Tag Archives: circulation

Biochelaty – Zn-Cu-Mg-Cr

Biochelaty – Zn-Cu-Mg-Cr

biochelat-zn-cu-mgBiochelat Zn-Cu-Mg
Biochelat Zn-Cu-Mg polecany jest osobom aktywnym, narażonym na nadmierny
wysiłek fizyczny i psychiczny, zestresowanym, stosującym używki, for example,. kofeinę,
nikotynę czy alkohol.

Suplementy Zn-Cu-Mg oraz Zn-Cu-Cr to preparaty pozwalające zapobiegać niedoborom nieocenionych dla zdrowia mikroelementów:
cynku, miedzi, chromu i magnezu.

Postać biochelatu zapewnia maksymalną przyswajalność przez organizm.

Produkty występują w postaci płynnej, nie zawierają więc substancji wypełniających i przeciw zbrylających, a także sztucznych barwników
i konserwantów, co czyni je łagodniejszymi dla wątroby.

Biochelat Zn-Cu-Mg polecany jest osobom aktywnym, narażonym na nadmierny wysiłek fizyczny i psychiczny, zestresowanym, stosującym używki, for example,. kofeinę, nikotynę czy alkohol.



biochelat-zn-cu-crBiochelat Zn-Cu-Cr
Biochelat Zn-Cu-Cr przyspiesza metabolizm, obniża stężenie cholesterolu oraz trójglicerydów.

Suplementy Zn-Cu-Cr oraz Zn-Cu-Mg to preparaty pozwalające zapobiegać niedoborom nieocenionych dla zdrowia mikroelementów:
cynku, miedzi, chromu i magnezu.

Postać biochelatu zapewnia maksymalną przyswajalność przez organizm.

Produkty występują w postaci płynnej, nie zawierają więc substancji wypełniających i przeciw zbrylających, a także sztucznych barwników
i konserwantów, co czyni je łagodniejszymi dla wątroby.

Biochelat Zn-Cu-Cr wskazany jest dla osób chorych na cukrzycę, walczących
from nadwagą, mających wzmożony apetyt na słodycze, a także narażonych na stres
i wysiłek fizyczny.

Przyspiesza metabolizm, obniża stężenie cholesterolu i trójglicerydów.

Biochelaty, Krzem z borem, Sól SiSalt i inne produkty oparte na złocie, srebrze, miedzi zamawiać bezpośrednio w sklepie internetowym Novea IDEA
(here all products),
korzystając z autorskiego systemu zakupowo-rabatowego:
Po wejściu na stronę sklepu, proszę przycisnąć zielony przycisk – Załóż konto.
Po wpisaniu kodu rabatowego możną przystąpić do rejestracji i zakupów.

Kod rabatowy:




Laminine Omega

Laminine Omega

Laminine Omega

Laminine Omega jest niezbędna w każdej kuracji z Laminine.
Wzmacnia 4-krotnie działanie podstawowej Laminine.

Zdrowe krążenie
Podstawą dobrego ogólnego stanu zdrowia jest dobre zdrowie układu krążenia.

Zdrowy układ krążenia zapewnia optymalny przepływ krwi do mózgu i innych organów, co prowadzi do:
– Polepszenia funkcji poznawczych
– Wzrostu energii
– Lepszego snu
– Redukcji zmęczenia
– Wzrostu funkcji odpornościowych
– Regulowania poziomu stresu i kortyzolu.

Bez układu krążenia, nasz organizm nie byłby w stanie efektywnie walczyć z chorobami czy utrzymać stanu stabilności środowiska wewnętrznego, znanego jako homeostaza.

Czym jest Laminine Omega ?

Laminine OMEGA jest unikatowym produktem ze względu na najwyższą jakość surowców, z jakich zostało stworzone, takich jak Kwasy Tłuszczowe Omega 3, 6, 9, EPA i DHA, CoQ10. Witamina K2 oraz ekstrakt z zapłodnionego jaja kurzego i połączeniu ich w jeden suplement.

Opracowany z najwyższej jakości składników, w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa oraz stworzenia skutecznej i silnej formuły.

Omega-3 pomaga w utrzymaniu odpowiedniego poziomu HDL (“good” cholesterol)
i LDL (“bad” cholesterol), co zapobiega gromadzeniu się złogów cholesterolu oraz powoduje, że mózg wysyła odpowiednie sygnały do układu krążenia.

CoQ10 jest potężnym przeciwutleniaczem, który pomaga w zwalczaniu stresu oksydacyjnego w naczyniach krwionośnych, pozostawiając je gotowe do odpowiedniego przepływu krwi.

Witamina K2 przekierowuje złogi wapnia z naczyń krwionośnych i tętnic, poprawiając tym samym krążenie krwi w organizmie.

Wyciąg z zapłodnionych kurzych jaj zapewnia dodatkową dawkę aminokwasów, które przeprogramowują dorosłe komórki macierzyste ciele.

Czy doświadczyłeś…
Dyskomfortu serca?
Problemów z oddychaniem?
Dyskomfortu w klatce piersiowej?
Sporadyczny kaszel lub świszczący oddech?
Dezorientacje i/lub zaburzenia myślenia?
Braku apetytu i/lub mdłości?

Jak możesz poprawić zdrowie swojego układu krążenia?

Znasz Laminine. Wiesz, jaki pozytywny wpływ miała ona na zdrowie Twoje i tych,
z którymi się nią podzieliłeś.

LifePharm Global Network stworzyło Laminine OMEGA – unikatową kombinację składników, których indywidualne korzyści zostały dobrze udokumentowane.

Laminine OMEGA jest idealnym uzupełnieniem Laminine.

Skład Preparatu LAMININE OMEGA (in 1 kapsułce):
– OPT (MicroActive CoQ10) zastrzeżona mieszanka – 850 mg
– Omega 9 (kwas gamma-linolenowy) – 5 mg
– EPA (kwas eikozapentaenowy) – 210 mg
– DHA (kwas dokozaheksaenowy) – 140 mg
– Witamina K2 (Menachinon -7) – 25 mcg 31%

Inne składniki:
– Żelatyna
– Lecytyna sojowa**
– Gliceryna
– Fosfatydylocholina**
– Dwutlenek tytanu
– Wosk pszczeli

**W organizmie człowieka lecytyna jest obecna w każdej komórce ciała, zwłaszcza jako składnik błon komórkowych. Bierze udział w rozmaitych procesach przemiany materii, jest bardzo ważnym elementem składowym mózgu i tkanki nerwowej – chroni osłonkę mielinową, stanowi barierę ochronną ścian żołądka, bierze udział w gospodarce cholesterolem. Wykazano, że lecytyna znacząco obniża poziom cholesterolu i trójglicerydów, podwyższając jednocześnie poziom HDL. Wykazuje pozytywne działanie na funkcje poznawcze u osób z ich osłabieniem, jednakże nie ma znaczących dowodów na pozytywne działanie lecytyny u osób z demencją.

Informacje oraz opinie wyrażone na tej stronie należą wyłącznie do właściciela tej strony i nie stanowią reklamy produktów LifePharm Global Network.
Wszelkie treści zawarte na tej stronie nie zastąpią regularnych badań medycznych lub leków.


Sercowe problemy

trans resveratrolSercowe problemy

Trans RESVERATROL to suplement diety zawierający wysokiej jakości, skoncentrowany mikronizowany ekstrakt ze skórek winogron (Vitis vinifera L.), standaryzowany na 50% zawartość substancji aktywnej – trans-resweratrol; dodatkowo wzbogacony o ekstrakt
z pestek winogron standaryzowany na wysoką zawartość (95%) proantocyjanidyn.Trans-resweratrol jest związkiem zaliczanym do polifenoli, występującym w zwłaszcza w winogronach. Jako forma aktywna biologicznie wykazuje wiele właściwości prozdrowotnych, m.in.: przyczynia się do zachowania zdrowia i prawidłowego funkcjonowania układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Dodatkowo dzięki procesowi mikronizacji, zwiększa się efektywność wchłaniania i działania substancji aktywnej.Proantocyjanidyny (PAC) zawarte w pestkach winogron wykazują właściwości antyoksydacyjne, dzięki czemu pomagają neutralizować skutki działania wolnych rodników.


Informacja żywieniowa
1 capsule
Ekstrakt ze skórek winogron
w tym: trans-resweratrol
400 mg
200 mg
Ekstrakt z pestek winogron,
w tym: proantocyjanidyny
100 mg
95 mg

Preparat przeznaczony: dla osób dorosłych. Dzięki zawartym składnikom, produkt stanowi idealna propozycję dla osób dążących do utrzymania układu sercowo-naczyniowego w dobrej kondycji oraz jako uzupełnienie diety w substancje o działaniu antyoksydacyjnym.
Zalecana dzienna porcja: 1 kapsułka raz dziennie, popijając odpowiednią ilością płynu.

Nie należy przekraczać zalecanej porcji do spożycia w ciągu dnia.
Suplement diety nie może być stosowany jako substytut zróżnicowanej diety.
Zalecany jest zrównoważony sposób żywienia i zdrowy tryb życia.

Preparatu nie należy stosować w przypadku nadwrażliwości na którykolwiek jego składnik.

Z forum:
Po raz pierwszy kołatanie heart wystąpiło u mnie w wieku 25 years. Jeszcze naiwny i mało wiedzący poszedłem do szpitala na oddział kardiologiczny. Tam w sali było nas 5 pacjentów, a po kilku dniach zostało przy życiu 2 people. Tak się składa, że pacjenci umierali w ściśle określonym porządku tzn. pierwszy zmarł emerytowany nauczyciel po przeciwnej stronie sali od drzwi następny na prawo od niego i tak kolejno aż zostało nas dwóch, a ja miałem według tego porządku być następny.
Oczywiście szybko wypisałem się do domu z receptą na propranolol w garści. Ten szajs oczywiście nic nie pomógł tylko dołożył problemów.
Obecnie po wielu latach kołatanie powróciło razem ze zdrówkiem. To dziwne ale kiedy wróciłem do zdrowia po chorobie nowotworowej to wróciła również ta przypadłość heart.
Próbowałem wielu specyfików, których tu nie będę wymieniał i wreszcie trafiłem na taki, który definitywnie zakończył moje kołatanko.
Jest to substancja o nazwie Resveratrol. Bardzo szybko działa. After 10 dniach 3×1 kaps już było super ale utrwalająco jeszcze zużyłem dwa opakowania po 30 kaps. Jest to jedyny znany mi suplement, który szybko i skutecznie leczy kołatanie heart. Poleciłem już kilku osobom i w każdym przypadku był bardzo pozytywny efekt.
RESVERATROL można kupić np. to Allegro

Korzyści z cholesterolu

cholesterolowe mity

Korzyści z cholesterolu

Korzyści z wysokiego poziomu cholesterolu
Wbrew szeroko rozpowszechnionym poglądom oraz natrętnej i kłamliwej propagandzie głoszącej, że wysoki poziom cholesterolu szkodzi zdrowiu, liczne niezależne badania dowodzą, że to właśnie wysoki poziom cholesterolu chroni przed chorobami układu krążenia, ogranicza ryzyko infekcji i wydłuża życie.
Dr Uffe Ravnskov

Poniżej w linku jest tekst w pdf-ie (bardziej czytelny):
Korzyści z cholesterolu







cholesterolNexus Nowe Czasy nr 1 (99) styczeń-luty 2015

The book – “Cholesterol – Scientific lie” You can buy Allegro

cholesterolowe mity

Więcej informacji na temat cholesterolu:


Lemon and soda – Cancer, candidate, pathogens



Wonderful mix:
lemon + baking soda:
10.000 times better effect than chemotherapy!

Why did not know about it?

Because there are organizations, whose interest it is not for us to know about the miraculous properties of a lemon. Therefore, from now on you can help someone who needs it, sharing this article!

Do you know how many people die while holding it in secret, so as not to jeopardize the interests of large corporations?

Already demonstrated, that lemon has strong anti-cancer.
In addition has many other favorable properties. It is very effective for cyst i tumors.

This fruit can cure Cancer. It has been tested on all types of cancer,
and if you add baking soda will be even better, because normalize the pH of the body.

Lemon is a very effective antibacterial agent with a very wide spectrum of activity against bacterial and fungal infections. Lemon is effective against internal parasites and worms, regulates blood pressure and is a potent antidepressant, reduces stress and nervous crises.

The source of this Information is interest: comes from one of the largest manufacturers of drugs, which says, that when 20 laboratory tests carried out
of the 1970 to date proven, that:

Lemon destroys the cells carcinogen 12 types of cancer. Lemon prevent the spread of cancer-causing cells, and has 10.000 times more potent than the drugs such as Adriamycyna, chemotherapy and narcotic products.

And what is even more interesting - this type of treatment with the extract
from lemon and soda purified, only destroys carcinogenic cells and does not affect healthy.

Pacjent powinien pić:
2 łyżeczki soku z cytryny z pół łyżeczki sody oczyszczonej.
And of course, It does not cure the terrible side effects of chemotherapy.

It is best to plant a lemon in the pot to make sure, that is organic lemon, no chemicals. Lemon Organic there is 100 times more effective than lemon grown with chemical fertilizers and sprayed.

Baking soda can be purchased here:

Institute of Health Sciences, L. L. C. 819 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 1201

Lemon and Baking soda Miraculous combination



Please refer to Dr. Tullio Simoncini information – here





George Zieba – Therapies hidden parts.06 – Healthy eating


jerzy zięba-zdrowe żywienie

George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.6 – Healthy eating

Collagen provides the flexibility of bones and multiple organs. Osteoporoza to brak kolagenu. Collagen to 40% myocardial infarction, to 90% eyeball, i.e. 60% liver. The body builds collagen from inside and not from outside (cosmetics).
For example,. aortic aneurysm is not only possible but also the lack of selenium collagen.
Varicose veins is also a lack of collagen. Very good for the body is collagen in the skin of the pig, in the legs and sausages, salcesonie, pie.
Decoction of crow's feet is a great collagen. Diseased joints – collagen.
What is important is what we eat, but the most important is that the absorption.
Diet Dr. Budwig advantageous for tumors. If the cell oxygenation falls
to about 30% it turns into a cancer cell.
Protein is digested well if it is properly acidic environment.
Heartburn, GERD is a weak acidity of the stomach.
Acting badly stomach may be associated with myocardial, coronary artery disease.
The stomach must be strongly acidified, in then properly functioning.
Protein is digested badly treated by the immune system as a foreign substance. What could be the result of allergies, asthma, problems with diabetes and depression.
Suitable acidification and many problems disappear. Many important processes is dependent on the stomach. What is particularly farmed fish is better not to know. Yogurt shops are often made from milk powder!
Taking care of the bowel is very important.
In wątróbce is more vitamin C than an apple.

Here It is also a lot of information on the acidity of the stomach.

Acidification of the stomach – test

1. To test whether the stomach is acidic or not, we use 1/2 glass of water and 1/2 SODA teaspoon if the "reflection" gas (CO2) take place before the end of 90 seconds, we can consider, that the acidity of the stomach is correct.
If later, acidification is already less, and if it occurs after 3 minutes, or not at all ... then you can be considered, that acidification is insufficient.

Obviously this is a very simplified test. The most reliable is to measure the pH immediately after collection of samples of gastric juices of the stomach probe, but this at home ... do not do

This test is generally done in the morning, immediately after getting out of bed ... but, of course it can perform such. before lunch. But then, due to the complete neutralization of gastric juice, Wait at least one hour, before you eat.

Glass of water with baking soda (for example,. level teaspoon) you can drink daily, but ... BETWEEN THE BOARD.
2. Gastric acidification use (in adult) ok. 1/4 glass of water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. For example, a child correspondingly less. 1 teaspoon vinegar.
Of course, Gastric acidity doing ok. 10 -15 BEFORE min each meal, especially if it is a high-protein meal (meat, vegetables).

NOTE : Please AS ALWAYS start with a small amount of !! For existing mucosal inflammation, might hurt !! Then of course you must first heal gastric mucosa, but this is a separate and longer on, which I will try to describe in the second part of the book.

https://www.facebook.com/ukryteterapie/ - Jerzy Zieba

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you”


jerzy zięba-zdrowe żywienie




Szungit – water activator



Szungit – water activator

Szungit (Promised) – The unique mineral, which is mined in Karelia, Russia.
Naturally occurring mineral in nature - Shungites been used for thousands of years by our ancestors to improve the quality of drinking water. During this time, its properties have been checked and confirmed, and action to support health applies to today. Is often used in water treatment plants instead of the activated carbon cartridges. Its cleansing properties, water treatment and structuring
It is really interesting. If someone uses a flint water, perhaps equally good effect to try this unique mineral. Shungites is the oldest minerals on Earth occurring carbonaceous. In contrast to the diamond and graphite, has an extraordinary array coal. Molecules such carbon, Due to its structure, are similar to the soccer ball and are called fullerenes.

Karelian Szungity remain in the oldest layers of the Earth's crust, their age exceeds 2 billions of years. Due to the high concentration of fullerene can be assumed cosmic origin. The same extraterrestrial fullerenes have been found in meteorites, that fell to Earth. The importance of the discovery of fullerenes highlights the fact, that the group dealing with them in English scholars 1998 he was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Shungites interacts with water not only as a filter material. Shungites has different properties of water purification with harmful contaminants:
– chlorine
– nitrates
– heavy metals
– worms
– pesticides
– oils
– bacteria
And also saturated with water in the valuable substance, to convert the tap water
the crystal clear and very tasty.
It is very important that Shungites is the stone, which can in fact be very strong defender± before negative energy i from negative Energy Fields.

Shungites water:
– It has antiseptic and antibacterial
– Works anti-inflammatory
– Relieves pain
– The joint diseases
– Protects the joints
– In the treatment of diabetes
– It contributes to the different types of allergies
– Reduces inflammation, joint pain and swelling
– In diseases of the spinal cord
– Disorders of blood circulation in the extremities
– Helps with skin diseases, soothes burns
– Nourish body micro and macro-useful
– Effectively relieves hangovers

Before use, wash several times with water. Allow the water to 3 days
150g relative to 3-5 l. After 3 can be used on. Add the water where use of, Wait 8-10 hours – then can be used. Wash, once 2 weeks. After 6 Shungites months change. Drinking: no less than 2-3 glasses of water a day, Cooking. For bathtubs: 5L of water relative to the szungicie, 50L to normal.
For flowers, plant, animals, etc..

You can buy Shungites Allegro





The most important book….


najważniejsza książka

What is the most important book you read Ever: Health

Often the key to health is your own knowledge, awareness, courage – so that you can deal with any problem.

The book contains a vast knowledge on various ailments – 899 Pages!!!
Table of Contents shows the potential of knowledge contained:

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Fragment przedmowy:
As a result, read and use of information contained in that book, it is possible to cure with virtually any disease or condition or a condition of achieving an acceptable, limiting its growth or intensity.
Eliminating the causes of ailments or diseases, and no symptoms: how it is done in the case of today's official medicine - is the key to remove the health problems that afflict human. It is important to understand,
because in the economic system - based on a continuous flow of consumption and money: Products, which in this case are drugs or treatments or operations, are really useless because they treat the symptoms of diseases, and not the main cause of.
Ever wondered why when you visit the hospital or clinics
- There are queues, that seem to never end?

Najważniejsza.Książka.Jaką.Kiedykolwiek.Przeczytasz.Zdrowie – current ebook

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What is the most important book you read Ever: Health
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Save a book on a variety of media, share on P2P sharing networks, ie. Torrent and others and distributes, give away her everywhere, print etc..
If you have questions, and other suggestions, please use the address: www.xernt.com/xh/zapytaj



Body Cleaner – purification of the body

Body Cleaner – purification of the body

Body Cleaner – purification of the body, lymph from heavy metals, deposits and toxins. Detoxification is done by foot bath. The treatment consists in immersing the feet in water with salt for 30 minutes. Special program generated by the processor generates pulses. They are transferred to the water and causing ionization. The ionized particles pass through the skin into the body and start the process of bringing immediate cause cell membranes to the appropriate potential. The water after the treatment may have phosphate, Nitrate, and ammonium oxalate, which may indicate their secretion from the body during bath.

Body Cleaner begins the process of restoring the balance of the body bioenergy. This is done by exchanging positive ions and negative result in the removal of toxins from the body. The result is an increase in energy, both mental and physical as follows with the emergence of well-being. During 30 minute session you put your feet in a bowl filled with warm water with salt and ionizer produces ion exchange with the bioenergetic field is at the heart of the whole procedure. On the feet is approximately 2000 pores and for this reason they are one of the best parts of the body to carry out the cleaning treatment, which in this case is both effective and convenient. Body Cleaner balances and harmonises by signals sent through the entire process of cleansing the lymph. The results are very good. Patients are watching a huge improvement on the basis of well-being and relationships has collected hundreds of the effect on the improvement of the appearance. Modern lifestyle is costing us more than we suppose. This results in part from an imbalance in the cell bioenergetics. When your cells are functioning properly nutrients are actually absorbed by the body which results in the elimination of toxins. Bioenergy cells may also be affected by the: – improper nutrition – a small amount of intake of fruits and vegetables – a small amount of motion – coffee consumed intoxicants, tobacco or alcohol – history of disease – przebytym stress. Each of these factors may cause incorrect reception of nutrients which will, that the body will not be expelled toxins.

Analysis of water color, infected part of the body, type of toxins and symptoms

body cleaner

Accumulated toxins in the body causing symptoms:
– reduction of physical and mental,
– malaise, fatigue
– concentration disorder
– headaches and migraines
– ugly complexion, skin diseases
– body odor
– decreased immunity
– bad breath and body odor.

body cleaner

Body Treatments Cleaner undoubtedly help:
– removal of heavy metals
– get rid of fatigue
– regain vitality and energy (noticeable effect after the first treatment),
– improve circulation
– acceleration of metabolism (the possibility of reducing body weight),
– better functioning of the kidneys and liver,
– reduction of cellulite,
– relief of joint pain and arthritis,
– reduce the effects of allergies,
– problems with insomnia
– purifying the blood and prevents atherosclerosis
– reduces the burden on the liver,
– accelerates intestinal and stomach cramp and relaxation,
– analgesic and accelerates wound healing,
– prevents any allergies mostly resulting from living in a toxic environment,
– Power is effective in treating acne, skin rashes and other external signs of toxemia body,
– assists get rid of the excess free radicals.

Można kupić niedrogie urządzenie Detox Spa HydroSana 3 – here

body cleaner body cleaner



00. Description of the activities of all mudras

Description of the activities of all mudras

To simplify and facilitate finding the appropriate mudras,
I made the following description of the.

01. Mudra knowledge – is a universal therapeutic agent against internal disorder and tension. Removes anxiety, depression, improves thinking and the ability to concentrate, strengthens memory, perfectly helps with insomnia and excessive sleepiness and depression, and high blood pressure. The basis of almost all of our health problems are spiritual and mental problems, and regular exercise strengthens the mudras very spiritually. It works also regenerates the body and promotes increase our energy potential.

02. Mudra land – improves mental and physical condition of the body, particularly well counteracts stress and mental weaknesses. Thanks to its application, you can raise your self-esteem, confidence in himself, get rid of the complexes and reinforce a sense of stability
and confidence. Facilitates an objective evaluation of one's own personality, and also acts as a defense against any negative, externalities of energy.

03. Mudra sky – for persons suffering from hearing and ear diseases. In some cases, more than a dozen minutes after the application of this mudra can be improved hearing, and the systematic and prolonged practice lead to a complete cure of many diseases of the ear.

04. Mudra water – recommended for people, that in the stomach and lungs have a lot of mucus or other secretions. Excess mucus causes severe whole-body energy blockade. Exercise also helps this mudra with liver diseases, kolkach i wzdęciach.

05. Mudra Sun – helps you to quickly increase the activity. It is highly recommended in the states of fatigue.

06. Mudra moon – the internal states of anxiety, excess energy.
It is a proven way to counter insomnia, especially if it relates to the first phase of the disorder - sleep (in contrast to the frequent awakenings during the night or wake up too early
at dawn).

07. Mudra wind – rheumatism, sciatica, head tremor, neck and a frequent trembling hands. Even after several hours of exercises you can see an improvement.
In chronic conditions mudra should be done to change the mudra "life". The whole exercise end up at the time of the disease symptoms disappear.

08. Mudra third eye – improves the functioning of our mind, extremely enhances intuition and psychic ability develops, including clairvoyance. It helps us to improve ourselves spiritually. Treats diseases of the nose, bays, eye and ear and associated headache. Stimulatory effect on the functioning of the pituitary gland.

09. Mudra energy – prevents pain and purifies the body and expel harmful substances. It is recommended for all people living in heavily polluted environment,
but it works well also in emergency accidents,, as stomach poisoning.
Treats diseases of the genitourinary, but remember, the proper functioning of the kidneys, it is important for the state of the bone - to our surprise, can thus improve the state of our spine

10. Mudra strengthening – it helps with colds, cough and pneumonia,
because it mobilizes the body's defenses. Her practice also helps to lose weight - provided,
that it is used with high accuracy, in parallel with the following diets: day drink min 8 cups of boiled water and eat plenty of citrus, bananas, rice yogurt.
Never too long to use this mudra as this may lead to a state of apathy.

11. Mudra life – balances the body's energy potential, significantly strengthens our vitality and eliminates the symptoms of sleepiness. The use is indicated her exhaustion and fatigue. In addition, significantly enhances eyesight, improving the sharpness and treating many diseases of the eye. It is recommended that a person emotionally unstable, as a beneficial effect on mental health.
12. Mudra life-saving – the use of this mudra is recommended to all kinds of attacks, infarcts and less serious disorders of the heart. When something like this occurs, Immediately perform this mudra with both hands, and it will bring immediate relief.

13. Mudra wish-fulfilling – is extremely helpful in cleansing the sinuses. During the operation, breathe deeply.

14. Mudra shell – therapeutic effect for all ailments of the throat, hoarseness and aphonia. Strengthens and improves the sound of her voice. Mudra is particularly recommended for those who, which is the voice of working tool, so the actors, singers and teachers.

15. Mudra turtle – weakness, overstrain, cardiovascular disorders. Performing this mudra helps us control on your emotions and deeds.

16. Mudra cow – with the help of this mudra can be successfully treated rheumatism, joint problems and pain roots.

17. Mudra dragon head – diseases, "the wind" - diseases of the lungs, upper respiratory tract and nasopharyngeal. Recommended for the prevention of colds, and the disease has already developed, therefore should teach their children to perform this mudra.

18. Mudra dragon tooth – entangled states of consciousness, movement coordination disorder, emotional instability, stress.

19. Mudra temple dragon – ischemic heart disease, discomfort in the area of ​​heart, arrhythmias. This mudra is conducive to concentration of energy and thoughts, achieving inner peace.

20. mudra stairs of the temple of heaven – mental disorders, depression. Performing this mudra very effectively improves mood, removes the feeling of despair and sadness, even in hopeless situations.

21. Mudra three columns of the cosmos – metabolic disorders, decrease in immunity, the need for regeneration of vitality, strengthen after illness.

22. Mudra nine jewels – improves digestion, removes congestive changes in the body. Helps cleanse the body, especially the digestive system, if they remain in the example. mucus and stones.

23. Mudra szybujący lotus – inflammation of the female reproductive organs, organ diseases "empty" (stomach, intestines, uterus, gallbladder). Regular use helps to get rid of
Also genital diseases.

24. Mudra comb sea – recommended for people suffering from anorexia, astenicznym, chudym, In patients with impaired absorption processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Her regular exercise increases appetite, standardization promotes digestive processes, which also has a positive effect on our appearance.

25. Mudra cap Shakya-muni – work with cerebrovascular disorders, in the states of depression and depression.

26. Vajra Mudra arrow – for people suffering from disorders of the vascular system,
with hypertension and congestive heart failure. Performing this mudra channels healing energy focuses and directs it to the normalization of vascular disorders.

27. Mudra speaks majtrei – it is recommended that in the morning when all diseases of the lungs and colds, and when you are accompanied by feelings of sadness, care and longing.

28. Mudra eagle – one of the mudras recommended in states of distress. Very energizing affects the whole body, and at the same energy harmonizes the right and left sides of the body. It is effective for alleviation of mood swings. Recommended its use in diseases of the circulatory system, because it mobilizes the circulatory system work.

29. Mudra shield szambały – as a shield protects our life and health from the adverse effects of foreign energy. If you are not protected by their own spirituality developed, they may be serious
and pernicious.

30. Mudra muladhara – with all types of disorders of the intestines, kidney, rectum and prostate. It also improves the secretion of adrenal hormones - adrenaline and noradrenaline, where the correct level in the blood is an important prerequisite for our well-being. Performing this mudra strengthens the lower parts of the spine, gives a sense of stability and helps to get rid of fear.

31. Mudra Svadhisthana – perform this mudra improves genital, as well as the kidneys and the bladder. It also strengthens the lower parts of the digestive system, m.in. spleen and intestine. It eliminates the systematic execution of disorders of sexual energy flow.

32. Mudra Manipura – nervous disorders and stress, regardless of its cause - bring us relief, easing and stabilizing the voltage. Also improves the digestive, for example, reduces the. stomach pain, showing the solar plexus blockade. Regulates the operation of the pancreas produces insulin and digestive enzymes.

33. Mudra anahata – us do regularly, if you have heart disease or cardiovascular disorders. This will help us with the heart and knocking zadyszce. Cure ailments of the lungs and improves thymus work, which influences our resistance to disease. Helps with depression

34. Mudra Vishuddha – when all speech disorders and diseases of the respiratory and nervous. It also improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, corresponding m.in. for metabolism. Performing this mudra will help us to heal a sore throat, bronchitis and jaws.

35. Mudra kalesvara – increases concentration and improves memory. If we decided to Meditation, at the start of exercise will help us achieve spiritual peace and clarity. Calming effect on the mind and emotions.