Tag Archives: diet in disease

Odchudzanie i pozbycie dolegliwości

max gerson

Odchudzanie i pozbycie dolegliwości

Ladies and Gentlemen
Otyłych osób w tym dzieci przybywa lawinowo, reklamowane są rozmaite specyfiki
na odchudzanie. Dość, że płacimy – to jeszcze narażamy się na ew. powikłania.

Jest bardzo dobry sposób na odchudzenie, ale co najważniejsze na pozbycie
się przy okazji różnych problemów zdrowotnych. A ile można zaoszczędzić przy okazji.
Sami przetestowaliśmy tą dietę i widzimy niesamowite, szerokie możliwości tej diety.
Ja w 5 dniu diety, a pomiędzy 3 a 5 dniem schudłem prawie 1kg.
W sumie po 10 dniach straciłem 5kg złogów.
Jeżeli ktoś ma na przykład sporo nadwagi (ok.30kg) może schudnąć w ciągu
4-6 tygodni nawet 20kg. So, jest to możliwe.
Ale jest 1 warunek: ścisłe przestrzeganie zasad diety przez max. 6 weeks.
Dieta opiera się na niejedzeniu:
carbohydrates (pieczywa,cukru), białka (nawet roślinnego) oraz żadnych tłuszczy.

Nie można pić alkoholu, palić, pić kawy, Tea (tylko ziołowe)
Można jeść niektóre owoce:
apples, grejpfruty, lemons – tylko tyle
Można jeść niektóre warzywa:
brokuły, kalafiory, kapustę, onion, por, parsley, seler, pumpkin, kabaczek ogórki, sałata, natka pietruszki, pomidory, carrots, rzodkiew, paprykę, ogórki, buraki,
kapustę kiszoną i ogórki kiszone (nie kwaszone, często takie są w sklepach).
Można stosować przyprawy (nie gotowe mieszanki), chili, pieprz, Himalayan salt.
Pić dobrą wodę np. Magnesia (Kaufland), czy Wysowianka z małej szklanej butelki
ze szczyptą just himalajskiej.
Owoce i jarzyny powinny być jak najlepszej jakości, nie ze słoików (sklepowe),
czy przetwarzane w inny sposób – mogą być mrożone.

W jakich problemach zdrowotnych możemy sobie pomóc dzięki diecie:
– Atopic eczema and other skin diseases, dry skin, Cracked
– Asthma oskrzelowa
– Diabetes and diabetic neuropathy
– Prostatic hypertrophy
– Premenstrual syndrome
– Rheumatism, rheumatoid and other autoimmune diseases
(Sjogren's syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis)
– Gastrointestinal ulcers (gastroenteritis)
– Viral diseases and viral fatigue syndromes after
– Endometriosis
– Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease and other dementia syndromes
– Alcoholism
– Cardiovascular disease (ischemic heart disease, high cholesterol
i trójglicerydy, hypertension, platelet aggregation disorders)
– Thrombotic disease
– Tumors
– Liver Disease
– Leaky bowel syndrome
– Aging
– I wiele innych

Jeżeli ktoś z Państwa czyta wszystko od początku i dotarł do tego miejsca nadmienię jeszcze że w przypadku jedzenia dużych ilości słodyczy, picia częstego alkoholu, palenia na co dzień, picia dużych ilości kawy to istnieje ryzyko, że organizm będzie reagował ekstremalnie. Mam tu na myśli natychmiastową zmianę pracy organizmu – jest to swego rodzaju szok. Ponieważ był uzależniony od powyższych używek. Dlatego takie osoby powinny bardziej stopniowo prowadzić tą dietę. Na początek zrezygnować z używek, a dopiero po kilku czy kilkunastu dniach wprowadzić dietę.
Osoby chore na nadczynność tarczycy, stany wyczerpania chorobą, czy inne ciężkie
i długotrwałe choroby – należy zasięgnąć konsultacji.
Nie jest to dieta dla małych dzieci, kobiet w ciąży i karmiących.

Pierwsze 3-4 dni są najgorsze, ogólnie gorsze samopoczucie – organizm przestawia się na inną pracę. Ale za to szybko następuje znaczna poprawa samopoczucia, lekkość, brak zmęczenia i wiele innych.
W pierwszych tygodniach następuje usuwanie z organizmu złogów, zapasów tłuszczu, niszczenia obcych ciał – pathogens, możliwych guzów, narośli itp.

Proponuje po 2 weeks. diety dodatkowo zastosować sprawdzoną ziołową kurację
parasites – Herbal Blend on parasites.
Kwestia pasożytów jest kluczowa, szczególnie w obecnych czasach.

To jest dieta dr Ewy Dąbrowskiej, jest tu na stronie dość dużo informacji o tej wspaniałym i prostym sposobie w powrocie do równowagi, harmonii, spokoju i radości.
Tu jest więcej informacji:





Korzyści z cholesterolu

cholesterolowe mity

Korzyści z cholesterolu

Korzyści z wysokiego poziomu cholesterolu
Wbrew szeroko rozpowszechnionym poglądom oraz natrętnej i kłamliwej propagandzie głoszącej, że wysoki poziom cholesterolu szkodzi zdrowiu, liczne niezależne badania dowodzą, że to właśnie wysoki poziom cholesterolu chroni przed chorobami układu krążenia, ogranicza ryzyko infekcji i wydłuża życie.
Dr Uffe Ravnskov

Poniżej w linku jest tekst w pdf-ie (bardziej czytelny):
Korzyści z cholesterolu







cholesterolNexus Nowe Czasy nr 1 (99) styczeń-luty 2015

The book – “Cholesterol – Scientific lie” You can buy Allegro

cholesterolowe mity

Więcej informacji na temat cholesterolu:


Nadużywanie cukru


Nadużywanie cukru

Zdrowotne konsekwencje nadużywania cukru
Konsumpcja napojów gazowanych i przetworzonej żywności słodzonej dużymi ilościami rafinowanego cukru rośnie lawinowo. Liczne badania wskazują, że jego nadmierne spożycie kryje się za wieloma poważnymi problemami zdrowotnymi, w tym chorobami serca, cukrzycą, otyłością, zaburzeniami psychoruchowymi, a nawet rakiem.
Dr Gary Nuli

Poniżej w linku jest tekst w pdf-ie (bardziej czytelny):
Nadużywanie cukru








Nexus Nowe Czasy nr 1 (99) styczeń-luty 2015


A method of cancer, Candid i inne pathogens


A method of cancer, Candid i inne pathogens

The fight win !
My very good friend after a visit with the oncologist overjoyed from ear to ear.
She had tumors in both breasts. Oncologist could not believe, said that unless the machine is broken ?? Because nothing in his chest was not.
For half a year, a friend of accepted : soda water with honey and fasting
(by 4 weeks), soda with lemon and water, vitamin C l-torsion, borax.
She was very good and visible signs of detoxification, Herx reaction, etc..
In August, has another visit. Today, I was called and gratitude, recepturki sold many friends. I will not withdraw the soda, boraksu, lemon, etc.. Additionally, ginger continuously. I periostitis after tooth health weight that I receive. At night napchałem grated ginger between the teeth and gums. After three repetitions all disappear, Now the wygaja. The most important that the oil was gone that I dripped with fistula 3 years. A drug had on hand that day, but I have not tried the "relief".
Best regards and I would recommend this way of fighting pharmacy. Destroy their source of income dries .... No Customer, no profit ...


The second part:

1 level teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon of honey, a cup of (quite hot perm.) half a cup of water or. Preferably in the morning 2-3 h before breakfast, Stir and drink. Drink up by 4 weeks of taking breaks 1 day every week.
Baking soda can be purchased here:

It is said to be "trojan" for candida ...
It is important to renew after intestinal flora. So sauerkraut and pickles. Here a small digression. They want to deceive us and serve now in stores pickles and sauerkraut,
is not the same and cucumbers have nothing to do with pickled. The main job of making fermented lactic acid bacteria, settlements in the cucumber is white. Acidified cucumbers muck spirit vinegar. EU directives are those we care about the "health".

After treatment with soda (Candida and soda will finish withdraws carcinoma), regularly drink a glass of water with lemon juice (throughout), to add a pinch of borax
( Have more occupies a volume as much as the head of a match). Bor adjust the distribution of calcium in the body (muscle won, march to the bone), symptom is muscle twitching.
We buy a magnesium chloride and L-ascorbic acid (add the 1/4 teaspoon in a glass of lemon juice and borax).
When we feel that the body managed to handle the problems we Potion drink less. I now drink 2-3 times a week.

Very important. Cast away entirely sugar and gluten. Sugar feeds Candida, gluten clogs the small intestines. Exactly "cilia" which provide milk nutrients into the bloodstream. I bake bread for a long time with spelled flour, rye, I add buckwheat flour, a lot of rye (type 720 i 2000). For this grind sesame seeds and grains, flaxseed.
For health treatments do not need large. Instead of small amounts of sugar and honey I use Jaggery. Important discard the milk from his "blessing" Casein. Only skwaszone milk and dairy products from milk skwaszonego. As someone has the ability to, buy from the "host", wait for it to skisi and drink (rarity for bowel), but it is important that the cow ate the least weed and other additives (especially corn-based feed-GMO).
To top it all POSITIVE THINKING, need to heal your spirit, reject stress, simplify life.
I greet all of you who can help. I myself am printing this news. It is important to switch TV channels in which the "program the" people of illnesses, and that's everyday.


Please watch interviews with John Taratajcio:

Książkę i inne podobne publikacje można kupić np. to Allegro

rak nie jest chorobą rak nie jest chorobą




George Zieba – Hidden Therapies Part 4 – lecture in Chicago


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie-chicago

Jerzy Chaffinch - Hidden Therapies Part 4 - lecture in Chicago

The role of DNA in bone reconstruction.
Bag (bubble) biliary, action, gallstones.
Thin diet affects the formation of stones.
Discussed how to get rid of gallstones.
The importance of the gallbladder, notch creates a lot of new problems.
Laparoscopy is fraught with risk
SM – Multiple sclerosis.
Vitamin D helps with wit.K2 MK-7 ,wit.C
Oil helps out a lot of cannabis – a brief overview.
Thyroid problems. Exactly is described in the book.
I Almost 100 years ago, was treated with iodine thyroid.
Today, it is said that the use of iodine causes hyperthyroidism.
Hypothyroidism is iodine deficiency SA.
Hyperthyroidism are iodine deficiency.
Hashimoto's thyroiditis are iodine deficiency.
The thyroid gland will not function well if there is no selenium.
Lack of selenium in the soil, not in vegetables. Earth is sterilized
with micronutrients. For it has more and more chemistry, toxins.
Selenium deficiencies are common. natural selenium in Brazil nuts.
It fry nuts instead of candy.
When thyroid check the operation of the adrenal glands.
Tumors – accurate discussion process nowotworowego.
You need to understand some things to make a decision in your life.
If the cell oxygenation falls by about. 20-30% it turns into a cancer cell forever. Cancer is a newly formed tissue – re-creation.
The immune system is designed to identify the cell and destroy.
But in this case not able to do, why? Because he lacked something,
just do not know what. There could be many. WHO issued a report which says
that during 20 years, the number of cancer cases will increase by 60% !!!.
If you do not take care of themselves, for our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, would be a tragedy.
Cancer cells have evolved as “an agreement” the immune system, for some reason,
because he lacked something. If this is the fault of the immune system, and is.
A result of this is that the resulting new cells so. Cancer is whether they themselves are the cause of the resulting?
Did Not, but we are the stupid monkey treat cancer tumors by cutting.
And where is the cause? In the hospital, Institute for treating a patient treated with the cause? Is only a symptom of cancer (symptom) in the body that something bad happens.
But we do not just treat the body we are racing with symptom.
That's why we cut it, pieces are then fired, poison the patient as he was sick so sick. Sometimes after these coincidences We relieve the immune system so that it can handle.
This approach is not aimed at the cause, healing effect, removes the symptom and the cause remains.
Discussion of how to treat the underlying causes of cancer:
wit.C, wit.K2 MK-7, wit.D3, the saddle, Diet Dr Budwig, irrigation, respiration, iodine, EDTA, Chlorella,
Proper breathing – discussion.
Answers to your questions polonusów.


More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie-chicago



Birch juice – cleaner body



Birch juice – cleaner body

I would like to be interested in all the juice from birch. I drink every year more or less independently of the collected juice. More than 10 years ago by 2 weeks I drank alone birch sap, nothing more, until I was bitter in the mouth. Old birch are yellowish juice
and often slightly bitter. below the posted text on this topic. I will add that apart:
After drilling the hole (ok. 2cm) I put a tube with a length of about. 10-15cm.
Hole drilling at such a height to put underneath the bubble juice
(for example,. the water karnisterek 5L 5L or the distilled water), insert the hose into the birch and the other side to the bubble. It is good to put a plastic bag on the tube and thus protected against insects and ants. Bubble wrap, prevent it from tipping over if the wind. Sometimes part of the day and night can flow up to several liters of juice, therefore, the bubble must be adequate. In the picture below is a cool way to connect with birch bubble. This is a great opportunity on the occasion of the commune
with nature and especially with the beautiful energy birches (I will write an entry about the healing power of trees).

A glass of juice will help meet our daily requirement:
– potassium
– phosphorus
– calcium
– iron
– copper
– amino acids
– B vitamins
– ascorbic acid, or vitamin C
– sole mineralne
Birch juice in folk medicine has long been regarded as a medicine to prevent the formation of cancer, and especially lung cancer. It supports many health problems.

many brzozowy

Oskol - the forgotten gift

Oskol- popularniej known, as birch sap is a traditional drink known
throughout Slavic. This tree for centuries been considered the main "cleaner" of toxins in the body. Acquired in early spring(the end of February, March
and in April) has the effect of reinforcing and immunizations for any infections, particularly intensifying after the winter. Especially recommended is the independent acquisition of juice, because of the medicinal properties and freshness. This drink, is recommended for people with weakened immune systems, rekonwalescentom and seniors, but it could be eaten, every day, because due to its advantages perfectly flavored thirst quencher, while it provides vitamins and trace elements.

This brew regulates metabolism, reinforces, stimulates vital energy.
Oskol helping to expel from the body accumulated sodium and chloride ions (lurking at us mainly in preservatives and chemical agents that improve the taste of food).

How to get brzozowinę? To proste. We need to find, at least a 10-year-old tree
( branches of a thickness of about. 3-5 cm. To check, whether a birch suitable for the "production" we must pierce the bark of a skewer. If after a while begin to trickle out of the hole fluid, mean, that hit the appropriate tree. You can manually drill the hole to a depth of ca.. 5 cm. Tube put into it, and the other end with a container for the collection of juice. Preparation flows slowly, but 2 days should get around 3 liters of the substance. After killing pin hole, You can also smear toothpaste to heal wounds horticultural bark and tree trunk. Birch juice do not filter. Store it in the refrigerator to 4 days. To keep all the nutrients juice should be collected in glass or enamel. At this time, drink half or one glass throughout dnia.Jeśli regards its taste, it reminds delicately sweet velvety palate water.

The juice is very much. Contains m.in. citric acid, malic acid, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, B vitamins, copper, resinous compounds, garbniki. Also, a plurality of mineral salts and amino acids, therefore, does not tolerate high temperatures. In addition, well nourishes the hair and freckles whitens!

Birch juice cleansing treatment can be carried out. Namely: preferably by 2-3 Weeks drink the juice of birch 2-3 times a day for a quarter of a cup. During detoxification should limit their intake: black tea, Coffee, alcohol, Chocolate, spinach and sorrel, and this is why, that these products contain substances in excess of, which can react chemically and drive the deposition of toxins in the body.

So, so with such possibilities of Mother Nature's benefit from them as much as possible. Zasięgnijmy little folk medicine- natural, that's free only healthy walk in the woods.


sok z brzozy



Organic Products (Organic)


organiczna żywność bio

Organic food that is organic or bio

We often wonder, Is it worth paying more for organic food, that is grown with organic methods. We usually raises a few other questions:

What exactly is “Product was”?
The label of "bio" means, that the food was prepared with products,
which are grown without the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides, and seed, that have not been genetically modified and not subjected to radiation.

Are Organic products are better for the environment?
So. By eliminating the large amount of toxic pesticides and fertilizers, used in conventional agriculture. Ecological farming methods do not cause air pollution, water and soil.

Is is safe to eat food bio?
So. In contrast to the traditionally produced food, organic food
(was, Organic) does not contain toxic substances (for example,. pesticides). As demonstrated, many of these compounds can cause cancer, congenital malformations in infants and damage to the nervous system and reproductive.

Is organic food worth, to pay for it more? So, in the sense, surely that bio products are more favorable to you and the environment. But few people can afford to buy all the products bio. There is a list of fruits and vegetables, delivery, which ones contain the largest amounts of chemicals, and which are "more resistant to radiation".
LINK to the list (in the original. English)

I will mention here 12 “Top” i 12 “Worst”.

12 the best is (in the order):
Onion, Avocado, Sweet corn, Pineapple, Mango, Asparagus, Sweet Peas, Kiwi, Cabbage, Eggplants, Papaya, Watermelon, Broccoli, Tomato, Yam

12 Worst (These should buy organic):
Peaches, Apples, Sweet peppers, Braces, Nectarine (peaches with a smooth skin), Strawberries, Cherries, Jarmuż, Lettuce, Grapes, Carrots, Pears

Remind snippet from the article Woody Harrelson'a on organic food:
Pesticides appeared on the market about the First World War. Some very smart and greedy trader said Petrochemicals: “Hello, great work mustard gas on people, so it can be diluted and sprayed him our fields, acted to pests. "But it was only after the Second World War came to pesticides daily use. In the United States alone from 1991 r. of 1997 r. was consumed an average of 480 million kg per year, which is a large amount of leaked onto our tables, we were absorbed with drinking water or in the bath. So for every man, woman and child falls almost 2 kg toxic chemicals.

I remember an interview with Donald Rumsfeld, who really wanted to say, that the white powder found in Iraq, which later turned out to be pesticides, was the nerve gas, po to, to justify a war for oil. But a simple test could not confirm this and had to perform accurate tests, because the nerve gas and pesticides are so similar to each other.

I used to read, that the US Army Iraq dropped several tons of pesticides. So to use an weapons of mass destruction is bad only if, when does our enemy. Nerve gas sprayed our food. One apple is sprayed 26 types of pesticides.


organic food 2 organic food 4
organic food 1

organic food



E food


e związki

E food

Table hazardous chemicals added to food
And – or preservatives, dyes and other food additives

Table E compounds

E-components division of functions in food production:
E100-E199 - colors
E200-E299 - preservatives
E300-E399 - antioxidants
E400-E499 - emulsifiers, stabilizers, thickeners
E500-E599 - mixed-use add-ons
E600-E699 - flavor enhancers
E700-E799 - Antibiotics
E900-E1299 - food additives for different purposes
E1300-E1400 - modified starches

A few simple rules, how to read a label:
How to buy especially new, not yet known to us the product, Always look
on the packaging and check:
1. Expiration date:
– Shelf (find an inscription on the product “Eat to …”, set the date, month and year) – refers to a food volatile and perishable, for example,. meat, Dairy; and
– The date of minimum durability
(“Best before…”, specifies the month and year)
– on the product term, dried, frozen
2. Terms store, for example,. in a dry and cool place;
3. Nutritional, Calories, GDA z. Guideline Daily Amounts, or Guideline Daily Amounts;
4. Composition of the product – administered in a descending manner, that is, the component, which is the most, such that the least
(for example,. Cocoa "for the children" - cocoa and sugar?).
A short list of the composition of the food product – the healthier.

A list of some harmful E and their effects on the body


Effects on the body

And 102 TARTAZYNA Allergic reactions, insomnia, depression, suspected of ADHD in children
And 104 Quinoline yellow Allergic reactions, suspected of having ADHD in children
And 110 YELLOW ORANGE Allergic reactions, suspected of ADHD in children
E120 KOSZELINA Allergic reactions
And 123 Amaranth Carcinogenic
And 124 RED KOSZELINOWA Dangerous for asthmatics, suspected of having ADHD in children
And 127 ERYTHROSINE Inhibits the growth of, impairs thyroid function
And 131 Patent Blue Carcinogenic
And 210 – And 213 Benzoic acid and


Causes loss of wit. B12, allergic reactions, headaches, nausea, disrupts intestinal
And 249 – And 251 Nitrite Carcinogen
And 310 – And 312 GALUSANY Allergic reactions, rash
And 320 BHA Increases the level of cholesterol in the blood
And 400 ACID ALGINIC Dangerous for pregnant women – hinders the absorption of iron
And 407 KARAGEN Ulceration of the digestive system, acts as a laxative
And 621 GLUTAMINIAN SENTENCES May cause gastrointestinal pain, headaches, nausea, weakness or decreased vision
And 951 Aspartame Carcinogenic
And 954 SACHARYNA Carcinogen


Substancje chemiczne zwożone tonami do zakładów spożywczych
są w powszechnym mniemaniu nieszkodliwe.
W końcu, lista E została opracowana przez autorytety z Komitetu Naukowego Technologii Żywności – jedną z instytucji Unii Europejskiej, “czuwających”
nad naszym bezpieczeństwem.

What is the truth?

And 100 nieszkodliwy (kurkumina, kurkuma z kłączy roślin tropikalnych; żółty, stosowany m.in. w przyprawach, koncentratach)
And 101 nieszkodliwy (ryboflawina, laktoflawina, witamina B2) żółto-pomarańczowy, naturalny lub syntetyczny; stosowany m.in. w przyprawach)
And 102 dangerous (tartaksyna, niedopuszczona w Polsce, cytrynowo-żółty, syntetyczny; stosowany m.in. w napojach w proszku, esencjach owocowych, miodzie sztucznym, musztardzie)
And 103 zabroniony
And 104 podejrzany (żółć benzopirydrynowa, żółcień chinolinowa, Food Yellow 13 – żółty; dodatek do wyrobów cukierniczych)
And 105 zabroniony
And 110 dangerous (żółć pomarańczowa S, żółcień zachodzącego słońca FCF, Food Yellow 3, żółcień pomarańczowa – żółty;dodatek do marmolady, żeli, gum do żucia, powłok tabletek)
And 111 zabroniony
And 120 dangerous (koszenilina, kwas karminowy, Natural Red 4 – czerwony, natural)
And 121 zabroniony
And 122 podejrzany (azorubina, niedopuszczona w Polsce, chromotrop FB – czerwony, syntetyczny, w dżemach i marmoladach wiśniowych, budyniach, lodach, polewach)
And 123 bardzo niebezpieczny (amarant, barwnik amoniakalny, zabroniony w większości krajów UE)
And 124 dangerous (róż koszenilinowy, Ponceau 4 R – czerwony; dodatek do wędzonych ryb, cukierków pudrowych)
And 125 zabroniony
And 126 zabroniony
And 127 dangerous (erytozyna, hamuje wzrost, zwiększa występowanie chorób tarczycy, niedopuszczona w Polsce, Food Red 14, tetrajodofluoresceina – czerwony, syntetyczny; dodawany do wiśni koktailowych, owoców kandyzowanych)
And 130 zabroniony
And 131 rakotwórczy (błękit patentowy, FCF – niebieski; znajduje się w drażetkach)
And 132 nieszkodliwy (indygotyna, niedopuszczona w Polsce, niebieski, natural; drażetki)
And 140 nieszkodliwy (chlorofil – zielony, roślinny, wyciąg z pokrzywy, lucerny; biophyll, chloresium, darotol, ennds)
And 141 podejrzany (związek chlorofilowy-kompleks miedziowy chlorofilu – zielony, roślinny modyfikowany; dodatek do groszku konserwowego)
And 142 rakotwórczy (zieleń lisaminowa, brylantowa, niedopuszczona w Polsce)
And 150 podejrzany (karmel, brunatny; w wyrobach cukierniczych)
And 151 podejrzany (czerń brylantowa B. N., syntetyczny; podbarwianie nieszlachetnych rodzajów kawioru)
And 152 zabroniony
And 153 nieszkodliwy (węgiel drzewny, syntetyczny; w wyrobach cukierniczych)
And 160 nieszkodliwy (karetonoidy)
And 161 nieszkodliwy (ksantofil, karetonoidy, niedopuszczony w Polsce)
And 162 nieszkodliwy (betanina, betacyjany z buraków ćwikłowych, czerwień buraczana, natural; dodatek do przetworów owocowych)
And 163 nieszkodliwy (antocyjan), występuje w winogronach i jagodach – czerwonawy, natural; do napoi, konserw owocowych, słodyczy.
And 170 nieszkodliwy (węglan wapnia, biały; środek ścierny w pastach do zębów, kalcpiryna – substancja osłonowa)
And 171 podejrzany (dwutlenek tytanu, biały dodatek do gum do żucia, drażetek, past do zębów, zabroniony w Polsce)
And 172 podejrzany (tlenki i wodorotlenki żelaza, brunatny, żadko stosowany – dodawany do sztucznych osłonek kiełbas)
And 173 podejrzany (aluminum, niedopuszczony w Polsce, kolor metaliczny, stosowany do dekoracji słodyczy)
And 174 nieszkodliwy (silver, niedopuszczony w Polsce, dodawany do wyrobów cukierniczych)
And 175 nieszkodliwy (gold, w Polsce spotykany w likierze Goldwasser)
And 180 podejrzany (pigment rubinowy, czerwień litolowa, niedopuszczony w Polsce, stosowany w osłonkach woskowych twardych serów)
And 160 b nieszkodliwy (annatto)
And 160 a nieszkodliwy (alfa-,beta- karoten, prowitamina A – żółty, natural; dodatek do produktów tłuszczowych np. butter)
And 133 błękit brylantowy, niedopuszczony w Polsce
And 160 f karotenoid, niedopuszczony w Polsce
And 200 nieszkodliwy (kwas sorbowy, syntetyczny, dodawany do serów, margaryn)
And 201 nieszkodliwy (sól sodowa kwasu sodowego, sorbinian sodu – syntetyczny, dodawany do serów, margaryn)
And 202 nieszkodliwy (sól potasowa kwasu sorbowego, sorbinian potasu – syntetyczny, dodawany do serów, margaryn)
And 203 nieszkodliwy (sól wapniowa kwasu sorbowego, sorbinian wapnia – syntetyczny, dodawany do serów, margaryn)
And 210 rakotwórczy (benzoesan, syntetyczny, dodatek do napoi gazowanych, majonezów, marynat, konserw owocowych i warzwynych, sałatek)
And 211 rakotwórczy (benzoesan sodu, syntetyczny)
Naukowcy dowodzą, że ich spożywanie może uszkadzać kod DNA. Peter Peiper, biolog molekularny z Sheffield University, twierdzi, że benzoesan sodu (E211) jest szkodliwy dla kodu genetycznego. Ten związek chemiczny jest w stanie poważnie uszkodzić mitochondria – mówi Piper. To z kolei powoduje tak wielką degenerację komórek, że z czasem może doprowadzić do choroby Parkinsona czy marskości wątroby. Piper ostrzega, że typ uszkodzenia powodowany przez benzoesan sodu jest powiązany z wieloma chorobami neurodegeneracyjnymi, które pojawiają się w późniejszym wieku. Moreover,, benzoesan sodu w połączeniu z witaminą C tworzy benzen, związek rakotwórczy.
And 212 rakotwórczy (benzoesan potasu, syntetyczny)
And 213 rakotwórczy (benzoesan wapnia, syntetyczny)
And 214 rakotwórczy (benzoesan etylu, p-hydroksybenzoesan etylu i pochodne, syntetyczny)
And 215 rakotwórczy (benzoesan estru etylowego, p-hydroksybenzoesan etylu i pochodne, syntetyczny)
And 216 rakotwórczy (benzoesan propylu, p-hydroksybenzoesan propylu i pochodne, Propylparaben, Nipasol, Solbrol P – syntetyczny) And 217 rakotwórczy (benzoesan estru propylu, p-hydroksybenzoesan propylu i pochodne, Propylparaben, Nipasol, Solbrol P – syntetyczny)
And 218 rakotwórczy (benzoesan metylu, p-hydroksybenzoesan metylu i pochodne, syntetyczny)
And 219 rakotwórczy (benzoesan estru metylu, p-hydroksybenzoesan metylu i pochodne, syntetyczny)
And 220 niszczy witaminę B 12 (bezwodnik siarki, dwutlenek siarki, syntetyczny; w sokach owocowych i koncentratach, winie, suszonych owocach)
And 221 zakłóca czynności jelit (siarczyn sodu, syntetyczny)
And 222 zakłóca czynności jelit (dwusiarczyn sodu, syntetyczny)
And 223 zakłóca czynności jelit (meta-dwusiarczyn sodu, syntetyczny)
And 224 zakłóca czynności jelit (meta-dwusiarczyn potasu, syntetyczny)
And 226 zakłóca czynności jelit (siarczyn wapnia, syntetyczny)
And 227 zakłóca czynności jelit (dwusiarczyn wapnia, syntetyczny)
And 230 zakłóca czynności skóry (dwufenyl, 1,1′-difenyl, Bifenyl, Diphenyl, syntetyczny; dodawany do owoców cytrusowych (zabezpieczenie skórek przed owadami)
And 231 zakłóca czynności skóry (ortofenylofenol, Dowicide, syntetyczny; dodawany do owoców cytrusowych)
And 232 zakłóca czynności skóry (ortofenyl sodu, syntetyczny, dodawany do owoców cytrusowych)
And 233 zakłóca czynności skóry (2,4-thiaxolyl, Thiabendazol, MK-360, Omnizole, Bovizole, Eprofil, Equizole, Tecto, syntetyczny, dodawany do owoców cytrusowych)
And 236 nieszkodliwy (kwas mrówkowy, syntetyczny, dodatek do ryb wędzonych, surowych soków owocowych)
And 237 nieszkodliwy (mrówczan sodu, syntetyczny)
And 238 nieszkodliwy (mrówczan wapnia, syntetyczny)
And 239 rakotwórczy (heksamina, heksametylenotetraamina, urotropina, syntetyczny)
And 249 szkodzi przy nadciśnieniu (azotyn potasu, syntetyczny, dodatek do wędlin)
And 250 szkodzi przy nadciśnieniu (azotyn sodu, syntetyczny, dodatek do wędlin)
And 251 szkodzi przy nadciśnieniu (azotan sodu, syntetyczny, dodatek do wędlin, serów podpuszczkowych i topionych)
And 252 szkodzi przy nadciśnieniu (azotan potasu, syntetyczny, dodatek do wędlin, serów podpuszczkowych i topionych))
And 260 nieszkodliwy (acetic acid, syntetyczny lub fermentacyjny, dodatek do marynat: śledzi, fungi, sałatek)
And 261 nieszkodliwy (octan potasu, syntetyczny, dodatek do marynat: śledzi, fungi, sałatek)
And 262 nieszkodliwy (dwuoctan sodu, datek do marynat: śledzi, fungi, sałatek)
And 263 nieszkodliwy (octan wapnia, dodatek do marynat: śledzi, fungi, sałatek)
And 264 octan amonu
And 270 nieszkodliwy (lactic acid)
And 280 nieszkodliwy (kwas propionowy)
And 281 nieszkodliwy (sól sodowa kwasu propionowego)
And 282 nieszkodliwy (sól wapniowa kwasu propionowego)
And 283 nieszkodliwy (sól potasowa kwasu propionowego)
And 300 nieszkodliwy (Vitamin C, ascorbic acid)
And 301 nieszkodliwy (sól sodowa kwasu askorbinowego)
And 302 nieszkodliwy (sól wapniowa kwasu askorbinowego)
And 304 nieszkodliwy (kwas palmitynowy)
And 306 nieszkodliwy (Vitamin E)
And 307 nieszkodliwy (witamina E jako produkt syntezy)
And 308 nieszkodliwy (witamina E jako produkt syntezy)
And 309 nieszkodliwy (witamina E jako produkt syntezy)
And 310 powoduje wysypki (galusan propylowy)
And 311 powoduje wysypki (galusan octylowy)
And 312 powoduje wysypki (galusan dodecylowy)
And 320 zwiększa poziom cholesterolu zabroniony (butylohydroxyaminol – BHA)
And 321 zwiększa poziom cholesterolu, rakotwórczy zabroniony (butylohydroxytolumen – BHT)
And 322 nieszkodliwy (lecithin)
And 325 nieszkodliwy (sól sodowa kwasu mlekowego)
And 326 nieszkodliwy (sól potasowa kwasu mlekowego)
And 327 nieszkodliwy (sól wapniowa kwasu mlekowego)
And 330 rakotwórczy (citric acid)
And 331 nieszkodliwy (sól sodowa kwasu cytrynowego)
And 332 nieszkodliwy (sól potasowa kwasu cytrynowego)
And 333 nieszkodliwy (sól wapniowa kwasu cytrynowego)
And 335 nieszkodliwy (sól sodowa kwasu winowego)
And 336 nieszkodliwy (sól potasowa kwasu winowego)
And 337 nieszkodliwy (sól wapniowa kwasu winowego)
And 338 zakłóca trawienie (kwas ortofosforowy)
And 339 zakłóca trawienie (sól sodowa kwasu ortofosforowego)
And 340 zakłóca trawienie (sól potasowa kwasu ortofosforoweg)
And 341 zakłóca trawienie (sól wapniowa kwasu ortofosforowego)
And 400 nieszkodliwy (kwas alginowy)
And 401 nieszkodliwy (alginian sodowy)
And 402 nieszkodliwy (alginian potasowy)
And 403 nieszkodliwy (alginian amonowy)
And 404 nieszkodliwy (alginian wapniowy)
And 405 nieszkodliwy (alginian propylenowo-glikolowy)
And 407 zakłóca trawienie (karagenan)
And 450 zakłóca trawienie i gospodarkę wapniową (fosforany)
And 461 zakłóca trawienie (metyloceluloza)
And 462 zakłóca trawienie (związki celulozy)
And 463 zakłóca trawienie (związki celulozy)
And 465 zakłóca trawienie (związki celulozy)
And 466 zakłóca trawienie (związki celulozy)
And 477 zakłóca trawienie (ester propylenowo-glikolowy)
Wykaz dodatków (preservatives) szkodliwych dla zdrowia
Dodatki podejrzane o szkodliwe działanie:
And 125, 141, 150, 153, 171, 172, 173, 240, 241, 477
Dodatki wywołujące zaburzenia jelitowe:
And 220, 221, 222, 223, 224
Dodatki wywołujące zaburzenia trawienne:
And 338, 339, 340, 341, 407, 450, 451, 463, 465, 466
Dodatki wywołujące choroby skóry:
And 230, 231, 232, 233
Dodatek niszczący witaminą B-12:
And 200
Dodatki powodujące choroby naczyń krwionośnych:
And 250, 251, 252
Dodatki powodujące uczulenie nerwowe:
And 311, 312
Dodatek niebezpieczny dla zdrowia (rakotwórczy):
And 330
Dodatki rakotwórcze:
And 131, 142, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217
Dodatki silnie rakotwórcze:
And 123, 210, 211, 239.

e związki


1. Healthy Eating – list

zdrowe odżywianie

Healthy eating - shopping list

Once you make a decision about healthy eating take it with you shopping list, containing 10 essential products:

1. Vegetables and fruits
After completion czyszczenia cabinets and refrigerator with junk products go shopping. First steps directed to the grocery store, where we supply is abundant in fresh fruits and vegetables. If we know a farmer near, which we know for sure, that cultivates "godly" or without chemicals we supply it with him.
Or maybe someone has a plot with friends? If you do not have such opportunities - does not matter. It is better to eat a veggie "from the grocery store" than not eat at all or eat steak.

The most common our doubts may raise vegetables or fruit spray.
As we know, when sprayed crop farmer, and then it rains, must be sprayed again (rain rinse spray). In online stores you can get special washes vegetables and fruits in order to get rid of pesticides. We can simply get rid of the home-spraying the surface potential of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruit for a few minutes leave the baking soda solution (ok. a tablespoon of baking soda per liter of water which will give us a pH of about. 10, sufficient to occur the hydrolysis of compounds used in the spray), then rinse with clean water and ready.

2. Sea salt and Himalayan
Because we threw in the trash items that our body spices such as salt, refined and Vegeta / Jarzynka / Kucharek - we obtain the new. Salt Lighthouse equipment is essential in human longevity – Such salt alkaline with blood (in contrast to refined white salt, which it is acidified). The online stores can buy Himalayan salt. It has a wonderful taste, deeper and richer than sea salt, Vegeta worthily replaces in most cases. Himalayan salt is tens of natural elements (microelements) necessary for our body, m.in.: calcium, magnesium, bed, live, silicon, sulfur, etc..

3. Nuts and seeds, and dried fruit
It is necessary to have a variety of home inventory
- Nuts: almonds, walnuts, Hazelnuts, Brazilian, cashews, macadamia, HKANY, coconut (chips) and others that we like.

- Seeds: linseed, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame and other what we like sprouts and seeds for which we do not eat directly, but only after germination. Their breeding is a real pleasure, and eating even more. I would recommend to start with, in my opinion the most delicate in flavor – broccoli sprouts.

- Dried fruit: raisins, cranberry, cherry, Goji berries, moral, daktyl to, cherries, fiji, as well as other: apples, pears, bananas, mango, cantaloupe and other what we like. Dried fruits kupujmy niesiarczkowane, However, if we happen to buy sulphides there is no reason to panic, you only need to soak for 2 hours fruit in water and pour it, and so 2-3 times - these compounds are very soluble in water. We do not buy or caramelized candied fruit!

4. Natural and healthy sweeteners
The research shows, the healthiest (most alkalizing and digestible) Sugar is a date, unfortunately it is not available with us. However, we dried dates, You can use them to sweetening their cocktails or desserts. In second place is xylitol or erythritol (natural polyols), Continue maple syrup and honey (organic, raw, of Pszczelarza, not pasteurized 'blend of honeys "of unknown origin!). There is stevia - studies on its potentially harmful or harmless but it is difficult to expect yet, because this herb appeared on the market recently. We supply also non-addictive substitute in cocoa - carob. You can buy it in powder, smarownym kremiku or in liquid. Ideal for sheikhs, ice cream, yogurt and desserts

5. Tea
Popular social drink black tea can occasionally, but remember, it is acidifying. Alkalizing work while Yerba Mate, and all the green tea herbal and fruit teas (but not with cranberries). When buying fruit tea pay our attention to composition - we can fall into the hand of black tea only fruit FLAVOURED. These teas do not buy. Yerba Mate for beginners I recommend to buy one with the addition of lemon - a taste of this tea to be liked, at first contact can taste shockingly, But every once again makes the discovery of new flavors this extremely valuable to the human body drink. Make a pot of boiling water never any tea, destroy valuable because it contains ingredients! Max. temperatura to 80 degrees (for raw food can be even 45-50 degrees, only longer be steep).

6. Fats
Any oil which we use must be cold pressed, unrefined. First buy a bottle of olive oil extravergine. There are many varieties on the market, are milder or more dry, many have already tested the mildest flavor is Goccia d'Oro. In addition to the oil extravergine can also obtain cold pressed linseed oil and coconut (the so-called. coconut butter), and then try other cold-pressed oils valuable, the nature of which we fortunately did not skimp: Oil sezamowy, Rape, safflower, rydzowy ( from camelina), Oil wiesiołkowy, sunflower, Poppy, hempen, Rosehip oil, thistle, Pumpkin seed, Borage, Black cumin, with walnuts, peanuts or hazelnuts, Grape seed ... or even if only for a moment regret, threw it into the trash his refined "Kujawski"?

7. Baking soda
It will be necessary to pesticide leaching from the surface of fruits and vegetables and a host of other applications. Without soda at home or move!

8. Cereals
We threw in the trash processed cereals and sugar type Nestle. In return? We have to buy oats and spelled, or the other what you like - in the natural form, sugar and other additives. It will be useful to have a home of brown rice and flour: orkiszową i razową (wheat or rye), because white flour went where it belongs, or in the trash. Also buy seeds for sprouts.

9. Spices
You should not miss spices such as: marjoram,cinnamon, cayenne pepper, basil, garam masala, ginger, turmeric, vanilla pod, kmin Rzymski i kminek, desiccated coconut, cloves, nutmeg and other what you like. All natural spices have a lot of valuable antioxidants.

10. Kitchen Tools
I assume, meat grinder that we already have, Now we will use it in a slightly different order. Very useful addition will:
- Citrus press
- Kiełkownica seeds
- Steamer (Electric or as a pot with insert)
- Blender with powerful engine (does not have to be crazy once a type of road Vitamix ) or other food processor
- Coffee grinder (but it will not grind coffee only healthier things like flaxseed, nuts like.)
- Squeezer fruit and vegetable juices (rather not juicer, because the juices come out lower quality than the juicer and there is more waste, So overpay and long-term cash and health)

Of course, we will not be able to complete everything at once. However, I would recommend the method of small steps - first to buy it, what is necessary and cheaper
and what you can get almost on the spot. Expensive goods such as. juice squeezer, after all we are not required on the first day. Therefore, let us buy everything on a regular basis within its means, and you will soon find,
in our kitchen that we have everything you need, chronic health to live 120 years.

http://nwonews.pl/artykul,4028,Nutrition-healthy-for shopping-list

zdrowe odżywianie

The weakening of the body – 10 Section

The weakening of the body's resistance – 10 Section

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Products that may affect the attenuation of the immune system.
Resistance starts in the intestine ( ok. 70% immune cells)

1. Processed (industrially or at home) and / or pro-inflammatory acting food: sweetened (sugar or synthetic sweeteners), artificially flavored or colored, foods containing monosodium glutamate, Canned, smoked, canned, Fried, grilled (dioxins and other carcinogens), processed dairy industry (pasteurized or homogenized), soft drinks and carbonated
in plastics and aluminum cans, juices in cartons, vinegar and products containing it, richly fertilized early vegetables, Food nadpsute, nadpleśniała, powder concentrates, refined oils and done with their use products (for example,. mayonnaise, ready-made dressings and other products containing anonymous and unspecified "vegetable oil"
label and so on.), margarine, confectionery and ice cream industry, "White" products
- Cleaned and refined (white flour and products made from them, white rice, refined sugar,
Refined salt etc.), all kinds of ready meals. Unfortunately, most
this, which is located in grocery stores today is only for sale,
not to eat.

2. Excess inflammatory animal products: particularly those from factory farming (both poultry and mammals), eggs, red meat (pork, beef), farmed fish and seafood
aquaculture (salmon, trout, box, bank, tilapia, shrimp etc.) or processed herring (most of the tracks on the Polish market dosmaczana sodium glutamate, dosładzana syntetycznymi słodzikami i konserwowana benzoesanem penalty).

3. Transgenic food: or genetically modified (GMO), not to be confused
varieties of the plant - derived from transgenic crops today, most soybeans and corn for the world, produced for food and feed.
Not enough time has passed for us to have data on the long-term effects of that food on the health of subsequent generations of people.

4. Conventional cosmetics: beauty, Care, oral hygiene such as toothpastes and mouthwashes, antysłoneczne cosmetics, etc.. All can replace toxic captured with counterparts at home for pennies or cosmetics and organic oils.

5. Conventional cleaning (powders, lotions, foam, fluids, air fresheners). They can be replaced by less aggressive versions or homemade eco harmless and cheap products. Cleaning can be done effectively with the disposal of soda, vinegar, borax i Household liquid enzyme.

6. Stimulants: coffee, black tea, tobacco, drugs, alcohols, drinks with caffeine and the stimulants (energizing). Most of these drugs destroy the intestinal bacterial flora and leaches valuable minerals from the body.

7. Other substances xenobiotic (or foreign substances, which is not a natural component of a living organism): introduced into the body for therapeutic purposes (vaccine, drugs, Some dietary supplements) or in the environment (dioksyny, PCB, BPA, heavy metals such as lead, aluminum, mercury, cadmium) and many others.

8. Lack of sleep and rest: niedosypianie, overwork, stress, rush, noise, chaos, excess duties, hypoxia (lack of exercise) or too intense physical activity (training, professional sport).

9. Negative thoughts and emotions: fear, sadness, anger, anger, grief, fault, jealousy, shame, anxiety, rage, envy, bitterness, contempt, helplessness, greed, hatred. Influence our thinking and our emotions on the immune system involved in the field of science called psychoneuroimmunology.

10. Electronic smog and radiation: wireless devices, mobile phones, Medical diagnostic equipment, microwaves and various electrical and / or electronic. Should be protected from them especially children and the elderly. Not too should wear the cells in your pocket, on the neck and in her bra. When using electric (for example,. coffee mill, blendera) Let's move away from them, Turn on the TV only when we see something, etc.. This also applies to devices that are in standby mode, because the device's exit completely when not working.


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