Anti cancer diet – 13 recommendations

Antyrakowa diet

US Natural Health magazine has asked the authorities in the field of oncology to develop a program, that in each age group minimalizowałby risk of breast cancer. Conductive group of specialists – prof. Mitchell Gaynor – Director of the Cancer Center in New York, presented the findings of the band and proved to be, from outside the recommendations and prohibitions mentioned above the most important part of this program is adequate diet, which can significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer.

The recommendations included in the 13 points. It is these 13 products and recommendations of every woman, regardless of age must make to their daily menu as soon as possible.

I. Organic food
If you have access to organic food stores (grown naturally without the use of chemicals) procure it.
Why ?
Organic food does not contain a pesticide (such as e.g.. DDT) and other chemical compounds, whose presence is associated with increased incidence of breast cancer. Otherwise, as reported by scientists at the Food Research Centre in Washington, organic vegetables and fruits contain a much higher amount of vitamins and minerals than those, which are available in traditional stores. Regarding the organic dairy and meat – they do not include hormones (for example,. growth hormone, which is added to the feed), which increase the risk of cancer.

II. Seaweed
Seaweed or nori seaweed used for making Japanese sushi available in stores with oriental food. If you do not have access to them joyfully blue algae (spirulina or chlorella) in the form of tablets or teaspoons of powder dissolved in a glass of fruit juice.
Food algae reduces the risk of breast cancer – confirm the results of laboratory tests and a significantly lower proportion of breast cancer among Japanese women. In addition, algae contain chlorophyll, which has anti-cancer (as well as Vitamin C and carotenoids) reducing the level of free radicals.

III. Crispy Brassicaceae
Eat plenty of broccoli, brukselki, savoy cabbage and cauliflower and Beijing. Top cooked by steaming or boiling them eat raw as salads and salads – then will include as many anti-cancer nutrients.
These vegetables contain compounds called indoles sulfur, to help eliminate excess estrogen from the body and prevent the growth of breast cancer. As reported by the American nutritionist Dr. Gaynor in his book "Dr. Gaynor's Cancer Preventing Program" (The program prevents breast cancer, Dr. Gaynor) Only these vegetables are capable of transforming into estrogen in the body of the forms of breast cancer growth inducing mold protect breast tissue against cancer cells. Particularly one of indoles – indolo-3-carbinol (I3C) is capable of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

IV. Reduce fats
Reduce intake of fat in the diet to 20% daily caloric intake.
A diet rich in animal fat increases the risk of breast cancer. Studies show, the high-fat diet results in the production of chemical compounds in the intestine, that the bacteria residing there can be processed into estrogens, which are stored in the mammary gland make this organ more susceptible to cancer.

The. How much fiber
Eat plenty of fiber, which occurs in fruits, vegetables, beans, peas and beans.
The fiber interferes with estrogen metabolism and reduces its level in peripheral blood. Scientists have confirmed, that a diet rich in fiber reduces the risk of cancer 54%.

WE. Learn the secrets of soya
Eat soy products – for example,. tofu i miso. Processed soy products are also preferable, but contain much less genistyny ​​than tofu or miso, and in addition contain preservatives. Be careful however with soy sauce (Too much sodium) and soybean oil (contains saturated fats adverse).
Soy products contain genistein – natural plant estrogen, which binds to estrogen receptors in breast causing, receptors are available for these forms of estrogen, which are responsible for the formation of breast cancer.

VII. Fish and fats contained in them
At least three times a week, eat sea fish such as: tuna, makrelę, salmon, halibut and sardines. If you do not like fish – Eat fish oil capsules (2-10g per day).
Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish inhibit the action of prostaglandins ocean, the presence of which impairs the immune system's ability to correct and early diagnosis of cancer cells. Boon fat fish on the map will be evidenced by cancer around the globe – the interest of developing this cancer is very low in the Nordic countries and Japan, Eskimosek among women is absent.

VIII. Oriental mushrooms
Enter into your diet Chinese maitake and shiitake mushrooms (available in stores with oriental food).
Oriental mushrooms improve the functioning of the immune system and inhibit the growth of tumor tissue. Active substances in these fungi are: fraction D maitake mushrooms and polysaccharide lentinan in shiitake mushrooms.

IX. Herbaciane ceremony
Drink green tea three times a day – in addition to their anti-cancer properties, it contains 50% less caffeine than traditional tea and coffee. Green tea is also available in a decaffeinated version and in the form of capsules and tinctures.
Contains antioxidants and polyphenols, which reduce the level of harmful free radicals. Its anti-cancer action has already been confirmed by many clinical trials – hence the low percentage of breast cancer among Japanese women.

X. Garlic and his family
Eat lots of garlic, onions, leeks and shallots – best raw.
According to the results of the National Cancer Institute in the USA – Garlic is the best protective factor against cancer (report researchers from the University of Pennsylvania reported the sulfur component of garlic, which inhibits growth of cancer cells). It also contains a lot of selenium, which stimulates the formation of white blood cells and enhances apoptosis (cancer cell death). Onions and others have similar effects, and besides contain ingredients, that stimulate the production of certain enzymes neutralizing free radicals. Besides contain saponin, which inhibit cancer cell division.

XI. Fitominy
Eat a lot of vegetables, fruit, grains, Seeds and nuts.
These foods contain fitominy (for example,. polyphenols), that protect cells and inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. Polyphenols are also found in dill and rosemary – So enter them into your diet.

XII. Proper oil
Use in the kitchen olive oil. Avoid sunflower oil, corn, and soy margarine.
Monounsaturated oils such as olive oil reduces the risk of breast cancer. Dense fats, also called uwodorowanymi (occurring in margarine) increase the risk of. In contrast, saturated fats (found in dairy products and red meat) cause, that the body produces larger than normal amounts of insulin, which stimulates the growth of cancer cells.

XIII. A diet rich in dietary
Take your daily 200 mg selenium, 30-100 mg koenzymu Q, 25 mg extract of grapefruit and a set of all the vitamins and trace elements.
Selenium reduces the risk of breast cancer. Coenzyme Q is protective by strengthening the immune system and eliminating free radicals. Grapefruit Seed Extract is about 20 times more potent in fighting free radicals than vitamin C.

Date of renovation: 2002-11-04
Author: play. with. Dorota glazing
specialist pathologist
Health Care in Łęcznej
