią na tzw “nieuleczalne choroby”,
np raka mózgu.
Stosuje oczyszczanie z metali ciężkich terapią światłem, kąpiele nóg.
Przyjeżdżają do niego bardzo ciężko chorzy i zdrowieją po jego zabiegach.
Dr Lubecki uważa że głównym problemem są toksyny – heavy metals, electromagnetic field.
For example,. noszenie tel kom w uchu to jest szczególnie niebezpieczne.
Bardzo ważne jest prawidłowe ustawienie czaszki względem kręgosłupa.
Byłem naocznym świadkiem “cudów” u dr Lubeckego.

Będąc w USA zadzwoniła do mnie osoba którą poznałem w czasie pobytu w Chicago
z wiadomością że 3 kobiety z nowotworem po zastosowaniu informacji zawartych
w mojej książce i po wykładach w Chicago i żadna z nich (a jest to już 4 miesiąc)
nie ma już nowotworu.

Dzwonił Pan z Irlandii, jego żona miała bardzo poważne problemy wieńcowe.
Tętnice sercowe miały przyblokowania sięgające 95%.
Po kilku miesiącach stosowania zaleceń zawartych w książce i wykładach – jest czysto, nie ma nic.

Rodzice kilku letnich dzieci dowiadują się niejednokrotnie że ich maluchy mają cukrzycę 1st. I mówi im się że jest to problem genetyczny. A to są bardzo rzadkie przypadki.

Dowiaduję się również że dziecko dostaje infekcji, zaczyna kasłać.
Infekcja spowodowana jest meko bakterią Chlamydią.
W szpitalu dziecku podawane są oczywiście antybiotyki i sterydy. Jeśli we krwi jest niski poziom wit.D to następują takie reakcje że dziecko wychodzi ze szpitala z cukrzycą
Type 1, w wyniku leczenia.

Przerażające jest to że dzieciom z nowotworem mózgu podaje się chemioterapię która nie przenika przez barierę – blood, mózg.

Fobia cholesterolowa mija, w USA wycofują się z tego nagłośnionego przed laty fałszywego problemu.

Lekarz podaje wit.D3 swoim pacjentom na nowotwór prostaty i wielokrotnie ten rak
się zatrzymuje, PSA spada.

Nawodnienie organizmu (woda z solą) – coraz więcej sygnałów o tym że działa.

O książce Jerzego Zięby:
„Ukryte Terapie – Czego ci lekarz nie powie”

uktyte terapie cz.15



George Zieba – Ukryte Terapie cz.14


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie

George Zieba – Ukryte Terapie cz.14

Marihuana w Kalifornii już dostępna do celów zdrowotnych.
Badania wykazują że jeżeli ktoś miał w rodzinie przypadki danej choroby to okazuje
się wcale nie oznacza że ta osoba na daną chorobę umrze.
Kilka ważnych wiadomości dotyczących nieporozumień w leczeniu.
Stosunkowo łatwo można pozbyć się grzybicy odkwaszając organizm.
Na grzybicę stóp, posypać sodą spożywczą i obłożyć.
Na candidę lekko zalkalizować organizm i używać dobrej jakości olejek z oregano.
Są lekarze w polskich w szpitalach którzy leczą metodami podziemnymi
z fenomenalnymi skutkami, ale nikomu o tym nie mówią bo się boją – do czego żeśmy doszli? Nie zgodnie z prawem ratują życie. Dlaczego ratowanie życia jest nielegalne?
Przeczytajcie książkę: “Skutek uboczny śmierć” – Virapen John.
Oglądnijcie film: “Bought” or “Kupieni”


Film „Bought” czyli „Kupieni” z polskimi napisami

Film demaskujący korupcję, pseudonaukowe kłamstwa, zamykanie ust uczciwym lekarzom i, w końcu, zbrodnie ludobójstwa, popełniane w imię medycyny alopatycznej, wywodzącej się w prostej linii z obozu pracy i zagłady Auschwitz.
Medycyna alopatyczna to jedno, wielkie oszustwo. Alopatyczne pseudo-leczenie polega jedynie na usuwaniu symptomów (czyli OBJAWÓW) choroby z całkowitym ignorowaniem jej przyczyn.
Celem alopatycznego pseudo-leczenia nie jest doprowadzanie pacjentów do pełni zdrowia, lecz cyniczne zarabianie na chorobach i celowym powodowaniu skutków ubocznych leków. Nie zabija się kury znoszącej złote jaja.
Przemysł farmaceutyczny przynosi miliardowe zyski, gdyby więc wszyscy ludzie
byli zdrowi ten wspaniały biznes musiałby zakończyć swoją działalność.

Ci cyniczni kryminaliści są całkowicie bezkarni, ponieważ stać ich na to,
żeby kupić rządy i wymiar sprawiedliwości.
Opłacają również pseudo-uczonych, którzy występują później w również wykupionych mediach, gdzie pełnią rolę autorytetów i ekspertów od zdrowia i szczepień.

Wiara w takich ekspertów prowadzi prosto do chorób, kalectwa i śmierci
w męczarniach.

Ponieważ usunięto film z YouTube, Vimeo też robi problemy,
Wgrałem na Wrzutę i pod poniższym linkiem można oglądać film.

Wgrałem również na serwer zagraniczny i każdy będzie mógł pobrać film na swój komputer, oglądać i dzielić się z bliskimi.

Link do filmu:
Kupieni – napisy PL.mp4 371.4 MB

Kupieni - Bought napisy PL







Autor książki “Skutek uboczny śmierć” wypowiada się otwarcie, w ostrych słowach na temat “leczenia”, korporacji.
Trzeba podziwiać i szanować takich ludzi za odwagę.

Dr John Rengen Virapen – konferencja AZK w Niemczech

Recenzja książki “Skutek uboczny śmierć” Dr John Rengen Virapen

Wyznania pracownika koncernu farmaceutycznego. Koncernom farmaceutycznym zależy na tym, żebyśmy byli stale chorzy. Chcą nam wmówić różne dolegliwości.
A jedynym powodem takiego postępowania jest chęć zysku.
Skutek uboczny: śmierć to oparta na faktach opowieść o korupcji i oszustwach napisana przez dr. Johna Virapena, który określany jest mianem “osoby wtajemniczonej z kręgu Wielkiej Farmacji”. W czasie 35 lat pracy w branży farmaceutycznej
(głównie jako dyrektor generalny Eli Lilly and Company w Szwecji) odpowiadał za wprowadzanie na rynek wielu leków. Wszystkie miały efekty uboczne. John Virapen opowiada teraz całą prawdę i ujawnia tajemnice, których mieliśmy nigdy nie poznać.

Inny tekst na temat książki:

Wyznania pracownika koncernu farmaceutycznego. Czy wiecie, że…- koncerny farmaceutyczne wydają ponad 35 thousand. euro (more than 50 thousand. dolarów)
rocznie na jednego lekarza, by dany lekarz przepisywał ich produkty?- more than 75% czołowych naukowców w dziedzinie medycyny jest opłacanych przez przemysł farmaceutyczny?- w niektórych przypadkach leki zostają dopuszczone i wprowadzone na rynek dzięki korupcji?- branża farmaceutyczna wynajduje nowe choroby i prowadzi działania marketingowe, by zwiększyć sprzedaż, a tym samym wartość akcji firm produkujących leki?- koncerny farmaceutyczne coraz częściej biorą na celownik dzieci?Skutek uboczny: śmierć to oparta na faktach opowieść o korupcji i oszustwach napisana przez dr. Johna Virapena, który określany jest mianem “osoby wtajemniczonej z kręgu Wielkiej Farmacji”. W czasie 35 lat pracy w branży farmaceutycznej
(głównie jako dyrektor generalny Eli Lilly and Company w Szwecji) odpowiadał
za wprowadzanie na rynek wielu leków. Wszystkie miały efekty uboczne.John Virapen opowiada teraz całą prawdę i ujawnia tajemnice, których mieliśmy nigdy nie poznać.

skutek uboczny śmierć

The book can be purchased for example,. to Allegro



jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie




George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.2,3,4, and other


george finch-hidden therapies 1cz

George Zieba – Hidden Therapies

>> Health precious you will not know how much it costs until you broke <<

“My family's fortune is 50 million PLN. Odałbym last penny to live, and I know I'm dying”

“When there is no health – nothing matters”

Above 3 quotes (preface) George book Finches “Hidden Therapies”


For these lectures I will regularly add summaries

George Zieba – Hidden Therapies Part 2


George Zieba – Therapies hidden part 3


George Zieba – Hidden Therapies Part 4


George Zieba – The unusual properties of vitamin C


George Zieba – Cancer is not a judgment – Katowice 2014


George Zieba – How to Get Rid of Atherosclerosis?


George Zieba – The strategy of the Government of Cancer – 2015-2024


Book – “Hidden Therapies – What your doctor does not tell you” – George Zieba
The book can be purchased for example,. to Allegro

George Zieba over 20 years he has Naturoterapia, particularly in respect of
natural treatment and prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer. Book “Hidden Therapies” established after many years of medical research studies or other publications, which, even in a medical environment is quite unknown. Author publishes articles in the press, as well as lectures on simple and effective methods of treatment and prevention of disease without the use of artificially synthesized. She is a qualified clinical hypnotherapist in Australia and the US.
There is also a translator of the book “Cholesterol – Scientific lie”, written by
dr. Uffe Ravnskov….thanks to the exceptional talent “searchlight” Author get well-documented position, rich in essential, and carefully omitted results. The narrative is not based on assumptions, unverified reports
or wishful thinking. In a sense, is the fruit of research work carried out
and were collected in different parts of the world, given reader in such a way,
that reading is intriguing from the first to the last page”.


Vitamin C – Unknown medicine face just decided to start
vitamin C, because the lack of understanding of its operation in the body and lack of knowledge of its therapeutic possibilities are a threat to human life. So…. lack of knowledge is dangerous. How about to convince readers, no doubt many lives would have been rescued, rescued, Doctors should have an appropriate knowledge of this vitamin. Vitamin C is the most common vitamin, I know everyone. Unfortunately, popularity does not go hand in hand with the knowledge of the possibility of using it for the purposes of health or even save the man's life. This chapter, is a collection of information useful to doctors and their patients. I tried to, to write it in a manner that is accessible, that was understandable to the average reader, while, that was a source of very specific knowledge for doctors. In this chapter, I present the facts on the basis of the medical literature, research or extensive knowledge of practical physicians using vitamin C. Many times I reach for certain simplifications, that are necessary for this, text to be understandable to any reader. Someone, who at least once had the opportunity to go deeper into the science of medicine text certainly knows what I mean. Against the rules, so I do not begin. historical outline. For further information see Internet sources, etc.… But before I go
to the practical side literally a few words about the first proponents of therapy using vitamin C.

Is it possible, that after the application of vitamin C to achieve a therapeutic effect i.e. in the case of infectious diseases, bacterial, cancer, schizophrenia, heart disease, atherosclerosis, etc.…? It turns out, so. It is well known,
that in the case of cold doctor usually ordain us a dose of vitamin C plus… antibiotic. The question whether there antibiotic is needed? Known, that currently used medications such as antibiotics are not without "echo”
in the body. Just read a random leaflet
to antibiotic. A description of the most common side effects are more than a description of the effects of positive, cause to be. Long-term use of antibiotics and carries
already had really serious adverse effects.
We Know, that the use of vitamin C is treated as a "supporting” antibiotic treatment. Often the doctor prescribes big doses of vitamin C even coming
of 4 000 mg per day!
In pharmacies, supermarkets and vitamin C is water soluble tablets
the zwartości 1 000 mg of vitamin C per. Some of the doctors much bolder approach to the case and recommend such. 1 000 mg every hour, by 6 hours!
That is 6 grams of vitamin C! Is this dose does not hurt? Is this dose more offers? „A co z nerkami?” asks almost every patient and every physician.
Is such a powerful dose will not cause major problems in the patient than his own illness plus antibiotic side effects which takes? Can be, instead of antibiotic, apply only vitamin C? These are all important for the doctor and his patient questions, However, it is important: "What answer questions such average doctor?”. The average doctor immediately respond, that such large doses of vitamin C may be harmful, A certain answer, they can not.

Table of Contents

Reviews – 1
From the Author – 6
Thanks, Please read- 9
Admission – 12
What is a, What should be the medicine – 17
Treatment of symptoms, and what is the cause? – 33
Treatment is causing even more problems? – 38
Does the pharmaceutical industry is the cause of evil? – 42
Is PubMed (Medline) you tell the truth? – 50
The immune system – 54
Vitamin C - the face of the unknown medicine – 58
How much vitamin C we actually need? 60
Biphasic nature of the removal of the body of vitamin C – 60
How long does vitamin C "alive" in our body? – 61
Tolerance of vitamin C through the digestive system 66
Toxicity of vitamin C - a myth refuted – 67
Vitamin C and the formation of kidney stones 71 Other side effects – 73
The pharmacokinetics of vitamin C – 78
Intravenous? But how? – 82
Vitamin C and cancer – 97
Vitamin C and chemotherapy – 105
Opponents – 113
Vitamin D - Facts and Myths – 116
Vitamin D – prevention of chronic diseases and cancer – 120
Vitamin D toxicity - Myths Debunked – 125
Types of vitamin D – 131
Sun best source of vitamin D, but ... how to safely enjoy the sun – 132
Osteoporosis and vitamin K2 ... Unknown – 143
Vitamin K2-MK4 and MK7-K2 – 175
Vitamin K2-MK4 – 176
Vitamin K2-MK7 – 177
Vitamin A - what we do not know about it – 194
Vitamin E - which we do not know – 207
Vitamin E – cholesterol and cancer – 214
Minerals - their importance for human health – 223
Iodine and thyroid disease - a disgrace of modern medicine – 226
Iodine - safe and dangerous its form – 228
Iodine - treatment of "incurable" diseases of the thyroid gland – 232
Wolff-Chaikoff effect "- a scam, which still bows medicine – 243
Therapies in the treatment of thyroid - a step backwards modern medicine – 247
The effect of iodine on the endocrine and what else? – 254
Fats - simple matter, but little-known ... – 259
Myths about Essential fatty acids – OBALONE – 265
What are Primary and Derivatives EFA – 267
Unknown Primary role of Omega fats 3 i Omega 6 – which better? – 276
End – 278
For the future – 282

jerzy zięba - książka



George Zieba – Hidden Therapies Part 10 – after returning from the US


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie 10

George Zieba – Hidden Therapies Part 10

After returning from the USA a few reflections. The US public is sick, to us it only
already begun. They eat huge quantities of sugar, usually in the form of fructose.
In this way greatly damage the body.
In Poland, more often starts in sugar or syrup
Americans eat every day very little fat (animal).
Many products are defatted. This trend has already come to us.
For example,. is also introduced in Poland, a new fashion for scrambled eggs without the yolks,
at the same proteins, is phobia cholesterol. Best of all is thrown.
It is a form of scientific ideology.
Cholesterol is not the cause of atherosclerosis, are other causes.
Interesting information about milk
USA. After 6 years of research I found out that almost all chickens
from farms in the United States are infected with arsenic!
Our food is all about “sky” tastier.
Need to restore traditional crops and livestock in Poland.

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie 10




George Zieba – Therapies hidden parts.09 – acidity of the stomach and other issues


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie

Acidification of the stomach and the acidification of the body is 2 various issues.
Correct acidity of the stomach is a key component of our health.
The protein will be properly absorbed by the body as well be acidic stomach.
Explanation of drugs for heartburn.
Acidification eliminates heartburn, even insomnia (insomnia), effect on insulin.
Children are born with niedokwaszonym stomach.
Essential amino acids are formed in the stomach.
Niedotrawione protein in the gut rot, and when it gets into the blood, treats the body as an intruder and effect of this is, for example. allergy, eczema, asthma, RA, depression, coronary artery disease (infarct) and many other problems – all this with no stomach dokwaszenia.
Water and salt hydrates your body properly.
The process of formation of gallstones.
Stones in the gallbladder, can be dissolved (details in this video).
After removing the bag may experience various problems, for example,. with ponds
(from the waist down).
Animal fats do not allow the formation of stones in the gall.

Here It is also a lot of information on the acidity of the stomach.

Acidification of the stomach – test

1. To test whether the stomach is acidic or not, we use 1/2 glass of water and 1/2 SODA teaspoon if the "reflection" gas (CO2) take place before the end of 90 seconds, we can consider, that the acidity of the stomach is correct.
If later, acidification is already less, and if it occurs after 3 minutes, or not at all ... then you can be considered, that acidification is insufficient.

Obviously this is a very simplified test. The most reliable is to measure the pH immediately after collection of samples of gastric juices of the stomach probe, but this at home ... do not do

This test is generally done in the morning, immediately after getting out of bed ... but, of course it can perform such. before lunch. But then, due to the complete neutralization of gastric juice, Wait at least one hour, before you eat.

Glass of water with baking soda (for example,. level teaspoon) you can drink daily, but ... BETWEEN THE BOARD.
2. Gastric acidification use (in adult) ok. 1/4 glass of water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. For example, a child correspondingly less. 1 teaspoon vinegar.
Of course, Gastric acidity doing ok. 10 -15 BEFORE min each meal, especially if it is a high-protein meal (meat, vegetables).

NOTE : Please AS ALWAYS start with a small amount of !! For existing mucosal inflammation, might hurt !! Then of course you must first heal gastric mucosa, but this is a separate and longer on, which I will try to describe in the second part of the book. - Jerzy Zieba

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you

jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie



George Zieba – Therapies hidden parts.08 – resistance and other issues


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie

George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.8 – resistance and other issues

Plans for the suffering, seeking help.
Newly-creation is a newly formed tissue, This symptom, symptom choroby,
which is already in the body and is the cause of which must be treated.
Cancer is not a disease, is only a name – cancer.
Cancer treatment appropriate doses of vitamin C.
The patient has the right of deciding how to be treated.
The issue of iodine, Lugol's iodine for hyperthyroidism. Vitamin C in fruits.
Information about vegetables. Quality of food.
Strengthening the immune system: Wit.D3 + wit.K2 MK-7, Also a few drops of
iodine (Lugola).
Way to cold: hydrogen peroxide 3%.
The next way: water hydrogen peroxide Iodine – gargle.
The way to the bay: saline hydrogen peroxide 2-3 drops Lugoli (later upgraded by p.Jerzego) – You can get rid of the perennial problems of the sinuses.
At higher temperatures: wit.C.
Lots of information in the book p.Jerzego.

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie



George Zieba – Therapies hidden parts.07 – Toxins


jerzy zięba-toksyny

George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.7 – Toxins

Free radicals are destructive excess force. Toxins are oxidizers.
Well detoxifies toxins Vitamin C.
Vegetable fat in excess of free radicals causes avalanche.
Heavy metals cause various health problems, such tumors. cadmium
Iodine very well remove metals and other compounds.
Vitamin C also removes metals.
Chelation-efficient metal removal treatment.
Eg poisoning themselves. shampoos, dezodorantami, toothpaste.
Presentation in the studio detergent and deodorant-teeth healthy, natural.
More about the acidification of the stomach-some important information.
The distance in time between meals.
Posts are very healthy and beneficial.

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you


jerzy zięba-toksyny



George Zieba – Therapies hidden parts.06 – Healthy eating


jerzy zięba-zdrowe żywienie

George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.6 – Healthy eating

Collagen provides the flexibility of bones and multiple organs. Osteoporoza to brak kolagenu. Collagen to 40% myocardial infarction, to 90% eyeball, i.e. 60% liver. The body builds collagen from inside and not from outside (cosmetics).
For example,. aortic aneurysm is not only possible but also the lack of selenium collagen.
Varicose veins is also a lack of collagen. Very good for the body is collagen in the skin of the pig, in the legs and sausages, salcesonie, pie.
Decoction of crow's feet is a great collagen. Diseased joints – collagen.
What is important is what we eat, but the most important is that the absorption.
Diet Dr. Budwig advantageous for tumors. If the cell oxygenation falls
to about 30% it turns into a cancer cell.
Protein is digested well if it is properly acidic environment.
Heartburn, GERD is a weak acidity of the stomach.
Acting badly stomach may be associated with myocardial, coronary artery disease.
The stomach must be strongly acidified, in then properly functioning.
Protein is digested badly treated by the immune system as a foreign substance. What could be the result of allergies, asthma, problems with diabetes and depression.
Suitable acidification and many problems disappear. Many important processes is dependent on the stomach. What is particularly farmed fish is better not to know. Yogurt shops are often made from milk powder!
Taking care of the bowel is very important.
In wątróbce is more vitamin C than an apple.

Here It is also a lot of information on the acidity of the stomach.

Acidification of the stomach – test

1. To test whether the stomach is acidic or not, we use 1/2 glass of water and 1/2 SODA teaspoon if the "reflection" gas (CO2) take place before the end of 90 seconds, we can consider, that the acidity of the stomach is correct.
If later, acidification is already less, and if it occurs after 3 minutes, or not at all ... then you can be considered, that acidification is insufficient.

Obviously this is a very simplified test. The most reliable is to measure the pH immediately after collection of samples of gastric juices of the stomach probe, but this at home ... do not do

This test is generally done in the morning, immediately after getting out of bed ... but, of course it can perform such. before lunch. But then, due to the complete neutralization of gastric juice, Wait at least one hour, before you eat.

Glass of water with baking soda (for example,. level teaspoon) you can drink daily, but ... BETWEEN THE BOARD.
2. Gastric acidification use (in adult) ok. 1/4 glass of water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. For example, a child correspondingly less. 1 teaspoon vinegar.
Of course, Gastric acidity doing ok. 10 -15 BEFORE min each meal, especially if it is a high-protein meal (meat, vegetables).

NOTE : Please AS ALWAYS start with a small amount of !! For existing mucosal inflammation, might hurt !! Then of course you must first heal gastric mucosa, but this is a separate and longer on, which I will try to describe in the second part of the book. - Jerzy Zieba

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you”


jerzy zięba-zdrowe żywienie




George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.13 – Marijuana

jerzy zięba

George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.13 – Marijuana

Another interview on NTV 26.03.2015r. Jerzy finch
Oil of cannabis – not the shop. Various types of compounds (ok. 1000)
oil of cannabis. Works well with epilepsy, SM (induration), diabetes, tumors, Heroism, the drama of parents of children with cancer. Memorial Health Institute supports treatment
in children with cannabis extracts. Project plantation and oil production in Poland cannabis for medicinal purposes.

More about the book George's Finches:
“Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you”

jerzy zięba - książka


jerzy zięba



George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.12

jerzy zięba

George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.12

Conversation in the NTV 18.03.2015. Natural way to the bay and ears, resistant bacteria
a jod, Hashimoto, mob and pregnancy, adrenal and thyroid, the issue of iodine in the body, the future of energy medicine, self-treatment of any disease.
Motto interview:
“A good doctor is the person who loves another man”

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you”

george finch - book