Tag Archives: osteoporosis

Aloe – great pulp


Aloe – great pulp

Aloe vera is known to mankind for thousands of years as a plant perfectly serving health.
today we know, that the power of aloe lies in its precious composition.
In the pulp of aloe were detected 270 mikroskładników.
Belong to them: minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, iron, eating, potassium, chrome, copper), amino acids (including nine
ten so. dietary essential amino acids), unsaturated fatty acids, substances with analgesic activity, inflammatory and antibacterial, enzymy i ligniny, saponiny, as well as polysaccharides and trace amounts of substances with a biostymulującym.
The aloe leaf closed nature extremely rich, but harmonious composition of ingredients. Thanks to the plant acts synergistically, and its individual components complement each other perfectly in their beneficial effect.

aloesPreparations Forever Living Products are manufactured on the basis of aloe. Stabilization and consolidation remarkably submissive to the oxidation of the pulp takes place in a proprietary process, with high precision and meticulous - so as to keep all the beneficial nutrients.
W ten oto sposób uzyskujemy prawie 100 % czysty miąższ aloesowy.

Aloe Vera added to the daily diet can improve digestion, enhance immunity and increase overall efficiency, both physical,
and mental.

removes bacteria, viruses, mushrooms, działa przeciwzapalnie i znieczulająco.

Effect of aloe on the organism:
– cleanses the body
– stomach illness
– zaawansowana miażdżyca
– weight loss (supports metabolism)
– rheumatism
– zapalenie gardła
– after myocardial infarction
– choroby serca i naczyń krwionośnych
– anemia
– diabetes (lowers blood sugar levels)
– osteoporosis
– regulates the pressure
– brak odporności
– on the upper airways
– na alergie (It operates odczulająco)
– asthma
– psoriasis
– na artretyzm
– w nerwicach
– supplements nutritional deficiencies

– regulates the body

Zalecany w ciężkich, trudnych schorzeniach, oczyszcza, regeneruje
i wzmacnia organizm


10 reasons to drink aloe:

1. Building blocks of the body
The aloe contained essential amino acids, which the body itself can not produce and are essential for building cell.
Regularne picie miąższu dostarcza aminokwasy do naszego organizmu.

2. anti-inflammatory properties
Forever Aloe Vera Gel contains 12 natural substances, which have anti-inflammatory, without causing side effects.
3. A daily dose of vitamins
Forever Aloe Vera Gel contains Vitamins: A,B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, folic acid and niacin. Drinking Aloe Vera daily dose of vitamin supplement, and naturally you support the immune system.
4. A daily serving of minerals
Among the minerals contained in Aloe Vera from Forever is calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, chrome, magnesium, eating, copper and zinc. They support the body in maintaining good physical and mental.
5. The reconstruction of collagen and elastin
Aloe Vera is a rich supply of building materials, potrzebnych do uzyskania
i zachowania zdrowej skóry. Drinking Aloe Vera counteracts the effects of aging.

6. Adjust weight and energy levels
Regular drinking aloe juice can cleanse colon, increases energy levels and helps maintain normal body weight.
7. Support the immune system
Aloe Vera thanks to the nutrient substances, które ma w swoim składzie wspomaga
układ odpornościowy, improves mood.

8. Help the good digestion
Regular drinking Forever Aloe Vera Gel may affect the efficient functioning of the intestinal absorption of nutrients .łatwiejsze, while reducing the undesirable bacteria and yeast, and all this in a natural way! Relieves digestive problems (bloating, constipation, heartburn)
9. acceleration of healing
Aloe Vera promotes activity of fibroblasts, that are involved in relieving minor burns, cuts, abrasions and skin irritations.
10. Health and dental hygiene
Aloe Vera has a beneficial effect on the health of the mouth and gums.

It serves as a wonderful means of nourishing and stimulating, about the beneficial impact
the proper functioning of our body.

Regular consumption of pulp helps to maintain for many years, both good health, siły witalne, and honey appearance. Aloe Vera supports the body's natural defenses and its biological efficiency. It can serve as an excellent means of nourishing and stimulating, a positive impact on the proper function of our body.

Aloe Vera Forever – Aloes miąższ i inne skuteczne suplementy

1 teaspoon a day.
Przy cięższych, difficult, chronic begin 1łyżeczki,
slowly, daily increased to 2 tablespoons per day, and more.
Nie można przedawkować.
daily intake
Stabilized pulp from the leaves of Aloe Vera, sorbitol – sweetener, ascorbic acid, citric acid – an acidity regulator, potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate – preservatives, rubber ksantanowa – thickener, tokoferol -przeciwutleniacz.
1L pulp contains Aloe Vera, aloe derived from plants mature, 3-5-summer.

aloe vera

Additives included in the pulp Aloe Vera
All natural

Sorbitol – supports the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
Water Sorbitol is derived from specially processed maize.

Natural Lemon Flavor – obtained from lemons and other citrus fruits, contains vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C.
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) – antioxidant of vegetable origin, also required in the formation of collagen cells.
Properties of vitamin C are well known, m.in. strengthens capillaries, accelerates the healing process.
Citric acid – obtained from sugar and citrus fruits. Widely used in the food industry, as antioxidant, regulates the level of PH. Uczestniczy w cyklu energetycznym Krebbsa, also essential in building the body's cells.
sodium benzoate – a substance derived from benzoic acid, produced mainly blackberries and other mountain berries. It prevents the growth of bacteria during use of the product. This component is used in amounts not exceeding
6 mg 100 g produktu (0,006%).

Papaina – in fruit papaya, natural enzyme supporting the assimilation of protein.
rubber ksantanowa – naturalnie stabilizujący i tworzący emulsję składnik uzyskiwany
z glonu morskiego – brunatnicy

tocopherol (Vitamin E) – produced from wheat germ, grains of rice and other vegetable oils, natural antioxidant. Vitamin E is known for its many medicinal properties, m.in. It is recognized as a measure to reduce the risk of cancer.

Ale Vera zawdzięcza swoje działanie składnikom, które posiada, jest to ponad 75 substancji odżywczych, prócz tego 200 składników aktywnych, 20 minerals, mikro i makroelementów – sole sodu, potasu, fosforu, Magnesium, wapnia, cynku, miedzi, Selena, chromium, 12 vitamins: A, B vitamins, C , E i K oraz błonnik, enzymy i sterole, ponadto 18 aminokwasów oraz nienasycone kwasy tłuszczowe (linoleic, linolenowy, stearynowy).

Zapraszam do zapoznania się z ciekawym wykładem:
Fenomen miąższu aloesowego “FOREVER ALOE VERA”
Prof. dr hab. Grażyna Cichosz Wydział Nauki o Żywności
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Fenomen miąższu aloesowego FOREVER ALOE VERA – Prof. dr hab. Grażyna Cichosz

Produkty Forever Living Products były pierwszymi, które otrzymały prestiżowy Certyfikat Jakości przyznawany przez Międzynarodową Radę Naukową d/s Aloesu – (IASC -International Aloe Science Council) za czystość i wysoką jakość produktów. Firma może się pochwalić także Znakiem Koszerności, Znakiem Halal, Islamską Pieczęcią Aprobaty oraz Certyfikatem potwierdzającym iż produkty nie są testowane na zwierzętach.

Package: 1 liter
Manufacturer: Forever Living Products
Kraj pochodzenia: USA, Arizona



George Zieba – Therapies hidden part 3 – lecture in Chicago


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie-chicago

George Zieba – Therapies hidden part 3 – lecture in Chicago

Replay and complete information about the acidification of the stomach.
Overview of the test and other important information about the acidification of the stomach.
The nawodnieniu (water with a salt e.g.. Himalayan) organism e.g.. stomach ulcers,
Cancer, migraine. Water with salt acts systemically.
Minerals and vitamins needed every day and in sickness.
Urine is to have a bright color, yellowish. The darker the worse.
It is not true to say: we are what we eat, only what the absorption.
Taking molasses (intermediate in the production of sugar rich in minerals)
by ca.. 6 months of rebuilding a damaged intestinal mucosa.
Elderly suddenly says,, because they began to absorb food properly.
For problems with falling asleep: 1/2 drink a glass of water and a pinch of salt into.
Or 1/2 cup of warm (not hot, nor cold) water and half a teaspoon of salt to drink
and go to sleep, often helps.
To 1/2 h. before eating you need to drink a glass of water with salt.
After the meal, we drink water after 2,5 h.
Tea and coffee dehydrates, do not give the body of water.
With age, decreased gastric acidity, and acidification increases.
If your body is acidic it draws calcium from bones and osteoporosis arises.
Already 30 olds have soft bones due to the strong acidity.
The young generation is biologically very poor.
People who have a problem with drinking water, after salting will drink.
We must teach children proper eating and hydration.
Body to function well and it was a balance of salt water is necessary.
Thanks hydration various problems often resolve themselves.
A child needs for proper growth of animal fats – butter, lard.
Children consume huge quantities of sugar – this is a huge problem.
Do not give children sugar, at all, of nothing.
Sugar or fructose-glucose is everywhere and it is a terrible thing.
Fructose promotes obesity and produces almost the same side effects as alcohol.
Induces inflammation. Glucose is needed, fructose.
Diabetic man lives in a constant state of inflammation.
That is why it is so important to drink water, because it has an anti-inflammatory.
Continuous, chronic inflammation is dangerous and can lead to cancer.
So, diabetes, and other people with chronic problems can not use fructose.
Joint problems – a lot of information and the names of the relevant specifics.
Issues of collagen in the body. Only from the inside, and not from the outside (cosmetics).
The best source of collagen are crow's feet – decoctions, soup.
Pork feet, sausages, salceson, knuckle (mainly skin).
Collagen bad links if no silicon.


More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie-chicago




George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.11 – response to numerous e-mails

jerzy zięba

George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.11 – response to numerous e-mails

NTV interview 06.03.2015r. George Zieba receives approximately a week. 1.000 e-mail
of people who seek help. Answers some in the studio. George Zieba writes a second book and focuses on the creation of therapeutic center in Rzeszow, mainly cancer
and chronic disease. Created centers that serve the sick Vitamin C which is often a misunderstanding. Acidification of the stomach and Diseases, consultations will be possible as the rise of the resort and the appropriate doctors. The issue wit.B17. Osteoporosis, articular cartilage, lupus psoriasis, training of doctors, Veterinarians and numerous cure.
RA – Treatment Options, skin psoriasis, Kelp (algae), the role of water in the body, electromagnetic smog.

More about the book George's Finches:
“Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you”

george finch - book



Aluminum – Movies, lectures, articles

Aluminum – this does not say out loud

Interview on NTV 25.06.2014.
Aluminum is a neurotoxin that attacks the central nervous system.
It is the cause of many modern diseases, such as osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease degenerative joint diseases, inflammatory muscle, pain syndromes. Beverage cans, deodorants react and dissolve aluminum, which is accumulated in the body.


Aluminum – this does not say out loud – Bert Ehgartner

We live in aluminum era. This lightweight, shiny metal has its the dark side, for the first time in such a meaningful way has been shown in this book is.

One hundred years ago, on the most common metal in the earth's crust is not known virtually nothing. Today aluminum is ubiquitous. Particularly popular with biologically active compounds of aluminum in cosmetic industry. Included in the aluminum tanning creams promotes the formation of a uniform tan. The dezodorantach Aluminum reacts with skin, inhibiting perspiration. Medications against hyperacidity often contain high doses of aluminum. In two-thirds of all vaccines Aluminum acts as a reinforcing material effect. Many water utilities aluminum compounds used in the process Water treatment. Households goes in water containing inevitable residue of aluminum.

In sharp contrast to the carefree use in the most sensitive areas of face-to-date research results:

breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed in the area of ​​armpits - there, wherein applying the aluminum-containing deodorants;
– Studies in animals have shown, that produces aluminum stupor, may thus be a catalyst for disease Alzheimer's human;
– aluminum manipulates the human immune system and can promote the formation of allergic reactions or autoimmune.

Aluminum files were finally opened.

This book provides readers with information, that for too long have been covered up and hidden by aluminum lobby.
The book can be purchased at the bookstore Publishing:


aluminium3 aluminum

The new study involves receiving doses of aluminum
with osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease - how to reduce the risk

A new study published in the International Journal of Electrochemical Science proves, involving the cooking of aluminum increases the risk of developing osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease. The human body can tolerate 1 mg aluminum na 1 kg of bone mass before it begins to accumulate in the brain.

What is really AMAZING - that until 139,2 mg of aluminum can be consumed by one person at one meal according to, how it is prepared. It is common practice in the world is cooking, preparing and keeping food in packages of aluminum. When aluminum is cold, the penetration of food is at a minimum. However, when food is being prepared at ca.. 150 degrees, penetration of aluminum to food is alarming.

Researchers studied 5 different types of meat (beef, buffalo meat, Baranina, chickens, indyki); They were wrapped in aluminum foil and boiled them in the oven at various temperatures over 150 degrees.

Discovered, that the level of concentration of aluminum increased by 378 % red meat, and in poultry 215 %.

It was also found, the fat contained in the meat, in addition to the cooking process, had an impact on the amount of aluminum, were found in the meat after trying.

Also disclosed, highly acidic that food wrapped in aluminum foil contained twice as much aluminum; effect on its level was also the size of the mold, in which boiled.

Food manufacturers often use aluminum for storage and food storage. This is an inexpensive, and said metal is easy to shape. However, there are ways, adopted to reduce the dose of aluminum.

How to reduce the level of aluminum in your diet

1) simply, Drinking water contains small doses of aluminum. Because, try to avoid drinking tap water and carbonated beverages, which are located in aluminum containers.

2) Try to avoid antiperspirants (deodorants), it contains aluminum. Many leading brands of antiperspirants contain large amounts of aluminum. A research study published by the Journal of Applied Toxicology shows, reacting the long-term human epithelial cells of the arteries to the aluminum results in an increased risk of cancer.

3) It is recommended to take calcium supplements, magnesium and zinc, to help the immune system to combat the accumulation of aluminum in.

4) There are alternative medicines and food, which help to detoxify your body with aluminum. Lemon juice, yellow ginger, garlic, brunatnica, kolendra, all of which are commonly used to detoxify the body from aluminum. Also, soaking feet by 30 minutes or longer epsomicie (Epsom salt, half a cup) or sea salt (half a cup) can remove aluminum.

More on this topic, link: http://www.theglobalistreport.com/new-study-reveals-how-aluminium-promotes-cancer-growth/

Concluding Remarks

The study is summarized request, aluminum foil that is not an appropriate measure for cooking, in particular food, which is highly acidic, and that the intake of food baked with the film may promote the development of sustainable diseases of various kinds.

There is enough evidence, that people exposed to large quantities of aluminum are subjected to the risk of the emergence and development of fatal complication of diseases and other health.

The difficulty lies in the fact, that aluminum is used almost universally in food production.

In comparison to the problem of disposal of fluorine compounds from our diet, aluminum is so pervasive, it is almost impossible, to remove from our lives it all, What was left of the artificially created.

Top, What we can do is to create public awareness of the state of our society on the risks associated with aluminum and require the governing determination of the risks associated with the use of aluminum, particularly during cooking.

The test results directly available in pdf file on the Globalist Report, link:



aluminium1 aluminium2

Aluminum: unsaid facts

Aluminum is approximately 8 weight percent of the Earth's crust. It is the third in terms of the occurrence of a chemical element, while the most common from the point of view of the metal. Are more widespread than oxygen and silicon, which together with aluminum, in countless combinations and relationships form a large part of the thick 40 km crustal. But a hundred years ago, few people had any idea of ​​the raw material.

Bert Ehgartner, known Austrian director, in the book Aluminum. He had not said out loud” presents three dogmas supporters of the large-scale use of this metal:
– its harmfulness is dose-dependent, minimal amounts can not have negative effect
– in contact with too much aluminum, metal is excreted by the body
– if not entirely expelled, is bound in a neutral resource, for example,. in the bones.

The author of the argumentative and uncompromising way refutes these arguments "aluminum era", proving the falsity. Despite a glossy surface that has its root the dark side.

The book Aluminum. He had not said out loud”, containing updated results shown, how many serious problems have arisen in this element in almost every field associated: extraction, treatment i application. Now's the time to break the veil from one of the most serious problems of our civilization and start on it open discussion. However, do not expect, that this will happen quickly and smoothly. Operating on the global market players have been too much to lose and will invest a huge amount of, that everything was as usual.

Pharmaceutical Industry

Proponents of vaccines deny, that the abnormal proliferation of chronic disease is related to a vaccination. Meanwhile, the dose of aluminum introduced into the body of infants and young children regularly increases. The metal is in fact an active substance, the so-called. adjuvant, which reinforces effects of vaccines. Decades ago, added to vaccines mercury, acted as a fungicidal. She was so very poisonous, that germs in competition with it had no chance of survival. After some time it turned out, that in the era of refrigerators, disposable syringes and fast transport it was completely unnecessary, because it excluded the possibility of attacking the vaccine for mold and fungus. However, in the case of aluminum, however, other. It can not be eliminated, because it would require a different flavor enhancer activity.

In Western countries, the 20 of 40 percent of the people complaining about the hyperacidity (Reflux). Most asks for help to the doctor, but the fourth goes to the pharmacy offering a wide range of specifics to help with stomach problems.

Resources for hyperacidity usually contain the active substance hydrotalcit, which is capable of binding acids by gradually returning aluminum hydroxide. This results in a neutralization of gastric acid.

Bert Ehgartner piece cites a leaflet accompanying the drug to hyperacidity: Due to the risk of an overdose of aluminum should avoid prolonged accept or regularly tested serum aluminum. It shall not exceed 40 micrograms per liter.

Cosmetics industry

Some manufacturers of cosmetics persist, that aluminum does not penetrate into the body through the skin. Meanwhile, almost every dezodorancie the metal of the principal active ingredient. Immediately reacts with the cells of the body and radically change their form and function. Tightens the skin, the sweat glands are sealed, water can not get out through the pores and the person stops sweating. Many cell is damaged or dies and therefore separated unpleasant odor. Withdrawal of these products - much to the delight of producers - is almost impossible.

Therefore scandal is silence about breast cancer with the use of antiperspirants. In studies of cancer cells from the surrounding area because armpits detected significant amounts of aluminum. Turns out to be untrue theory about, the mutant cell under the influence of aluminum is formed only inhibiting perspiration on the skin surface, detected as abnormal cells, mutated in the deep tissues okołopachowych.

A wide range of cosmetic products containing aluminum compounds is not limited to deodorants. Manufacturers of all kinds of creams, sleepers, pomadek, and even toothpaste did not fail to add to their catalog this material in various forms. When aluminum gets into the gastrointestinal tract, is partially excreted. If, however, will be absorbed through the skin, Half of the natural line of defense is inadequate. The skin because there are selected substances such, which should absorb and, where better to get rid of. This is a tangible threat.

Food Industry

Bert Ehgartner lists several examples of the use of aluminum in the food industry:
– pots, Aluminum pans
– aluminum foils
– powdered milk for infants
– dyes: E127, E132, E173, E520, E522, E541, E544, E1452
– baking powder - in order to increase the flowability
– salty sticks - to get a crispy crust bakers add caustic soda solution which is, which has pH14. If baking is used aluminum plate, may be entering this metal food
– drinking water treatment - because for ease of reacting it is used as a coagulant.

Reacts with oxygen present in the air, forming a layer of oxidative, which inhibits further reaction. The latter has a thickness of a fraction of a millimeter, and if it is damaged, comes to dissolved aluminum in the diet. Said protective layer is common destroyed in contact with acidic foods.

Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease, which occurs predominantly in the elderly, currently suffering 35 million people. The characteristic of this disease "senile plaques", that form in the brain and destroying it gradually, have high concentrations of aluminum.

The first studies were conducted by a team of researchers of the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, University of Ottawa, Canada. In his written report: Aluminum is a toxin from the group of metals, combined with a number of diseases, inter alia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, pathological changes of the brain in the course of dialysis and bone softening.

The 2000 test was also conducted on a group 3777 people in France. They have shown a potential link between aluminum deposits arising in the consumption of contaminated water and the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's.

Recent studies in rats fed occurring in the human diet with standard doses of the element revealed the injury, what causes it in the brain stating m. in., that: Aluminum is a toxin nerves in animals, and human.

Bert believes Ehgartner, that the vast majority of scientists investigating this issue does not preclude the, that aluminum plays an important role in the development of Alzheimer's disease. Anyone can trace these studies in the literature and form their own opinions. It is difficult for a greater discrepancy between this, findings in, and tranquilizers official communications organizations involved in Alzheimer's disease and science benefiting from the financial support of the aluminum industry.

The intention of the author and publisher of books Polish Aluminum. He had not said out loud planting is not panic in the minds of consumers, but the present tangible facts, which the average person would have little chance to learn from the media, and even more so with leaflets containing aluminum products.


Bert Ehgartner is known Austrian journalist and director of documentary films. At the International Film Festival in EcoTopTen 2013 r. the movie dirty little secret. Age of aluminum received the Grand Prize, in the category of documentaries and still enjoys great popularity in Austria and Germany. Inspired by the success of the film Ehgartner Bert wrote a book Dirty little secret- The Act aluminum (Polish title: Aluminum. He had not said out loud”), - Which became a hit on the book market - in just half a year sold a few thousand copies.

Aluminium. O tym nie mówi się głośno Aluminium. O tym nie mówi się głośno