Category Archives: Conversations with God

Conversations with God (the. Conversations with God) - Trilogy Neale Donald Walsch book. According to Walsch her co-authored by God, He wrote the letter automatic transmission. In 2006. a film on real, dramatic experiences Neal.

Conversations with God

neale donald walsch

15 lat temu kupiłem 3 tomy “Conversations with God”. Później następne między innymi “Przyjaźń z Bogiem”.
Z tych książek uzupełniałem wiedzę, pomogły mi w osobistym rozwoju duchowym.
Dzięki wiedzy z tego typu literatury mamy możliwość poszerzenia świadomości,
można rozwiązać różne problemy życiowe, zdrowotne, finansowe, partnerskie itp.
A świadomość pomoże rozwiązać różne problemy w tym zdrowotne i w wielu przypadkach zmienić własne życie: złe nawyki, addictions, anger, zrównoważyć i wyciszyć umysł i wiele innych korzyści.


Conversations with God (the. Conversations with God) - Trilogy Neale Donald Walsch book. According to Walsch her co-authored by God, He wrote the letter automatic transmission. In 2006. a film on real, dramatic experiences Neal.

Neale Donald Walsch – biography – here

rozmowy z bogiem

Książki Neale Donald Walscha przeznaczone są dla każdego. They are a wonderful gift for those, who truly crave and appreciate answers questions; who with a sincere heart, an open mind and longing in the soul searching for the truth. Books move the eternal issues of life and love, the purpose and function, people and relationships, good and evil, sin and guilt, forgiveness and redemption, the path to God and the road to hell… the word, wszystko.
Bluntly discuss issues of sex, power, marriage, children, working, Health, “life from life”… wszystko. Explores war and peace, knowledge and ignorance, sacrifice and taking, joy and sorrow. They consider what specific, and that the abstract, visible and invisible, truth and untruth.

Quotes from “Conversations with God” tom I
– You are the creator of your own reality, and life will not be released to you from the other side,
than you think, that you will. Source: s. 77
– I want for you, what you want for myself. Nothing more, nothing less. I do not sit and not deal with human successive requests, wondering, do której
z nich się przychylić. Everything is governed by the law of cause and effect, a nie moja łaska
lub niełaska. Source: s. 156
– Fear is energy, which reduces, close, draws, escapes, hides, collect, okay. Love is the energy, that enlarges, opens, sends, is, reveals, offers, package. Source: s. 36
– Do you want, to make your life really "took off"? Then change your thinking about it. And about himself. Thought, talk and act like God - where you are.
Source: s. 104–105
– Do not judge nor condemn, because you do not know, why something happens or what it is for. Source: s. 60
– Is it your intention to be able called fear or in a state called love? Where are you and where - from what state - going out against life?
Source: s. 224
– The state of your health will improve immediately, gdy przestaniecie się martwić
– umartwiać. Source: s. 244
Read more quotes –

Film “Conversations with God” She tells the true story of Neale Donald Walsch, that inspired and changed the lives of millions around the world.
The journey begins with the unexpected result of a car accident in which the main character breaks his neck, and he loses his job. Soon we are witnessing the transformation as a normal guy transforms himself from a homeless bum struggling for survival. We see his emotional struggle to get enough food, develop friendships and reclaim your life.
And from the moment when everything seems to be going in the right direction situation becomes even worse. Feeling like a complete failure in every aspect of life,
Neale full of anger and bitterness asks God questions and, to his disbelief receive a response.

Conversations with God – the true story of Neale Donald Walsch – lector EN

Books can be bought here
rozmowy z bogiem