Tag Archives: wit.D3

George Zieba – Ukryte Terapie cz.15

uktyte terapie cz.15

George Zieba – Ukryte Terapie cz.15

Byłem w USA przez 2 weeks. i miałem kontakt z dr Janem Lubeckim, wspaniałym, skromnym i ciepłym człowiekiem, pracuje intensywnie 7 dni w tygodniu mając 84 years.
Wyprowadza cięzko chorych którzy cierpią na tzw “nieuleczalne choroby”,
np raka mózgu.
Stosuje oczyszczanie z metali ciężkich terapią światłem, kąpiele nóg.
Przyjeżdżają do niego bardzo ciężko chorzy i zdrowieją po jego zabiegach.
Dr Lubecki uważa że głównym problemem są toksyny – heavy metals, electromagnetic field.
For example,. noszenie tel kom w uchu to jest szczególnie niebezpieczne.
Bardzo ważne jest prawidłowe ustawienie czaszki względem kręgosłupa.
Byłem naocznym świadkiem “cudów” u dr Lubeckego.

Będąc w USA zadzwoniła do mnie osoba którą poznałem w czasie pobytu w Chicago
z wiadomością że 3 kobiety z nowotworem po zastosowaniu informacji zawartych
w mojej książce i po wykładach w Chicago i żadna z nich (a jest to już 4 miesiąc)
nie ma już nowotworu.

Dzwonił Pan z Irlandii, jego żona miała bardzo poważne problemy wieńcowe.
Tętnice sercowe miały przyblokowania sięgające 95%.
Po kilku miesiącach stosowania zaleceń zawartych w książce i wykładach – jest czysto, nie ma nic.

Rodzice kilku letnich dzieci dowiadują się niejednokrotnie że ich maluchy mają cukrzycę 1st. I mówi im się że jest to problem genetyczny. A to są bardzo rzadkie przypadki.

Dowiaduję się również że dziecko dostaje infekcji, zaczyna kasłać.
Infekcja spowodowana jest meko bakterią Chlamydią.
W szpitalu dziecku podawane są oczywiście antybiotyki i sterydy. Jeśli we krwi jest niski poziom wit.D to następują takie reakcje że dziecko wychodzi ze szpitala z cukrzycą
Type 1, w wyniku leczenia.

Przerażające jest to że dzieciom z nowotworem mózgu podaje się chemioterapię która nie przenika przez barierę – blood, mózg.

Fobia cholesterolowa mija, w USA wycofują się z tego nagłośnionego przed laty fałszywego problemu.

Lekarz podaje wit.D3 swoim pacjentom na nowotwór prostaty i wielokrotnie ten rak
się zatrzymuje, PSA spada.

Nawodnienie organizmu (woda z solą) – coraz więcej sygnałów o tym że działa.

O książce Jerzego Zięby:
„Ukryte Terapie – Czego ci lekarz nie powie”

uktyte terapie cz.15



George Zieba – Hidden Therapies Part 4 – lecture in Chicago


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie-chicago

Jerzy Chaffinch - Hidden Therapies Part 4 - lecture in Chicago

The role of DNA in bone reconstruction.
Bag (bubble) biliary, action, gallstones.
Thin diet affects the formation of stones.
Discussed how to get rid of gallstones.
The importance of the gallbladder, notch creates a lot of new problems.
Laparoscopy is fraught with risk
SM – Multiple sclerosis.
Vitamin D helps with wit.K2 MK-7 ,wit.C
Oil helps out a lot of cannabis – a brief overview.
Thyroid problems. Exactly is described in the book.
I Almost 100 years ago, was treated with iodine thyroid.
Today, it is said that the use of iodine causes hyperthyroidism.
Hypothyroidism is iodine deficiency SA.
Hyperthyroidism are iodine deficiency.
Hashimoto's thyroiditis are iodine deficiency.
The thyroid gland will not function well if there is no selenium.
Lack of selenium in the soil, not in vegetables. Earth is sterilized
with micronutrients. For it has more and more chemistry, toxins.
Selenium deficiencies are common. natural selenium in Brazil nuts.
It fry nuts instead of candy.
When thyroid check the operation of the adrenal glands.
Tumors – accurate discussion process nowotworowego.
You need to understand some things to make a decision in your life.
If the cell oxygenation falls by about. 20-30% it turns into a cancer cell forever. Cancer is a newly formed tissue – re-creation.
The immune system is designed to identify the cell and destroy.
But in this case not able to do, why? Because he lacked something,
just do not know what. There could be many. WHO issued a report which says
that during 20 years, the number of cancer cases will increase by 60% !!!.
If you do not take care of themselves, for our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, would be a tragedy.
Cancer cells have evolved as “an agreement” the immune system, for some reason,
because he lacked something. If this is the fault of the immune system, and is.
A result of this is that the resulting new cells so. Cancer is whether they themselves are the cause of the resulting?
Did Not, but we are the stupid monkey treat cancer tumors by cutting.
And where is the cause? In the hospital, Institute for treating a patient treated with the cause? Is only a symptom of cancer (symptom) in the body that something bad happens.
But we do not just treat the body we are racing with symptom.
That's why we cut it, pieces are then fired, poison the patient as he was sick so sick. Sometimes after these coincidences We relieve the immune system so that it can handle.
This approach is not aimed at the cause, healing effect, removes the symptom and the cause remains.
Discussion of how to treat the underlying causes of cancer:
wit.C, wit.K2 MK-7, wit.D3, the saddle, Diet Dr Budwig, irrigation, respiration, iodine, EDTA, Chlorella,
Proper breathing – discussion.
Answers to your questions polonusów.


More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie-chicago



George Zieba – Therapies hidden parts.08 – resistance and other issues


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie

George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.8 – resistance and other issues

Plans for the suffering, seeking help.
Newly-creation is a newly formed tissue, This symptom, symptom choroby,
which is already in the body and is the cause of which must be treated.
Cancer is not a disease, is only a name – cancer.
Cancer treatment appropriate doses of vitamin C.
The patient has the right of deciding how to be treated.
The issue of iodine, Lugol's iodine for hyperthyroidism. Vitamin C in fruits.
Information about vegetables. Quality of food.
Strengthening the immune system: Wit.D3 + wit.K2 MK-7, Also a few drops of
iodine (Lugola).
Way to cold: hydrogen peroxide 3%.
The next way: water hydrogen peroxide Iodine – gargle.
The way to the bay: saline hydrogen peroxide 2-3 drops Lugoli (later upgraded by p.Jerzego) – You can get rid of the perennial problems of the sinuses.
At higher temperatures: wit.C.
Lots of information in the book p.Jerzego.

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie



George Zieba – lecture in Gdynia “Hidden Therapies”


jerzy zięba w gdyni

George Zieba – lecture in Gdynia “Hidden Therapies”

Organizer Team “We promote health” – 14.03.2015r.
Problems doctors, academic medicine with treatment. There is a need for cooperation
natural medicine for the good of us all.
The scourge of diseases often have young people. A huge lack of appropriate diagnoses. Are treated causes symptoms. Often, the patient dies from cancer only
due to treatment of cancer. Commentary on the government's Strategy Against Cancer.
Vitamin D3 has a key role in preventing cancer. If all people vitamin D3 level was at an appropriate level, it would decrease the incidence of cancer of the 50-70%. There is a very little knowledge among physicians about vitamin D3.
The vaccine is not a panacea and is not subject to the testing procedures. Deficiency of vitamin D3 creates the cause of poor communication between the cell and in effect creates a cancer cell. Vitamin D3 is a nutrient and acts beneficially on all diseases. Overdose of vitamin D3 is negligible, can be taken to 10 thousand. units per day. If you start your treatment should be to check the level of vitamin D3 in the body. High concentrations of vitamin D3 cause DNA damage, which also applies to cancer.
Vitamin D3 in the body triggers the production of anti-viral proteins strongly
and bacterial. Vitamin deficiency or adequate water may be the cause of many diseases. Wit.K2 is essential for health, slows the progression of lung cancer and breast. Wit.K2 helps to build calcium in the bones. The issue of osteoporosis. Taking vitamin D3 and calcium must be connected to wit.K2.
Cholesterol in the diet does not affect much cholesterol in the blood. The more cholesterol you eat, the less the liver produces cholesterol. And the less you eat, the more liver produces cholesterol. Issues of heart attacks
and walking barefoot in the grass. In the United States about 600 removed animal diseases using only the vitamins and minerals. Cells, tv, computers, wi-fi – electromagnetic radiation. Psoriasis, thyroid, lack of selenium, tumors – treatment, effects of chemotherapy, mammography – effects. Oil of cannabis in the treatment of epilepsy, cancer – a lot of information.
Details are in the lectures and the book p. George “Hidden therapies”

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you

george finch - book

george finch in gdynia 1