Tag Archives: hydrogen peroxide

Pokonaj raka – H2O2

Pokonaj raka – H2O2


Jest sposób aby zmniejszyć lub nawet zatrzymać atak jakiejkolwiek choroby
w organizmie, w tym raka. W jaki sposób?
Alkalizować i natleniać swoje ciało biorąc
po prostu kilka kropel
35% nadtlenku wodoru w szklance czystej wody.

Natural News wyjaśnia:
“Rak rozwija się w organizmie mocno zakwaszonym, gdzie krew i narządy są obciążone przetworzoną solą, cukrem, tłuszczami zwierzęcymi i sztuczną żywnością …
Wszystkie czynniki chorobotwórcze, wirusy i pasożyty są beztlenowe, rozwijają się one w przypadku braku tlenu, ale nie mogą przetrwać w dużej ilości tlenu.
Nawet komórki nowotworowe nie mogą istnieć w tlenie.
Zależne są od fermentacji glukozy (cukru), aby przetrwać i rozmnażać”.

Więc, jak nadtlenek wodoru powoduje więcej tlenu w organizmie?

Jak donosi Natural News:
“Jeśli komórki rakowe otrzymają odpowiednią ilości tlenu, umrą! Nadtlenek wodoru zabija komórki rakowe, ponieważ komórki nowotworowe nie mają mechanizmu rozkładania nadtlenku wodoru, co zatrzymuje ich pracę”.

“Kluczem do leczenia raka z nadtlenkiem wodoru jest dostarczenie odpowiedniej ilości nadtlenku wodoru wewnątrz komórek nowotworowych.
Istnieje opis naukowy : enzymy proteolityczne, nazywane również enzymami trzustkowymi, dosłownie przecinają swoją grubą powłokę białkową, która obejmuje komórki rakowe, więc system odpornościowy rozpoznaje komórki jako nowotworowe …
Przez nacięcie powłoki białkowej, nadtlenek wodoru dostanie się do wnętrza komórek nowotworowych.


Pokonać raka o 35% nadtlenku wodoru

Rak jest niebezpieczny. Rak jest w GMO pestycydów wzorów nasiennych DNA oraz po zabiegach stosowanych na warzywach i owocach.
Rak jest w balsamach do opalania pełnych toksyn, blokują witaminę D która normalnie wytwarza się od słońca. Rak jest w kosmetykach do makijażu, w mydłach, pastach do zębów, szamponach.
Rak może być ukryty w lodówce, spiżarni oraz w twojej apteczce.
Ale rak ma największego wroga.
Rak ma rywala, który niszczy je jak M-60 wyrównuje pole wrogich żołnierzy.
That is “hydrogen peroxide” ale mainstreamowe media będą mówić, as “dangerous” jest na poziomie 35%, ale nie powiedzą, że można wkropić kilka kropli w szklance wody każdego dnia i skończyć z rakiem. So, to prawda.

Rak rozwija się w organizmie mocno zakwaszonym, gdzie krew i narządy są obciążone przetworzoną solą, cukrem, tłuszczami zwierzęcymi i sztuczną żywnością .
Walka serca i mózgu, aby odfiltrować toksyny znajdujące się w większości konwencjonalnych form żywności, takich jak antybiotyki, hormony, pesticides, insektycydy, herbicides, wybielacze, amoniak, fluorine, metali ciężkich i wiele więcej.
To dlatego lekarze i onkolodzy mówią pacjentom żeby przy chemioterapii nie jeść alkalizującej żywności, takich jak kapusta, ponieważ będzie to “kolidować z chemioterapią.” Broń Boże! Należy próbować alkalizować cały ten kwas, który zabija wasze dobre komórki.
Większość chorych na raka umiera w wyniku chemioterapii i uszkodzeń
z promieniowania na komórki nie nowotworowe.
Innymi słowy, twoje dobre komórki, które starają się zwalczać raka są pozbawione tlenu to również, prowadzą do nowych nowotworów , a często śmierci w ciągu 5 years. “Najbardziej pomijane rozwiązanie dla wszelkiego rodzaju chorób i dolegliwości jest chyba najprostsze.
Wszystkie czynniki chorobotwórcze, viruses, mushrooms, Parasites
są beztlenowe.
Lubią braku tlenu, nie mogą przetrwać z dużą ilością tlenu.
Nawet komórki nowotworowe nie mogą istnieć w tlenie.
Zależne są one od fermentacji glukozy niezbędnej do przeżycia i namnażania się”.

Co należy zrobić, niezależnie od tego czy masz raka, or not?
Alkalizować swoje ciało.
Nadtlenek wodoru nie odbudowuje układu odpornościowego i nie naprawi uszkodzonych komórek przez toksyczną chemioterapię; Jednakże, nie ma lepszego czasu na przyjęcie, that “zmiana sezonu” do regeneracji nowych komórek skóry, włosów i narządów niż teraz. To jest zaprogramowane w naszym DNA.

Mężczyźni i kobiety mają ten sam harmonogram:
120 days – nowe czerwone krwinki
90 days – nowy kościec
60 days – nowe komórki i tkanki mózgu
49 days – nowy pęcherz
45 days – nowa wątroba, nowe DNA komórki budulcowych
30 days – nowe włosy, nową skórę
5 dni – nowa śluzówka żołądka


Perhydrol 35%


Wystarczające ilości nadtlenku wodoru
w komórkach nowotworowych jest kluczem

Badania kliniczne wykazały, że rozprzestrzenianie się czy nawroty raka jest “odwrotnie proporcjonalne do ilości tlenu wokół komórek nowotworowych.” This means, że więcej tlenu, tym wolniej rak się rozwija. I odwrotnie, im mniej tlenu, tym szybciej rak rozwija. Jeśli komórki rakowe dostaną wystarczającą ilości tlenu, umrą! Nadtlenek wodoru zabija komórki rakowe, ponieważ komórki nowotworowe nie mają mechanizmu rozkładania nadtlenku wodoru, co zatrzymuje ich pracę.

Kluczem do leczenia raka z nadtlenkiem wodoru jest dostarczenie odpowiedniej ilości nadtlenku wodoru wewnątrz komórek nowotworowych.
Istnieje opis naukowy : enzymy proteolityczne, nazywane również enzymami trzustkowymi, dosłownie przecinają swoją grubą powłokę białkową, która obejmuje komórki rakowe, więc system odpornościowy rozpoznaje komórki jako nowotworowe. Przez nacięcie powłoki białkowej, nadtlenek wodoru dostanie się do wnętrza komórek nowotworowych.

Nauka zna ten temat od ponad 50 years

Noblista Dr Otto Warburg wykazał ponad 50 lat temu podstawową różnicę między normalnymi komórkami i komórkami nowotworowymi. Zarówno uzyskanie energii
z glukozy, ale normalnie wymaga tlenu dla komórek łączących się z glukozą, zaś komórki nowotworowe rozkładają glukozę bez tlenu, w wyniku czego otrzymujemy tylko około 1/15 energii na cząsteczkę glukozy, w porównaniu do wytwarzania w normalnej komórce. To dlatego komórki rakowe mają tak ogromny apetyt na cukier i dlaczego coraz częściej ludzie, którzy są otyli mają raka. To się nazywa “biochemiczna kaskada”.

Hydrogen peroxide, i kilka innych terapii tlenem okazały się bezpieczne i skuteczne. Należy zwrócić uwagę na to, co można kupić, because 35% nadtlenek wodoru spożywczy to jedyny gatunek zalecany do stosowania wewnętrznego.
Uważaj na 3% “czystości farmaceutycznej”.
Jest to gatunek sprzedawane w lokalnych drogeriach czy supermarketach.
Produkt ten nie jest zalecany do stosowania wewnętrznego, ponieważ zawiera asortyment stabilizatorów, które nie powinny być spożywane.

Porada do użytku domowego: Niektóre osoby dodają szklankę 35% spożywczej nadtlenku wodoru do wanny z ciepłą wodą i moczą się przez 20 of 30 minutes.
Nadtlenek wodoru jest wchłaniany przez skórę, która jest największym organem.
Inne wypijają szklankę wody z kilkoma kroplami wody utlenionej.
Dobrze jest się również zapoznać z enzymami trawiennymi.
Naukowcy od lat zauważają związek między niskim poziomem enzymów trawiennych
i rakiem.
W istocie, terapia enzymami stosowano z dobrym skutkiem przy nowotworach
w Europie, i przez niektórych lekarzy w Stanach Zjednoczonych.


Więcej informacji o stosowaniu wody utlenionej – here

Przy nowotworach czy innych ciężkich schorzeniach jest konieczne
atakowanie choroby wieloma sposobami w jednym czasie !!!

1. Niezbędne jest gruntowne oczyszczenie organizmu (detox) z toksyn:
Oczyszczanie organizmu

2. Laminine – pomaga w tworzeniu przez organizm nowych komórek macierzystych które zastępują chore (rakowe), uszkodzone, wadliwe itp:

3. Wzmacnianie organizmu witaminami i minerałami.

4. Stosowanie różnych terapii, kuracji np:

5. Picie wody z wysokim pH (min.8 pH i więcej)
6. Proper diet (separable) – wysoko zasadowe produkty

Więcej informacji tutaj:
Mocna kuracja

Prhydrol 35%


Hydrogen peroxide – use

woda utleniona

Hydrogen peroxide – use

On the basis of a large number of clinical trials and laboratory found, that with an internal filling of hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) You can successfully fight viral infections, Bacterial, grzybicze
i pasożytnicze. This way you can also stimulate the immune system, interfering with tumor growth. Enrichment of body tissues with oxygen, co zachodzi podczas wewnętrznego przyjmowania roztworu wody utlenionej
w postaci zastrzyku (drip) makes this method advantageous when treating a broad spectrum of illnesses.
When infusing the solution of hydrogen peroxide should not be mixed with other therapeutic agents (because there is their oxidation, and deactivation).

Mimo to, it takes much more work, to clarify the clinical characteristics of hydrogen peroxide, This can already be mentioned diseases and types of pathogenic microorganisms respond to a treatment with hydrogen peroxide. These properties should not surprise anyone, because as mentions in his book Ivan Nieumywakin:

Spoon hydrogen peroxide added to a glass of water completely
eliminates all contained in the microorganism

Hydrogen peroxide reacts with the blood, pus and necrotic tissues. Oxygen emitted forms a foam and cleans mechanically with dried, zropiałe wounds, rozpulchnia scabs. It also works dehydration, bleach and weakly bactericidal.
Solution 3% work also stimulates granulation.

Hydrogen peroxide kills even anthrax (used as a biological weapon), which some time ago so afraid of the Americans.

Dawvote hydrogen peroxide according to a book by Ivan Nieumywakina
“Hydrogen peroxide on guard health”

Zastosowanie wewnętrzne:
Take starting from 1 kropli na 2 – 3 łyżki wody (30 – 50ml) 3 x dziennie przed jedzeniem lub 1,5 – 2 hours after meals. Every day, increase the dose of 1 drops,
aż do 10 drops 10 on. Stop taking on 2 – 3 dni i podjąć stosując już 10 drops, pausing at 1 – 3 days. Niektórzy nie robią przerw.

W razie konieczności dzieciom of 5 roku życia można podawać po 1 – 2 krople na łyżkę wody, of the 5 of 10 years – after 2 – 5 kropel, of the 10 of 14 years – after 5 – 8 kropel jednorazowo, również 30 minut przed posiłkiem lub 1,5 – 2,0 hours after meals.

Aplikacja do nosa i do uszu
– W każdej chorobie, stanach dyskomfortu (flu, cold, headache) – szczególnie w chorobie Parkinsona, stwardnieniu rozsianym, dolegliwościach górnych dróg oddechowych (zapalenie zatok przynosowych lub czołowych), szumie w uszach
i innych, należy zakrapiać nadtlenek wodoru do nosa, rozcieńczywszy 15 kropel w łyżce stołowej wody. Całą pipetkę wkrapiać najpierw do jednej, a potem do drugiej dziurki.

After 1-2 dniach można zwiększyć dawkę – after 2 – 3 pipetki do każdej dziurki.
Potem można wprowadzać do jednego centymetra sześciennego za pomocą
1 gramowej strzykawki. Kiedy po upływie 20 – 30 sekund z nosa zacznie wydzielać
się śluz, należy udać się do łazienki, skłonić głowę na ramię, zatkać palcem tą

dziurkę w nosie, która znajduje się wyżej, a przez dolną spokojnie wydmuchać wszystko, co wydostaje się z nosa. Następnie przechylić głowę na drugie ramię
i powtórzyć to samo. By 10 – 15 minut nic nie jeść i nie pić.

– Przy krwotokach z nosa (o tym dobrze wiedzą lekarze pogotowia) nos zatyka się tamponami z 3% nadtlenkiem wodoru, a następnie szuka się przyczyny krwawienia.
– W różnych dolegliwościach uszu i w niedosłuchu należy stosować początkowo
0,3 – 0,5% roztwór nadtlenku wodoru (ok. 1 ml 3% H2O2, czyli wody utlenionej,
to 1 stołową łyżkę wody).

Po kilku dniach można stężenie roztworu zwiększyć do 1-2% (zakrapiać lub umieszczać w uchu tampon z waty).

O zewnętrznym stosowaniu wody utlenionej, kompresy, kąpielach które normują stolec, wypędzają glisty, regulują powłokę skórną w egzemie, psoriasis, zapaleniach skóry
i wrzodach troficznych, łagodzą ból kręgosłupa, stawów i mięśni, można przeczytać
in the book Iwana Nieumywakina “Hydrogen peroxide on guard health”

hydrogen peroxide to guard the health hydrogen peroxide on guard zdrowia1

Hydrogen peroxide supports:
Arrhythmia serca
Alzheimer's disease
Mountain sickness
Cerebrovascular disease
Peripheral vascular disease
Parkinson's disease
Cardiovascular disease
Diseases caused by a virus Epsteinne-Barre
Diseases caused by intrusion into the body of HIV
Insulin-dependent diabetes
Vascular Encephalopathy
Chronic Systemic Candidiasis
Migraine (weakness mental steps against damage
brain, neurasthenia with mental fatigue)
Chronic obstructive bronchitis
Shingles (pasówka)
Cancer Metastatic
Allergic reactions, caused by the action of the surrounding environment
Rheumatoid arthritis
Skleroza rozsiana
Angina, coronary artery disease
Renal infarction
Viral inflammation of the liver all types



Legionella pneumophila
Treponema pallidum
Escherichia coli
Salmonella typhimurium
Mycobacterium leprae
Staphylococcus aureus
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Campylobacter jejuni
Salmonella typhi
Streptokokki Group B
Bacillus cereus
Actinobaccillus actinomyceemocomitans
Neisseria gonorhoeae



Histoplasma capsulatum
Candida albicans
Aspergillus fumigatus
Coccodioides ruthless



Epteinna-Barr virus
The virus human immunodeficytu (causing AIDS)
The virus Takaribe (Arenawirusy)
The virus lymphocytic meningitis and blood (LCMV)

Parasites and Protozoa


Pneumocystis carinii
Plasmodium yoelii
Plasmodium berghei
Toxoplasma gondii
Nippostrongycus brasiliensis
Naegleria fowleri
Leishmania major
Schistosoma mansoni
Chlamydia, Chlamydia psittaci
Trichomonas vaginalis
Tepanosoma cruzi
Endameba histoclytica



Guz Ehrlicha

Blood purification from pesticides

And many other beneficial effects to the use of hydrogen peroxide


Description of the person using hydrogen peroxide

I promised to share my inner resulting from the use of H2O2.
It's been some 2-3 weeks since I take this drug and I have to share something unusual just because such things happen:
To begin with the fact that I am only 20 years… i nie jestem w żaden sposób chory. Ciekawość i wnikliwość sprawiły że zacząłem interesować się zdrowiem,
diet and movement… myślę że nic lepszego nie mogło mnie spotkać w życiu jeśli chodzi
o wiedzę którą aktualnie nabyłem. Postaram się podzielić moimi informacjami.
So yes:
– Water I take a purely prophylactic doses recommended by Nieumywakina.
– I use to drink pure form of hydrogen peroxide as a dilute hydrogen peroxide 30% to 3%. I explained how to make the water: a container with measuring cup, pour 900 ml of distilled water and pour 100 ml or even 90-95 ml perhydrolu co dam na 1L 3% Pure hydrogen peroxide without harmful substances. This water should be stored preferably in a dark vessel(clear also does not hurt) ważne aby nie padało światło
a naczynie musi być zamknięte aby zapobiec rozkładowi H2O2. Najlepiej trzymać
w lodówce, ale może tez być trzymane w temperaturze pokojowej z oznakowaniem NIEBEZPIECZNE lub NIE PIĆ aby żaden z domowników nie spożył.
– Now I'll show how was my dosage:
Every day increasing the dose of 1 drop at each drinking e.g.. 1 dzień – 1 drop,
3 dzień 3 drops. Picie zawsze musi odbywać się 1h przed posiłkiem lub 3h po posiłku
w celu uniknięcia komplikacji po zmieszaniu z pokarmem i kwasem żołądkowym.
1 week: 5 drinking days, 2 day break (3times a day)
2 week: 2 drinking days, 1 day break, 2 drinking days, 2 day break (2times a day)
3 week (present) : 1 day drinking, 1 day break, 1 day drinking, 1 day break,
1 day drinking, 2 day break(weekend)
Last present the third week of the current state of which I intend to keep drinking water every other day in order to nieprzedawkowania and at the same time preserve the continuity of treatment. Prophylactic dose 3 This week limit to 3 drops 2 a day regardless of the day (each day the same dose of)
– For drinking water should include taking vitamin C and even this is very important.
– The benefits observed with treatment with hydrogen peroxide:
the disappearance of malodour,the disappearance of anxiety in the stomach, of mind, improved reflexes and concentration, lekkość, They disappeared in my rare pain in the liver area, lack of indigestion, I suffered from anxiety probably caused anxiety neurosis – virtually disappeared, I had problems with łupotaniem heart after prolonged sitting or sudden change in position – virtually disappeared, I'm calmer and I have a better mood and well-being and more.
– Apply the acid alkaline diet combined with a diet of blood group(They are very similar and cover up for each other) on these diets feels great.
– or 80% Alkaline foods 20 % sour
– 5 meals a day with you 1 may contain meat
– type of food (It depends on the blood group… for example,. I can only chicken meat,
Turkey in any form and so głowinie vegetables,Seeds, bread.
Prohibited completely milk )
– 2 of 2,5 liters of water a day (minimum 8 glasses of fluids in the form: teas , Water,
natural juice )
These diets combine to great behavior ph in the body and no problems with the digestion of any products as blood diet determines the specific and well accepted by our body products noticed what he wore)
– Motion:
2 days a week pool, Daily yoga and stretching exercises all 1 – 2 per day, improving the condition of a minimum 10-30 minutes of light running in the open air…who is able to recommend.
These are my prescription for health. I'm not going to take any medication in the future.
– At the end of the observed side effects in the use of H2O2 to date: generally lack… the only thing that keeps this white coating on the tongue but I hope it does not take long to disappear. I do not observed so far no not the desired effects as a result of wywalania throughout pathogenic microflora explaining myself only to that as 20 year-old man always conscious of what I eat and I could not move with fortunately still dirty body usmiech.gif
– add a few drops of water pharmacy utelnionej toothpaste that gives me a nice white teeth and healthy gums and fresh breath.
– washing the face wad of hydrogen peroxide – after getting up and rinsing your face, 1-3 per day… It helps skin problems such as. acne, odświeża twarz
i odmładza skórę.


Więcej informacji o wodzie utlenionej:

Pokonaj raka – H2O2

Hydrogen peroxide – a number of maladies



woda utleniona



George Zieba – Therapies hidden parts.08 – resistance and other issues


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie

George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.8 – resistance and other issues

Plans for the suffering, seeking help.
Newly-creation is a newly formed tissue, This symptom, symptom choroby,
which is already in the body and is the cause of which must be treated.
Cancer is not a disease, is only a name – cancer.
Cancer treatment appropriate doses of vitamin C.
The patient has the right of deciding how to be treated.
The issue of iodine, Lugol's iodine for hyperthyroidism. Vitamin C in fruits.
Information about vegetables. Quality of food.
Strengthening the immune system: Wit.D3 + wit.K2 MK-7, Also a few drops of
iodine (Lugola).
Way to cold: hydrogen peroxide 3%.
The next way: water hydrogen peroxide Iodine – gargle.
The way to the bay: saline hydrogen peroxide 2-3 drops Lugoli (later upgraded by p.Jerzego) – You can get rid of the perennial problems of the sinuses.
At higher temperatures: wit.C.
Lots of information in the book p.Jerzego.

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie



How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio – Movies



How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio cz.1

Interview with monitor-polski.pl on how to use the zapper and natural supplements
in the treatment of many diseases. The underlying foundation of almost all diseases
are microorganisms, pathogens. These are the main reasons that you need to eliminate the various, simple means.


How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio cz.4

Interview with monitor-polski.pl on the use of natural supplements in the treatment of many diseases. The underlying foundation of almost all diseases are microorganisms, pathogens. These are the main reasons that you need to eliminate the various, simple means.


How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio cz.5

Interview with monitor-polski.pl – Supplements and Methods. Using natural supplements in the treatment of many diseases. The underlying foundation of almost all diseases are microorganisms, pathogens. These are the main reasons that you need to eliminate the various, simple means.

And here's to use free book by Jan Taratajcio:

MARIAN JAN TARATAJCIO chain of life – pdf

Life chain - book



How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio – Movies

How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio – Movies

zapper + blutzapper

How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio cz.1
Interview with monitor-polski.pl on how to use the zapper and natural supplements
in the treatment of many diseases. The underlying foundation of almost all diseases
are microorganisms, pathogens. These are the main reasons that you need to eliminate the various, simple means.

How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio cz.4
Interview with monitor-polski.pl on the use of natural supplements in the treatment of many diseases. The underlying foundation of almost all diseases are microorganisms, pathogens. These are the main reasons that you need to eliminate the various, simple means.

How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio cz.5
Interview with monitor-polski.pl – Supplements and Methods. Using natural supplements in the treatment of many diseases. The underlying foundation of almost all diseases are microorganisms, pathogens. These are the main reasons that you need to eliminate the various, simple means.

And here's to use free book by Jan Taratajcio:

MARIAN JAN TARATAJCIO chain of life – pdf

Life chain - book


Hydrogen peroxide – a number of maladies

Hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide

woda utleniona - http://porady.uzdrawianie.org

Hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide.
Chemical element H202

It is made from water and oxygen, with additional oxygen atom.
White blood cells naturally produce hydrogen peroxide.
Fruits and vegetables naturally produce hydrogen peroxide.

The healing properties of hydrogen peroxide – rather the hydrogen peroxide contained therein – to temat, of which more and more is said. On Internet forums circulate opinions, it is an excellent means of killing anaerobic, patogenną MICROFLORA, Candida, etc.. and the immune system ogólnowzmacniający. This is an extremely interesting, since we are talking about a completely new application of this substance – taking internal.

Subject peroxide is of particular controversy also because, that calls to mind the theme of free radicals (atoms or groups of atoms, lacking electrons), known, that have a negative effect on the body tissue through its strong reactivity.
For many years it was known only as an excellent antiseptic, used to disinfect wounds. Information about the internal application of hydrogen peroxide generally did not go to the public. The mere thought, that hydrogen peroxide can be (of course, in its diluted) consumed orally sprawiłaby, that the more educated certainly would Tap a head, thinking at the time course of the person, the idea that rzuciłaby.

This is not fiction, but the method, over which worked on the space of our century, many enlightened people who can think for themselves. And the use of hydrogen peroxide is, how many people show the relationship, effective method, which in a very convincing way explains Ivan Nieumywakin. But whether it is a credible person?

iwan nieumywakin

Iwan Nieumywakin is a professor of medicine, co-founder of the so-called. space medicine – treatments and the treatments in the extreme conditions found in Earth orbit. His inventions and development of years, are used in modern surgeries. Few of us, performing lung volumes, how, that at the end of the mouthpiece, in which we're blowing is a device invented by Professor named “Dry spirometer”. Professor Nieumywakin your knowledge owes 50 years of scientific work, performed in collaboration with the most enlightened minds of Russian science. Most of the time devoted to study the mechanism of breathing, development and testing of unusual breathing mixes (comprising e.g.. helium and other gases) and many others. All this meant, that Prof.. Nieumywakin acquired vast experience and knowledge of a number of physiological mechanisms of the body.

This knowledge is used in practice, developing a unique method of treatment method using hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide is 3% aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide). It was used for many years 50 of the last century to overcome the various problems of Soviet cosmonauts and high-ranking state officials. Now, When this technique was declassified, We can freely read about it in detail in his book. “Hydrogen peroxide – health guard”. It seems, that no one knows more about it than Nieumywakina. And no wonder – is co-founder and a great popularizer methods. Picking up the work of Ivan Pavlovich Nieumywakina “Hydrogen peroxide – health guard”, should be aware of this, that it treats known and widely used middle, available in pharmacies for the price of gold. Thus speaks about the possibilities of treatment with the help of a cheap and surprisingly effective specyfiku (and this is undoubtedly the hydrogen peroxide), to which everyone can afford to be without depleting the household budget.

In previously published books, authors usually do not explain, why hydrogen peroxide works so thoroughly and then the oxygen contained therein differs from molecular oxygen, to breathe. Furthermore, the authors believe, hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 (present in hydrogen peroxide) decomposes into water and molecular oxygen. However, this is simply not true! Hydrogen peroxide (peroxide component) Indeed decomposes into water and oxygen NUCLEAR.

What consequences this entails a difference? About this Nieumywakin Ivan writes extensively in his book. Suffice it to mention, that atomic oxygen is an important factor in helping to restore and maintain the health of the human. Nature took care, to work in our body's defense mechanism, called the immune system. His cell – leukocytes and granulocytes (variety of leukocytes), produce hydrogen peroxide, which in the course of decomposition produces atomic oxygen, without which there is not a single biological response or energy.

At the same time, being very strong oxidant, It destroys any pathogenic microflora – regardless of whether they are fungi,
viruses, and bacteria.

As a result of poor nutrition, pollution and other harmful factors, the immune system is weakened. Its cells are not capable of eliminating all risks. The author considers the adoption of a solution of hydrogen peroxide as a way to help.

Although researchers have long been seriously deal with the issue of the effect of hydrogen peroxide on the course of treatment of various diseases (gangreny, purulent exudative wounds and radiation sickness, cancer), These studies did not receive wide publicity. The reason for this is the bitter opposition huge industry producing synthetic drugs, as one of the main branches of business, which brings great wealth to feeding on human misery, and the resistance of representatives of the industry to undermine their “authority”.

According Nieumywakin – “There is no such phenomenon as one organ disease – the patient is a whole person.” I have to treat human, and not the hand, leg or liver. Since the approach to human, as a whole (the so-called. holistic approach) thesis is also Nieumywakina, proclaims, that “whether, which had miraculous properties to hydrogen peroxide, the effectiveness of its effects on the body will be much higher,

Before you take for hydrogen peroxide (and thus be included in the hydrogen peroxide), it is necessary to clean the bowel, liver, joints and blood…” And also about Nieumywakin professor writes in his book. Provides easy-to-use method of cleansing the body, that no financial outlay can be performed in the comfort of your home. Well after a – Over a pharmacy to hydrogen peroxide…

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Relations of, which use hydrogen peroxide treatment:

Dear Ivan Pawłowiczu! I am writing from a clinical provincial hospital in N. One of our patient is suffering from gastric cancer – adenocarcinoma with a low degree of differentiation in the fourth stage of development. He lay in the center of oncology, where used where appropriate treatment and was discharged with the expectation of survival even one month, and informed his closest. In our clinic, the patient was subjected to two cycles of treatment endolimfatycznego introduction of fluorouracil and Rondoleukiny. In addition, hydrogen peroxide aplikowaliśmy with the camera “Isolde”, because we have not constructed by Mr. devices “Helios-1”. Since the treatment carried out by us have passed 11 months, patient lives and works. Amazed us and interested in this case. Unfortunately, we met with publications on the use of hydrogen peroxide in oncology only in popular literature and the Lord Articles – interviews. (The writer asked not to place their data)

I want to share with you this, what happened to me at the time, when I started to take hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). I have 73 years, I went through a heart attack, stroke, right [body] practically did not work, by back pain, joints and around the heart, barely moved my the room, I could only divert the head with the thorax and it's still not enough. I started to take fwodę oxidized (H2O2) in accordance with the recommendation of the Lord. After some 2 I felt a little relieved weeks, and at the end of the month, relaxed as if some spring, then virtually disappeared pain around the heart and joints. It has been 7 months, and I feel like 10 years before the disease. Isolated go to the store, doing gymnastics and kicked the whole summer in the garden. Even went barefoot, and from time to time whipping up nettle. Now all of my neighbors went to the same lifestyle and understand, not putting effort into your health, not achieved any benefit, the more than medication, which only poison us. I thank God, that you are in the world. I wish you health and Lord Lord collaborators. T. Gordeyev, Kirow

I have 64 years. With 50 years went infarction, after a year and a half appeared hypertension, the pressure rose to 250/140 millimeters of mercury. Before my sixties came with ventricular fibrillation arrhythmia, tachycardia napadowe, prostatic hypertrophy, which turned into a prostate tumor. From 52 years of age have a disability, and independently of the large intake of medication and treatment hospitals , my condition deteriorated. As a result, I had severe shortness of breath, I walked with difficulty, in connection with swollen legs, I was not able to bend, I moved solely to the close, memory deteriorated and my head is still buzzing. I thought nothing of it, to end his life on Earth, not to bother each other up and coming and doctors, which from the very sight of me was getting sick. At the beginning of the year 2000 I have read the recommendations of Professor Nieumywakina and started to take peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) according to the method, and I began to brainstorm on how much allowed me strength, alternate take showers, out whatever the weather, or stopped counting on third parties, I took care of their own health, Ivan Pavlovich as they say, overall.

As a result,, now (October 2003 r.) I consider myself a healthy person practically. Blood pressure dropped to 130-140/85-95 millimeters of mercury, ekstracystole (supraventricular premature beats heart) Of course there are, but I can not see them, I walk freely, spine bends, capable of doing in the position Candle, I stand on my head, leg swelling subsided. He's right, Professor Nieumywakin: health need yourself zapracowywać. I spend a morning exercises and treatments for about an hour, during the day for a walk, jogging- 1-1,5 hours.

The remaining time is work on the plot. But in spite of this, I came that year, I feel much better than even before the disease. It turns out, that everything is very simple, but without its own share of the work will not be health. I do not go to the doctors, and if I pick already, they wonder, that I'm still alive, because according to their forecasts should die a long time ago. I tell them, that it would bring them. Besides, some of them are already dead. And as it turns out? Many, to which I turned up before I could not recommend, what to do. He could do so only main Russian National Healer. What I have now the official attitude to medicine, who leaves patients, for which it exists?
With respect and gratitude for the wise and simple tips, the use of which changes in healthy patients. I.P. Potzorow, Lipetsk

In old age will have accumulated a lot of ills, and now it seems, that we are used to them, but the constant feeling of weakness, break, fatigue, even after slight exertion, made life “not to live”. On the advice of i.p.. Nieumywakina started (I and husband) take peroxide (hydrogen peroxide). After the first ten days I felt nothing, but then started to happen miracles. Guts himself began to dispose of the unthinkable. Some films, black, kamyk, and it took more than a week. Soon the same thing started with her husband. If he only knew Mr., as odżyliśmy, you might say, odmłodnieliśmy the 10-15 years. Is it possible, it's all by hydrogen peroxide? W.I. Morozov, Tomsk

A heartfelt thank you for the recommendation on the use of hydrogen peroxide. I am a disabled group II, I have 77 years. 44 years I worked for science. The 1990 he went through a massive heart attack. Since then I suffer from angina, I could not go 5 minutes from home to the Institute without stopping and taking nitroglycerin. I to mimo faktu, that I treated the most modern means of. A year ago, the condition rapidly deteriorated and I was forced to retire. After reading about the beneficial effects of hydrogen peroxide in the guide “IMS” , I started to take it every day. After a few weeks of stenocardia, which as we know,, is associated with myocardial ischemia, completely disappeared. The oxygen from hydrogen peroxide fully satisfied the needs of the heart. Gradually ruled out taking all medication for vasodilatation. When taking only the hydrogen peroxide, I feel, splendidly- as if my heart changes places. We are happy to drive a car, summer I worked on the plot, digging flowerbeds, I plant, nurtured, collected harvest. Currently no effort going through the gap 5 km. Profesor G.P. Kutuzow, Lobnya

I will tell about it, as in the six years I suffered with asthma. Especially at night was not good. I could not sleep, choking up. And in this information, I read an interview with Professor IP. Nieumywakinem. Immediately believed in hydrogen peroxide and began to take it according to the instructions of Dr.. And the miracle happened. Asthma tiring me so many years broke up with me. What a lucky, when a person is choking and can not lead a normal life! Walentyna K., Dimitrowgrad

Do not make a mistake to, if I say, that each of us most afraid of stroke. And I also am afraid. Some 20-25 years ago started to appear with me from time to time swollen left cheek, and with emphasis on the left cheek felt a sharp pain, and at the same time was created inflammation of the left ear and left eyes. I turned to doctors. Otolaryngologist prescribed me wibromasaż affected ear, and in the eyes, and redness of the eyelids to eliminate advised me the plain eye massage with a glass rod. When, after two weeks, I learned about the absolute ineffectiveness of these treatments, they simply gave up. I lost my only vain their time and almost missed the moment, when I could not help myself. It was then that I put myself diagnosis – apartment przedudarowy. What to do now, how to save? Notice, it was the turn of 70-80. Was prohibited Yoga, respiration Butenko, Boris Bołomow in prison for his book “Immortality – to realne”. Finding dissidents, prisons bound:, and articles in “Health” were the same, and saying nothing vulgar stereotypes. Simple reason that he could choke on and I decided alone to face my illness!

Helpful is my profession. I am an engineer geology and spent most of his life in a healthy condition. We stayed in tents without TV, was for an old radio “Record” ,by means of which, together with colleagues listened “Radio Svoboda” [free Europe]. Relentlessly jamming it, but we are among the infernal noise, we tried to distinguish between words. On this wave 5.00 am always treated ( and to this day he says he is) any news about the health of the American nation. In one of those programs, I heard the following (I am quoting almost verbatim): Stroke does not threaten the, who regularly care for your teeth, with the aid of hydrogen peroxide and drinking water.

American scholars, who during the 10 years watched twenty thousand patients, concluded, it significantly reduces the risk of brain hemorrhage. From that time until today accept oxygenated water daily, after all, it's cheap, easy to use and is available as a wash open wounds. It is quite helpful in the treatment of serious diseases and allows you to build an army of harmful bacteria and viruses. What is the result 20 years of faithful service of hydrogen peroxide? To begin with, at the age 64 years I have all my teeth, looked a hundred percent, I read the smallest print in “IMS”, I have a clear diction, memory without interference, taste, smell and appetite of the highest class. It was not even a memory of the ear disease. I am immensely grateful to accidentally usłyszanej information. Anyway, now our scholars say, that if you make our white blood cells do not produce hydrogen peroxide (which produce atmospheric oxygen and water), the Earth long ago belonged to only bacteria, Virus, fungi, parasites and other stuff.

Of course, if together with the use of hydrogen peroxide lead reasonable life (and I know it, teaching profession as a geologist ascetic lifestyle), requiring continuous training body, health problems disappear somewhere. I have 64 years. In the 40 years without a break I had a high sedimentation rate of erythrocytes (OB.- 35-40 ml/h) [correct this 1-2 / h]. Have consulted any doctors, I tried to find the cause and all in vain. I came to the conclusion, that were infected during birth streptokokkiem me, which is found in blood. Doctors do not know how to get rid of it. I have read the articles professor. P. Nieumywakina of hydrogen peroxide, immediately believed him and decided to act. I made a bowel cleansing and began to drink H2O2 by prescription. After 10 I did a blood test days and I did not believe her ears, when the doctor said, that all the results are perfect. Even ECG was normal, although previously showed conduction disturbances. My joy, of course, no bounds. Suffered 40 years and for a time 10 days I became healthy. L. Jasko, Volgograd

My husband went through severe brain injury. And the group is invalid. Paresis of the left-hand, including the tongue. Loss of sense of taste, sense of smell, appetite and satiety, sensitivity to light, speech, memory and so on., This is much. I myself am an invalid group II: asthma oskrzelowa, Angina, (All problems can enumerate a long time). After the interview with Nieumywakinem of 26 March began to take without consulting their doctors oxygenated water. We decided, that we have nothing to lose, what if help. I already beginning! My husband started talking, He no longer falls to the left of the food paragraph, there was a feeling of appetite and satiety, began to distinguish flavors, improved color, began to memorize bus. For me they are progress, though not the same as for a husband. T. Wierbiło, Krasnoyarsk

Husband has prostate. Undergone any operation. Regardless of the deteriorated state of urination and bowel. After reading “IMS” began to take hydrogen peroxide. Effect: Dog tag value [the. Prostate Specific Antigen, prostate specific antigen] dropped from 6,6 of 2,0, what is the norm, normalized bladder function, rarely gets up at night, and before it happened 3-5 times. Guts began operating normally. L. Grinberg, Saratow

From 35 years of age suffer from hypertension, arrhythmia, inflammation of the veins of the legs accompanied by edema. After the puncture, bone marrow during 20 I was tortured years radiculitis. Heal me, but I walked bent as paragraph. I started drinking hydrogen peroxide. After the first cycle of ten did not notice anything special. For the next ten days, miracles began to happen. Escape from arrhythmia, blood pressure, which does not drop below 160/100 was 120/90, swelling in the legs with symptoms of phlebitis also disappeared. But, astonishingly, straightened his back and began to blacken hair. Galina Konstantynowna, 65 years, Moscow

Acquainted himself with the materials i.p.. Nieumywakina of hydrogen peroxide, I decided to write to you. Appeared to me interesting material confirming the theory and practice of personally profesora.Mnie 3% hydrogen peroxide solution helps. Let me give you just one example. After przeniesionym wylewie, appeared to me a lot of unpleasant, the so-called side-effects of drugs ordained by doctors, so that complicated and complex situation already. Specifically,, with the help of hydrogen peroxide was able to break free of warts, which appeared in a very uncomfortable place – in the crotch. Doctors, to whom I address, proposed surgical removal . However, predicting complications that could have a place in my sorry state, I decided to resort to hydrogen peroxide.

Bedtime wife helped me put tampons made of paper napkins soaked in 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide directly on the affected area and left a them there until morning. These repeated treatments over 3 weeks. Imagine my surprise, One morning when I discovered, that all the warts disappeared. Previously, I removed them several times with a scorching some devices, but they appear again in the same places. As for the official medicine activists relation to hydrogen peroxide, mostly it is a negative value. And there is nothing to be surprised, sale of expensive medicines is much more profitable than the sale of hydrogen peroxide. Besides, does not cease attempts to hydrogen peroxide with any possible additions not working, I, imagine, that people buy these beautiful bottles and pots, because they enjoy popular napędzoną through advertising. It should be noted, that in all these products, the oxygen content is much lower than in ordinary hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide).

To the oxygen content is an important aspect. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov said of his time, of life, is a constant struggle with hypoxia.

Known adage internationally recognized scholar applies to everything, every living thing on the planet. Known, that peroxide may act as a catalyst in the plasma and white blood cells. Has the ability to penetrate the cell membrane of erythrocytes to provide additional oxygen. Besides the cells of our body, which fight infection, is called granulocytes. They produce hydrogen peroxide, and are as to the first line of defense against bacteria and viruses. The presence in the human body of molecules of hydrogen peroxide plays a huge role. They are involved in many processes occurring in our body. Without intending to develop a lecture here in microbiology, I just want to mention, the protein, karbohydraty, Vitamins and minerals, to participate in the performance of important vital functions, necessarily require the presence of hydrogen peroxide.

Not by chance in the scientific medical literature published over six thousand research on the use of hydrogen peroxide, repeat – simple, cheap and largely comprehensive means. However, the official medicine will conceal this fact. On the whole it is advertising for insanely expensive preparations, the effect of which has not been fully explored and the consequences of their use are unclear. So, that, I wish you health. Do not rush to take medication, not having accurate information about them.

Hydrogen peroxide is a great source of atomic oxygen, and for that he is involved in the process of blood cell destruction by harmful bacteria. That's why still rinsing the mouth mix of hydrogen peroxide and honest, I feel, that my overall condition improved.

At the beginning of the year 2008 Hartigrama Publishing House published a book, which all, which reaches the people as not quite clearly worded rumors, explain in an accessible, accurate and factual. This will make the language understood by most people.


KIvan Pavlovich siążka Nieumywakina
“Hydrogen peroxide – health guard”.

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