Tag Archives: miąższ

Aloe – great pulp


Aloe – great pulp

Aloe vera is known to mankind for thousands of years as a plant perfectly serving health.
today we know, that the power of aloe lies in its precious composition.
In the pulp of aloe were detected 270 mikroskładników.
Belong to them: minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, iron, eating, potassium, chrome, copper), amino acids (including nine
ten so. dietary essential amino acids), unsaturated fatty acids, substances with analgesic activity, inflammatory and antibacterial, enzymy i ligniny, saponiny, as well as polysaccharides and trace amounts of substances with a biostymulującym.
The aloe leaf closed nature extremely rich, but harmonious composition of ingredients. Thanks to the plant acts synergistically, and its individual components complement each other perfectly in their beneficial effect.

aloesPreparations Forever Living Products are manufactured on the basis of aloe. Stabilization and consolidation remarkably submissive to the oxidation of the pulp takes place in a proprietary process, with high precision and meticulous - so as to keep all the beneficial nutrients.
W ten oto sposób uzyskujemy prawie 100 % czysty miąższ aloesowy.

Aloe Vera added to the daily diet can improve digestion, enhance immunity and increase overall efficiency, both physical,
and mental.

removes bacteria, viruses, mushrooms, działa przeciwzapalnie i znieczulająco.

Effect of aloe on the organism:
– cleanses the body
– stomach illness
– zaawansowana miażdżyca
– weight loss (supports metabolism)
– rheumatism
– zapalenie gardła
– after myocardial infarction
– choroby serca i naczyń krwionośnych
– anemia
– diabetes (lowers blood sugar levels)
– osteoporosis
– regulates the pressure
– brak odporności
– on the upper airways
– na alergie (It operates odczulająco)
– asthma
– psoriasis
– na artretyzm
– w nerwicach
– supplements nutritional deficiencies

– regulates the body

Zalecany w ciężkich, trudnych schorzeniach, oczyszcza, regeneruje
i wzmacnia organizm


10 reasons to drink aloe:

1. Building blocks of the body
The aloe contained essential amino acids, which the body itself can not produce and are essential for building cell.
Regularne picie miąższu dostarcza aminokwasy do naszego organizmu.

2. anti-inflammatory properties
Forever Aloe Vera Gel contains 12 natural substances, which have anti-inflammatory, without causing side effects.
3. A daily dose of vitamins
Forever Aloe Vera Gel contains Vitamins: A,B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, folic acid and niacin. Drinking Aloe Vera daily dose of vitamin supplement, and naturally you support the immune system.
4. A daily serving of minerals
Among the minerals contained in Aloe Vera from Forever is calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, chrome, magnesium, eating, copper and zinc. They support the body in maintaining good physical and mental.
5. The reconstruction of collagen and elastin
Aloe Vera is a rich supply of building materials, potrzebnych do uzyskania
i zachowania zdrowej skóry. Drinking Aloe Vera counteracts the effects of aging.

6. Adjust weight and energy levels
Regular drinking aloe juice can cleanse colon, increases energy levels and helps maintain normal body weight.
7. Support the immune system
Aloe Vera thanks to the nutrient substances, które ma w swoim składzie wspomaga
układ odpornościowy, improves mood.

8. Help the good digestion
Regular drinking Forever Aloe Vera Gel may affect the efficient functioning of the intestinal absorption of nutrients .łatwiejsze, while reducing the undesirable bacteria and yeast, and all this in a natural way! Relieves digestive problems (bloating, constipation, heartburn)
9. acceleration of healing
Aloe Vera promotes activity of fibroblasts, that are involved in relieving minor burns, cuts, abrasions and skin irritations.
10. Health and dental hygiene
Aloe Vera has a beneficial effect on the health of the mouth and gums.

It serves as a wonderful means of nourishing and stimulating, about the beneficial impact
the proper functioning of our body.

Regular consumption of pulp helps to maintain for many years, both good health, siły witalne, and honey appearance. Aloe Vera supports the body's natural defenses and its biological efficiency. It can serve as an excellent means of nourishing and stimulating, a positive impact on the proper function of our body.

Aloe Vera Forever – Aloes miąższ i inne skuteczne suplementy

1 teaspoon a day.
Przy cięższych, difficult, chronic begin 1łyżeczki,
slowly, daily increased to 2 tablespoons per day, and more.
Nie można przedawkować.
daily intake
Stabilized pulp from the leaves of Aloe Vera, sorbitol – sweetener, ascorbic acid, citric acid – an acidity regulator, potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate – preservatives, rubber ksantanowa – thickener, tokoferol -przeciwutleniacz.
1L pulp contains Aloe Vera, aloe derived from plants mature, 3-5-summer.

aloe vera

Additives included in the pulp Aloe Vera
All natural

Sorbitol – supports the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
Water Sorbitol is derived from specially processed maize.

Natural Lemon Flavor – obtained from lemons and other citrus fruits, contains vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C.
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) – antioxidant of vegetable origin, also required in the formation of collagen cells.
Properties of vitamin C are well known, m.in. strengthens capillaries, accelerates the healing process.
Citric acid – obtained from sugar and citrus fruits. Widely used in the food industry, as antioxidant, regulates the level of PH. Uczestniczy w cyklu energetycznym Krebbsa, also essential in building the body's cells.
sodium benzoate – a substance derived from benzoic acid, produced mainly blackberries and other mountain berries. It prevents the growth of bacteria during use of the product. This component is used in amounts not exceeding
6 mg 100 g produktu (0,006%).

Papaina – in fruit papaya, natural enzyme supporting the assimilation of protein.
rubber ksantanowa – naturalnie stabilizujący i tworzący emulsję składnik uzyskiwany
z glonu morskiego – brunatnicy

tocopherol (Vitamin E) – produced from wheat germ, grains of rice and other vegetable oils, natural antioxidant. Vitamin E is known for its many medicinal properties, m.in. It is recognized as a measure to reduce the risk of cancer.

Ale Vera zawdzięcza swoje działanie składnikom, które posiada, jest to ponad 75 substancji odżywczych, prócz tego 200 składników aktywnych, 20 minerals, mikro i makroelementów – sole sodu, potasu, fosforu, Magnesium, wapnia, cynku, miedzi, Selena, chromium, 12 vitamins: A, B vitamins, C , E i K oraz błonnik, enzymy i sterole, ponadto 18 aminokwasów oraz nienasycone kwasy tłuszczowe (linoleic, linolenowy, stearynowy).

Zapraszam do zapoznania się z ciekawym wykładem:
Fenomen miąższu aloesowego “FOREVER ALOE VERA”
Prof. dr hab. Grażyna Cichosz Wydział Nauki o Żywności
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Fenomen miąższu aloesowego FOREVER ALOE VERA – Prof. dr hab. Grażyna Cichosz

Produkty Forever Living Products były pierwszymi, które otrzymały prestiżowy Certyfikat Jakości przyznawany przez Międzynarodową Radę Naukową d/s Aloesu – (IASC -International Aloe Science Council) za czystość i wysoką jakość produktów. Firma może się pochwalić także Znakiem Koszerności, Znakiem Halal, Islamską Pieczęcią Aprobaty oraz Certyfikatem potwierdzającym iż produkty nie są testowane na zwierzętach.

Package: 1 liter
Manufacturer: Forever Living Products
Kraj pochodzenia: USA, Arizona

