Category Archives: George Zieba – Natural Treatment

George Zieba over 20-hundred years of experience in Naturoterapia, particularly with regard to natural methods of treatment and prevention of chronic diseases and cancer. He lectures on simple and effective methods of treatment and prevention of disease without the use of artificially synthesized.

George Zieba – Therapies hidden parts.08 – resistance and other issues


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie

George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.8 – resistance and other issues

Plans for the suffering, seeking help.
Newly-creation is a newly formed tissue, This symptom, symptom choroby,
which is already in the body and is the cause of which must be treated.
Cancer is not a disease, is only a name – cancer.
Cancer treatment appropriate doses of vitamin C.
The patient has the right of deciding how to be treated.
The issue of iodine, Lugol's iodine for hyperthyroidism. Vitamin C in fruits.
Information about vegetables. Quality of food.
Strengthening the immune system: Wit.D3 + wit.K2 MK-7, Also a few drops of
iodine (Lugola).
Way to cold: hydrogen peroxide 3%.
The next way: water hydrogen peroxide Iodine – gargle.
The way to the bay: saline hydrogen peroxide 2-3 drops Lugoli (later upgraded by p.Jerzego) – You can get rid of the perennial problems of the sinuses.
At higher temperatures: wit.C.
Lots of information in the book p.Jerzego.

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie



George Zieba – Therapies hidden parts.07 – Toxins


jerzy zięba-toksyny

George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.7 – Toxins

Free radicals are destructive excess force. Toxins are oxidizers.
Well detoxifies toxins Vitamin C.
Vegetable fat in excess of free radicals causes avalanche.
Heavy metals cause various health problems, such tumors. cadmium
Iodine very well remove metals and other compounds.
Vitamin C also removes metals.
Chelation-efficient metal removal treatment.
Eg poisoning themselves. shampoos, dezodorantami, toothpaste.
Presentation in the studio detergent and deodorant-teeth healthy, natural.
More about the acidification of the stomach-some important information.
The distance in time between meals.
Posts are very healthy and beneficial.

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you


jerzy zięba-toksyny



George Zieba – Therapies hidden parts.06 – Healthy eating


jerzy zięba-zdrowe żywienie

George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.6 – Healthy eating

Collagen provides the flexibility of bones and multiple organs. Osteoporoza to brak kolagenu. Collagen to 40% myocardial infarction, to 90% eyeball, i.e. 60% liver. The body builds collagen from inside and not from outside (cosmetics).
For example,. aortic aneurysm is not only possible but also the lack of selenium collagen.
Varicose veins is also a lack of collagen. Very good for the body is collagen in the skin of the pig, in the legs and sausages, salcesonie, pie.
Decoction of crow's feet is a great collagen. Diseased joints – collagen.
What is important is what we eat, but the most important is that the absorption.
Diet Dr. Budwig advantageous for tumors. If the cell oxygenation falls
to about 30% it turns into a cancer cell.
Protein is digested well if it is properly acidic environment.
Heartburn, GERD is a weak acidity of the stomach.
Acting badly stomach may be associated with myocardial, coronary artery disease.
The stomach must be strongly acidified, in then properly functioning.
Protein is digested badly treated by the immune system as a foreign substance. What could be the result of allergies, asthma, problems with diabetes and depression.
Suitable acidification and many problems disappear. Many important processes is dependent on the stomach. What is particularly farmed fish is better not to know. Yogurt shops are often made from milk powder!
Taking care of the bowel is very important.
In wątróbce is more vitamin C than an apple.

Here It is also a lot of information on the acidity of the stomach.

Acidification of the stomach – test

1. To test whether the stomach is acidic or not, we use 1/2 glass of water and 1/2 SODA teaspoon if the "reflection" gas (CO2) take place before the end of 90 seconds, we can consider, that the acidity of the stomach is correct.
If later, acidification is already less, and if it occurs after 3 minutes, or not at all ... then you can be considered, that acidification is insufficient.

Obviously this is a very simplified test. The most reliable is to measure the pH immediately after collection of samples of gastric juices of the stomach probe, but this at home ... do not do

This test is generally done in the morning, immediately after getting out of bed ... but, of course it can perform such. before lunch. But then, due to the complete neutralization of gastric juice, Wait at least one hour, before you eat.

Glass of water with baking soda (for example,. level teaspoon) you can drink daily, but ... BETWEEN THE BOARD.
2. Gastric acidification use (in adult) ok. 1/4 glass of water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. For example, a child correspondingly less. 1 teaspoon vinegar.
Of course, Gastric acidity doing ok. 10 -15 BEFORE min each meal, especially if it is a high-protein meal (meat, vegetables).

NOTE : Please AS ALWAYS start with a small amount of !! For existing mucosal inflammation, might hurt !! Then of course you must first heal gastric mucosa, but this is a separate and longer on, which I will try to describe in the second part of the book. - Jerzy Zieba

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you”


jerzy zięba-zdrowe żywienie




George Zieba – lecture in Gdynia “Hidden Therapies”


jerzy zięba w gdyni

George Zieba – lecture in Gdynia “Hidden Therapies”

Organizer Team “We promote health” – 14.03.2015r.
Problems doctors, academic medicine with treatment. There is a need for cooperation
natural medicine for the good of us all.
The scourge of diseases often have young people. A huge lack of appropriate diagnoses. Are treated causes symptoms. Often, the patient dies from cancer only
due to treatment of cancer. Commentary on the government's Strategy Against Cancer.
Vitamin D3 has a key role in preventing cancer. If all people vitamin D3 level was at an appropriate level, it would decrease the incidence of cancer of the 50-70%. There is a very little knowledge among physicians about vitamin D3.
The vaccine is not a panacea and is not subject to the testing procedures. Deficiency of vitamin D3 creates the cause of poor communication between the cell and in effect creates a cancer cell. Vitamin D3 is a nutrient and acts beneficially on all diseases. Overdose of vitamin D3 is negligible, can be taken to 10 thousand. units per day. If you start your treatment should be to check the level of vitamin D3 in the body. High concentrations of vitamin D3 cause DNA damage, which also applies to cancer.
Vitamin D3 in the body triggers the production of anti-viral proteins strongly
and bacterial. Vitamin deficiency or adequate water may be the cause of many diseases. Wit.K2 is essential for health, slows the progression of lung cancer and breast. Wit.K2 helps to build calcium in the bones. The issue of osteoporosis. Taking vitamin D3 and calcium must be connected to wit.K2.
Cholesterol in the diet does not affect much cholesterol in the blood. The more cholesterol you eat, the less the liver produces cholesterol. And the less you eat, the more liver produces cholesterol. Issues of heart attacks
and walking barefoot in the grass. In the United States about 600 removed animal diseases using only the vitamins and minerals. Cells, tv, computers, wi-fi – electromagnetic radiation. Psoriasis, thyroid, lack of selenium, tumors – treatment, effects of chemotherapy, mammography – effects. Oil of cannabis in the treatment of epilepsy, cancer – a lot of information.
Details are in the lectures and the book p. George “Hidden therapies”

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you

george finch - book

george finch in gdynia 1



George Zieba – “Cannabis Cures”


george finch canabis

George Zieba – Seminar in Oława “Cannabis (marijuana) Heals”

Lack of adequate diagnoses for patients, “do not treat the disease, treat human”. Why do we get sick? Marijuana has about 1,000 substances, is used to treat cannabis oil because it has all the properties of healing.
Problems with the need for the use of cannabis. The effects after use.
The use in the treatment of vitamin D. Diagnosis of cancer, Thyroid. If natural medicine combine academic medicine would have the amazing ability to treat. Thyroid Treatment options.
Veterinarians have greater achievements in the treatment than doctors.
Animals do not have insurance.
Energy Medicine (biotherapy and other) what cures often incurable.

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you

jerzy zięba - ukryte terapie


jerzy zięba canabis



George Zieba – lecture in Kalisz


jerzy zięba w kaliszu

George Zieba – lecture in Kalisz

Drugs and doctors, matter of cholesterol and atherosclerosis, High cholesterol is a symptom of inflammation in the body, vitamin D help cure a variety of diseases and its source. I produce hormones promotes cholesterol. Renal cell communication is a lack of vitamin D promotes the formation of cancer cells. Lack of vitamin D is the lack of cholesterol.
The causes of cancer and how to cope. Chemotherapy and threats. The young generation is very sick, the younger the worse. Mineral Supplementation. Deworming, Candida, harmful electromagnetic fields – Cell, tv.
The issue of food quality, collagen.

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you

jerzy zięba - książka


jerzy zięba w kaliszu



George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.13 – Marijuana

jerzy zięba

George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.13 – Marijuana

Another interview on NTV 26.03.2015r. Jerzy finch
Oil of cannabis – not the shop. Various types of compounds (ok. 1000)
oil of cannabis. Works well with epilepsy, SM (induration), diabetes, tumors, Heroism, the drama of parents of children with cancer. Memorial Health Institute supports treatment
in children with cannabis extracts. Project plantation and oil production in Poland cannabis for medicinal purposes.

More about the book George's Finches:
“Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you”

jerzy zięba - książka


jerzy zięba



Acidification of the stomach – test

Gastric acidity

Acidification of the stomach – test

1. To test whether the stomach is acidic or not, we use 1/2 glass of water and 1/2 SODA teaspoon if “reflection” gas (CO2) take place before the end of 90 seconds, we can consider, that the acidity of the stomach is correct.
If later, acidification is already less, and if it occurs after 3 minutes, or not at all… then can be, that acidification is insufficient.

Obviously this is a very simplified test. The most reliable is to measure the pH immediately after collection of samples of gastric juices of the stomach probe, but… this at home do not do

This test is generally done in the morning, immediately after getting out of bed ... but, of course it can perform such. before lunch. But then, due to the complete neutralization of gastric juice, Wait at least one hour, before you eat.

Glass of water with baking soda (for example,. level teaspoon) you can drink daily, but ... BETWEEN THE BOARD.
2. Gastric acidification use (in adult) ok. 1/4 glass of water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. For example, a child correspondingly less. 1 teaspoon vinegar.
Of course, Gastric acidity doing ok. 10 -15 BEFORE min each meal, especially if it is a high-protein meal (meat, vegetables).

NOTE : Please AS ALWAYS start with a small amount of !! For existing mucosal inflammation, might hurt !! Then of course you must first heal gastric mucosa, but this is a separate and longer on, which I will try to describe in the second part of the book. – George Zieba

Proszę przeczytać artykuł z “Nexsusa”:
Związek kwasu żołądkowego z naszym zdrowiem
“Zapomnij o zwodniczych reklamach – potrzebujesz kwasu a nie leków
“In the year 1970 postępowy zaprzyjaźniony lekarz z Los Angeles powiedział mi,

że kwas solny w żołądku jest tak cenny, że każdy lek zobojętniający go powinien
być prawnie zakazany
“…niedobór kwasu żołądkowego czyni z nas ofiary „salmonelli, cholery, czerwonki, tyfusu i gruźlicy, nie wspominając o ogrodowej odmianie zgagi, biegunce, zaparciach, wzdęciach i pasożytach”

” Pierwszym podejrzanym w przypadku stwierdzenia anemii powinien być poziom kwasu żołądkowego…
“Niedobór kwasu żołądkowego może powodować niestrawność, złe wchłanianie
i wzdęcia prowadzące do chorób zwyrodnieniowych, ostrych i przewlekłych infekcji
a nawet raka. Ten niedobór można przezwyciężyć za pomocą prostej terapii”
Nexus (11-12.2012)

Here i here is a lot of information on the acidity of the stomach.

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you

Ziołowe kuracje na nadkwasotę i niedokwasotę – here


jerzy zięba-test



George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.12

jerzy zięba

George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.12

Conversation in the NTV 18.03.2015. Natural way to the bay and ears, resistant bacteria
a jod, Hashimoto, mob and pregnancy, adrenal and thyroid, the issue of iodine in the body, the future of energy medicine, self-treatment of any disease.
Motto interview:
“A good doctor is the person who loves another man”

More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you”

george finch - book




George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.11 – response to numerous e-mails

jerzy zięba

George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.11 – response to numerous e-mails

NTV interview 06.03.2015r. George Zieba receives approximately a week. 1.000 e-mail
of people who seek help. Answers some in the studio. George Zieba writes a second book and focuses on the creation of therapeutic center in Rzeszow, mainly cancer
and chronic disease. Created centers that serve the sick Vitamin C which is often a misunderstanding. Acidification of the stomach and Diseases, consultations will be possible as the rise of the resort and the appropriate doctors. The issue wit.B17. Osteoporosis, articular cartilage, lupus psoriasis, training of doctors, Veterinarians and numerous cure.
RA – Treatment Options, skin psoriasis, Kelp (algae), the role of water in the body, electromagnetic smog.

More about the book George's Finches:
“Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you”

george finch - book