Zapper + Blutzapper – elimination of bacteria, Virus, mold, fungi and parasites


Effectively removes Zapper, safely various pathogens

How did the Zapper?
The 1989 the biologist Dr. Clark concluded, after years of research, that every body emits a frequency. According to her, the human body sends electrical signals like the radio station, with that is a wide range of frequencies at very low voltages. This was the reason why they have not so far detected and measured.
Hulda Clark going further this line of thinking has concluded, that using this new technique, can examine the viruses, bacteria, Parasites, molds, toxins.

zapper + blutzapper

If the results of research and know what pathogens are causing problems, You can use the zapper-a and equipment with an electromagnetic wave. Wave works only with the ZAPPER. Each pathogen has its own frequency, so that you know how to remove it.
In the book "The Cure" are lists of virtually all pathogens and their frequency. Anyone who uses the zapper or device with an electromagnetic wave should necessarily have a book “treatment of Life” written by biologist Dr. Clark. Example of a table from the book below.
The book can be bought at Allegro: The Cure.

częstototliwości patogenów - przykład

treatment of life treatment of life 1

The advantages of the:

  • Destroys microorganisms that are within a few minutes, which stops and blocks disease development.
  • Stimulates the immune system.
  • Improves and stimulates energy levels throughout the body.
  • Improves metabolic processes, which results can be pretty and slim silhouette.
  • Clears and helps the flow of bio-energy by unblocking the meridians, leads to stabilization
    the flow of bio-energy, thus increasing vitality (Not Meissnera) the aura of the body.
  • Supports the pharmacological treatment and unconventional.
  • Fully safe for the body.
  • It does not cause side effects that remain after treatment with pharmacological (toxins) from drugs.

This device is completely harmless to health ,because it utilizes the phenomenon of sound frequency.
Do not just apply when a heart pacemaker because it interferes with the action.
It is not known exactly how it is with women in pregnancy, but none of them found the side effects.
On the contrary, often helps in disorders associated with fertility.
The frequency set in 2 podzakresach of 1Hz – 1kHz co jeden Hz i od 1kHz do 999kHz co 1kHz.

Currently, there are many models Zapper Facilities, some very expensive.
It is important to have additionally Zapper Blutzapper – cleaning function of blood.
Most of various pathogen spreads through the body the blood.
Zapper itself does not reach the blood vessels.
Blutzapper emits a frequency of 3 Hz 0d – 15,5Hz in increments of 0.1 Hz
It is important to cleansing the lymph, lymph nodes.
With lymph also wander pathogens especially cancer.
To clean the lymph, spine, Internal organs. – where not reach zapper, need device emitting an electromagnetic wave.
