Tag Archives: multiple sclerosis

Energia Tachionu

energia tachionu

Energia Tachionu

In the year 1977 Gerald Feinberg zdefiniował Tachion jako „szybszą od światła cząstkę subatomową”. Dzisiaj już nie jest problemem udowodnienie istnienia energii Tachionu. Ale nadal jest problemem jak wykorzystać Tachion?

Pole Tachionu istnieje na pograniczu energii i materii.
W duchowej terminologii jest to czysta świadomość, kosmiczna energia,
uniwersalna prana. Wiemy już, że cuda, for example,. w uzdrawianiu zdarzają się,
gdy osoba jest otwarta na wpływ energii kosmicznej.

Dzięki energii Tachionu można skutecznie walczyć z rakiem i innymi ciężkimi chorobami.
Jeśli osoba choruje na raka regularna naturalna terapia uzdrawiania energią tachionu buduje obronne ciała, chory uzyskuje bardziej pozytywne nastawienie do życia,
walki z chorobą, w przeciwieństwie leczenia chemioterapią i radioterapią, które doprowadzają do potężnych depresji. Naturalna energia zapewnia również dodatkową energię wymaganą do walki z rakiem.
Leczenie naszych emocji, ducha, zwiększy odpowiedź immunologiczną, stymuluje proces gojenia wątroby i osłabia raka. Energia tachionu, potężna energia życia, dostarcza tego wszystkiego do organizmu czego człowiek w tym czasie potrzebuje. Szczególnie ludziom, którzy są w ciężkich stanach, z nowotworami w ich ostatniej schyłkowej fazie.

Energia Tachionu jest najwyższą formą energii we Wszechświecie,
wnoszona jest na Ziemię przez naturalnych healerów (kanały tej energii),
którzy są podłączeni bezpośrednio do Najwyższego Źródła.
Jest to zakres fizyki kwantowej, który jednoczy pola energii czasu i przestrzeni,
które leżą u podstaw fizycznej rzeczywistości. Wszystko jest podłączone do tego pola,
dzięki niemu można skutecznie walczyć z rakiem i innymi ciężkimi chorobami.
Energia Tachionu wnosi w ciało niesamowite efekty, przez które można osiągnąć całkowite wyzdrowienie.
Energia Tachionu jest z poziomu, który nazywamy Bogiem.

Tachion jest rdzeniem, z którego przenoszone są energie do innych miejsc we Wszechświecie poprzez słońca (transformatory energii), do których jest przesyłana
za pomocą promieni uniwersalnych (kanały energii), a stamtąd też za pomocą promieni słonecznych do innych planet.
Dlatego ludzkość zawsze tak mocno była związana ze Słońcem.

Energia Tachion jest bardzo inteligentna, toteż jest najlepszym lekarstwem
na wszystkie choroby. Nie połączy się również z inną formą energii, które są stosowane
w tradycyjnym leczeniu (for example,. chemiczne substancje).

Tachion przenosi się z prędkością szybszą niż światło, toteż nikt nie jest w stanie zmienić energii Tachionu poprzez negatywne myśli, czyny, odczucia. Nie ważne jakie człowiek wysyła myśli w jej kierunku, nigdy nie można zmienić formy energii Tachionu.

Jest to jedyne źródło energii, które nie tworzy żadnych skutków ubocznych a wpływ tej energii może być tylko pozytywny. Jeśli chcemy oczyścić szybciej swoje ciało za pomocą energii Tachionu możemy wprowadzić większe jej ilości w ciało poprzez więcej zabiegów, ale należy pamiętać, że skutki mogą być przytłaczające z powodu szybkiego oczyszczania się wszystkich ciał człowieka, dochodzi do silniejszej detoksykacji, ale nigdy nie będzie ujemnego wyniku… toteż osoby, u których przebudzi się Energia Kundalini i połączy się ze Źródłem, przechodzą bardzo bolesny proces oczyszczania. Tachion jest naturalnym katalizatorem do tego samoregenerującego się procesu.
Osoby z przebudzonym Kundalini mogą używać energii Tachionu, nie muszą mieć żadnych kursów, dodatkowej wiedzy, doświadczenia aby uzdrawiać.
Energia Tachionu jest dla człowieka błogosławieństwem, włączając się w system człowieka rozwija jego samego na wszystkich polach i taka osoba może zatrzymać wiele ludzkich dramatów

energia tachionu

Energia Tachion jest zupełnie inna od wszystkich innych.
Cokolwiek pójdzie źle w naszym fizycznym ciele lub w subtelnych ciałach sama koryguje … więcej, sama podąża tam, gdzie jest najbardziej potrzebna. Sama potrafi znaleźć miejsce potrzebujące pomocy nawet wówczas kiedy osoba nie jest tego świadoma. Sama się wyłączy kiedy dokona swojej pracy i sama się wycofuje. To jest coś czego żaden człowiek, który nie jest podłączony do Źródła nie może sam dokonać.
People, które posiadają w sobie energię Tachion są inteligentne i manifestują mądrość na zupełnie innym poziomie. To widać, że czerpią z innego Źródła niż zwykły człowiek.
Unfortunately, najczęściej są nie rozumiane przez ówczesny świat.

Energia Tachionu zwiększa nasze połączenie ze Źródłem na najwyższym poziomie. Ostatecznie zwiększy naszą komunię z Bogiem Wówczas są dla nas dostępne wyższe poziomy kosmiczne i zaczyna pracować zasada – „O cokolwiek prosicie, otrzymacie”.
Z tego widać, że możemy zmienić świat jeśli każdy z nas znajdzie równowagę,
spokój i miłość. Możemy zbawić siebie i cały świat i to w bardzo krótkim czasie!

Informacje pochodzą:
http://www.vismaya-maitreya.pl/swiat_energii cz1
http://www.vismaya-maitreya.pl/swiat_energii cz2

O terapii i kursach uzdrawiania energią - here

O energii Tachionu:





Terapia dr Gersona – fragmenty

terapia gersona

Terapia dr Gersona – fragmenty

Ladies and Gentlemen
Proszę dokładnie zapoznać się z poniższymi bardzo krótkimi filmami.
W słowach Charlotte Gerson zawarta jest istota chorób, ich główne przyczyny.
Very important, fundamentalne informacje w “pigułce”.
Dzięki tej wiedzy będzie można podjąć odpowiednie kroki, konkretne działania
do radzenia sobie dosłownie z każdą chorobą

Wybrane istotne fragmenty wypowiedzi córki dr Maxa Gersona twórcy terapii Gersona wspierającej w ponad 50 diseases, szczególnie w raku.

Celem terapii jest walka z przyczyną a nie skutkiem choroby.
Skupia się na dwóch aspektach które definiuje jako główne przyczyny chorób: zanieczyszczeniach (toksemii) i niedoborach. Obie są skutkiem współczesnego, dalekiego od naturalnego sposobu życia. Obie są, związane ze współczesną dietą
i zanieczyszczeniem środowiska.

Terapia Gersona w prostych słowach – Charlotte Gerson


Czym jest rak? – Charlotte Gerson

Nie można leczyć się selektywnie – Charlotte Gerson


terapia gersona



George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.2,3,4, and other


george finch-hidden therapies 1cz

George Zieba – Hidden Therapies

>> Health precious you will not know how much it costs until you broke <<

“My family's fortune is 50 million PLN. Odałbym last penny to live, and I know I'm dying”

“When there is no health – nothing matters”

Above 3 quotes (preface) George book Finches “Hidden Therapies”


For these lectures I will regularly add summaries

George Zieba – Hidden Therapies Part 2


George Zieba – Therapies hidden part 3


George Zieba – Hidden Therapies Part 4


George Zieba – The unusual properties of vitamin C


George Zieba – Cancer is not a judgment – Katowice 2014


George Zieba – How to Get Rid of Atherosclerosis?


George Zieba – The strategy of the Government of Cancer – 2015-2024


Book – “Hidden Therapies – What your doctor does not tell you” – George Zieba
The book can be purchased for example,. to Allegro

George Zieba over 20 years he has Naturoterapia, particularly in respect of
natural treatment and prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer. Book “Hidden Therapies” established after many years of medical research studies or other publications, which, even in a medical environment is quite unknown. Author publishes articles in the press, as well as lectures on simple and effective methods of treatment and prevention of disease without the use of artificially synthesized. She is a qualified clinical hypnotherapist in Australia and the US.
There is also a translator of the book “Cholesterol – Scientific lie”, written by
dr. Uffe Ravnskov….thanks to the exceptional talent “searchlight” Author get well-documented position, rich in essential, and carefully omitted results. The narrative is not based on assumptions, unverified reports
or wishful thinking. In a sense, is the fruit of research work carried out
and were collected in different parts of the world, given reader in such a way,
that reading is intriguing from the first to the last page”.


Vitamin C – Unknown medicine face just decided to start
vitamin C, because the lack of understanding of its operation in the body and lack of knowledge of its therapeutic possibilities are a threat to human life. So…. lack of knowledge is dangerous. How about to convince readers, no doubt many lives would have been rescued, rescued, Doctors should have an appropriate knowledge of this vitamin. Vitamin C is the most common vitamin, I know everyone. Unfortunately, popularity does not go hand in hand with the knowledge of the possibility of using it for the purposes of health or even save the man's life. This chapter, is a collection of information useful to doctors and their patients. I tried to, to write it in a manner that is accessible, that was understandable to the average reader, while, that was a source of very specific knowledge for doctors. In this chapter, I present the facts on the basis of the medical literature, research or extensive knowledge of practical physicians using vitamin C. Many times I reach for certain simplifications, that are necessary for this, text to be understandable to any reader. Someone, who at least once had the opportunity to go deeper into the science of medicine text certainly knows what I mean. Against the rules, so I do not begin. historical outline. For further information see Internet sources, etc.… But before I go
to the practical side literally a few words about the first proponents of therapy using vitamin C.

Is it possible, that after the application of vitamin C to achieve a therapeutic effect i.e. in the case of infectious diseases, bacterial, cancer, schizophrenia, heart disease, atherosclerosis, etc.…? It turns out, so. It is well known,
that in the case of cold doctor usually ordain us a dose of vitamin C plus… antibiotic. The question whether there antibiotic is needed? Known, that currently used medications such as antibiotics are not without "echo”
in the body. Just read a random leaflet
to antibiotic. A description of the most common side effects are more than a description of the effects of positive, cause to be. Long-term use of antibiotics and carries
already had really serious adverse effects.
We Know, that the use of vitamin C is treated as a "supporting” antibiotic treatment. Often the doctor prescribes big doses of vitamin C even coming
of 4 000 mg per day!
In pharmacies, supermarkets and vitamin C is water soluble tablets
the zwartości 1 000 mg of vitamin C per. Some of the doctors much bolder approach to the case and recommend such. 1 000 mg every hour, by 6 hours!
That is 6 grams of vitamin C! Is this dose does not hurt? Is this dose more offers? „A co z nerkami?” asks almost every patient and every physician.
Is such a powerful dose will not cause major problems in the patient than his own illness plus antibiotic side effects which takes? Can be, instead of antibiotic, apply only vitamin C? These are all important for the doctor and his patient questions, However, it is important: "What answer questions such average doctor?”. The average doctor immediately respond, that such large doses of vitamin C may be harmful, A certain answer, they can not.

Table of Contents

Reviews – 1
From the Author – 6
Thanks, Please read- 9
Admission – 12
What is a, What should be the medicine – 17
Treatment of symptoms, and what is the cause? – 33
Treatment is causing even more problems? – 38
Does the pharmaceutical industry is the cause of evil? – 42
Is PubMed (Medline) you tell the truth? – 50
The immune system – 54
Vitamin C - the face of the unknown medicine – 58
How much vitamin C we actually need? 60
Biphasic nature of the removal of the body of vitamin C – 60
How long does vitamin C "alive" in our body? – 61
Tolerance of vitamin C through the digestive system 66
Toxicity of vitamin C - a myth refuted – 67
Vitamin C and the formation of kidney stones 71 Other side effects – 73
The pharmacokinetics of vitamin C – 78
Intravenous? But how? – 82
Vitamin C and cancer – 97
Vitamin C and chemotherapy – 105
Opponents – 113
Vitamin D - Facts and Myths – 116
Vitamin D – prevention of chronic diseases and cancer – 120
Vitamin D toxicity - Myths Debunked – 125
Types of vitamin D – 131
Sun best source of vitamin D, but ... how to safely enjoy the sun – 132
Osteoporosis and vitamin K2 ... Unknown – 143
Vitamin K2-MK4 and MK7-K2 – 175
Vitamin K2-MK4 – 176
Vitamin K2-MK7 – 177
Vitamin A - what we do not know about it – 194
Vitamin E - which we do not know – 207
Vitamin E – cholesterol and cancer – 214
Minerals - their importance for human health – 223
Iodine and thyroid disease - a disgrace of modern medicine – 226
Iodine - safe and dangerous its form – 228
Iodine - treatment of "incurable" diseases of the thyroid gland – 232
Wolff-Chaikoff effect "- a scam, which still bows medicine – 243
Therapies in the treatment of thyroid - a step backwards modern medicine – 247
The effect of iodine on the endocrine and what else? – 254
Fats - simple matter, but little-known ... – 259
Myths about Essential fatty acids – OBALONE – 265
What are Primary and Derivatives EFA – 267
Unknown Primary role of Omega fats 3 i Omega 6 – which better? – 276
End – 278
For the future – 282

jerzy zięba - książka



George Zieba – Hidden Therapies Part 4 – lecture in Chicago


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie-chicago

Jerzy Chaffinch - Hidden Therapies Part 4 - lecture in Chicago

The role of DNA in bone reconstruction.
Bag (bubble) biliary, action, gallstones.
Thin diet affects the formation of stones.
Discussed how to get rid of gallstones.
The importance of the gallbladder, notch creates a lot of new problems.
Laparoscopy is fraught with risk
SM – Multiple sclerosis.
Vitamin D helps with wit.K2 MK-7 ,wit.C
Oil helps out a lot of cannabis – a brief overview.
Thyroid problems. Exactly is described in the book.
I Almost 100 years ago, was treated with iodine thyroid.
Today, it is said that the use of iodine causes hyperthyroidism.
Hypothyroidism is iodine deficiency SA.
Hyperthyroidism are iodine deficiency.
Hashimoto's thyroiditis are iodine deficiency.
The thyroid gland will not function well if there is no selenium.
Lack of selenium in the soil, not in vegetables. Earth is sterilized
with micronutrients. For it has more and more chemistry, toxins.
Selenium deficiencies are common. natural selenium in Brazil nuts.
It fry nuts instead of candy.
When thyroid check the operation of the adrenal glands.
Tumors – accurate discussion process nowotworowego.
You need to understand some things to make a decision in your life.
If the cell oxygenation falls by about. 20-30% it turns into a cancer cell forever. Cancer is a newly formed tissue – re-creation.
The immune system is designed to identify the cell and destroy.
But in this case not able to do, why? Because he lacked something,
just do not know what. There could be many. WHO issued a report which says
that during 20 years, the number of cancer cases will increase by 60% !!!.
If you do not take care of themselves, for our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, would be a tragedy.
Cancer cells have evolved as “an agreement” the immune system, for some reason,
because he lacked something. If this is the fault of the immune system, and is.
A result of this is that the resulting new cells so. Cancer is whether they themselves are the cause of the resulting?
Did Not, but we are the stupid monkey treat cancer tumors by cutting.
And where is the cause? In the hospital, Institute for treating a patient treated with the cause? Is only a symptom of cancer (symptom) in the body that something bad happens.
But we do not just treat the body we are racing with symptom.
That's why we cut it, pieces are then fired, poison the patient as he was sick so sick. Sometimes after these coincidences We relieve the immune system so that it can handle.
This approach is not aimed at the cause, healing effect, removes the symptom and the cause remains.
Discussion of how to treat the underlying causes of cancer:
wit.C, wit.K2 MK-7, wit.D3, the saddle, Diet Dr Budwig, irrigation, respiration, iodine, EDTA, Chlorella,
Proper breathing – discussion.
Answers to your questions polonusów.


More about the book George's Finches:
Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you


jerzy zięba-ukryte terapie-chicago



George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.13 – Marijuana

jerzy zięba

George Zieba – Hidden therapies cz.13 – Marijuana

Another interview on NTV 26.03.2015r. Jerzy finch
Oil of cannabis – not the shop. Various types of compounds (ok. 1000)
oil of cannabis. Works well with epilepsy, SM (induration), diabetes, tumors, Heroism, the drama of parents of children with cancer. Memorial Health Institute supports treatment
in children with cannabis extracts. Project plantation and oil production in Poland cannabis for medicinal purposes.

More about the book George's Finches:
“Hidden Therapies - What your doctor does not tell you”

jerzy zięba - książka


jerzy zięba



VEGA-TEST – diagnostics



VEGA-TEST diagnostics

VEGA TEST in practice confirms the high effectiveness in determining the causes of such problems as:

  • allergy
  • Eczema Skin, rash
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, neuroses, depression
  • lack of concentration, nervousness, memory problems, coordination disorder
  • migraine headaches, arthralgia and bone, pain of unidentified etiology
  • overweight and underweight
  • digestive system disorders
  • endocrine disruption ( thyroid, grasica, pancreas, adrenals, prostate, ovaries, hypophysis)
  • chronic respiratory infections ( cough, recurrent inflammation, mucoid secretion)
  • chronic gynecological problems
  • disorders of the urogenital system in men

Test Wegetatywno-Rezonansowy WRT lub VEGA – TEST was developed
in Germany by a doctor H.Schimmela in 1978 year. It is based on the methods of diagnosis elektroakupunkturowej by R.Volla ( EFSA ) and bioelectronic functional diagnosis (BDF) by In. Schmidta i H.Pflauma.

DIAGNOSTICS VEGA uses electromagnetic vibration spectrum emitted by the various organs and systems of the body and through their processing
based on a very advanced technology equipment systems reveals the demolition activities
and organs of the body.

VEGA diagnosis method allows to diagnose in one examination state of the entire body and allows the detection of ailments for which traditional medicine can not make a diagnosis.

It consists in searching for biologically active one point on fingers, which will be representative of the whole body. Through carefully chosen point can be very precisely to get full information about the operation of all systems and organs,
and above all to find pathogens: viruses, bacteria, mushrooms, molds, roundworms, tasiemce, trematodes, protozoa, which have a decisive impact on the functioning of our body. And only one biologically active point, using an active electrode, introducing into the organism referred to vibrations, waiting for their resonance, because every life form has its own, unique frequency range. The method is non-invasive, painless and has no side effects.

Contraindication to study VEGA TEST is a pregnancy and a pacemaker.

Caution! In any case, before performing the procedure can not drink alcohol.
On the test day, do not drink coffee, strong tea or other energy drinks.

Diagnosis Method Voll

Study Vega-test apparatus

Roundworms Tasiemce Protozoa
Worm Types of tapeworms
  • Ameba
  • Borrelia
  • Borrelia (choroba Lyme)
  • Brucella
  • Chlamydia
  • Helicobacter pyroli
  • Lamblia
  • Mycoplasma pneumoniae
  • Trichomonas intestinal
  • Trichomonas
  • Trichomonas tenax (sinus)
  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Toxoplasmosis (small intestine)
  • Toxoplasmosis (in otrzewnie)
  • Toxoplasmosis (tissue)
  • Toxoplasmosis(brain)
  • Toxoplasmosis(liver)
  • Ureaplasma
  • Human worm (immature)
  • Human worm (larwa)
  • Human worm (haha)
  • Earthworm Konské
  • Glista dog
  • Tasiemce (general index)
  • Taenia saginata (mature)
  • Taenia saginata (haha)
  • Taenia solium (gółowka)
  • Taenia solium (haha)
  • Haha tasiemca
Pinworms Tasiemiec psi
  • Human Owsik
  • human owsik (haha)
  • Tasiemiec psi
  • Tasiemiec psi (haha)
Trichina Rat tapeworm
  • Trichina
  • Trichinella spiralis (larvae of cysts)
  • Trichinella "migrująca"(larwa)
  • Trichinella spiralis (on Wed. muscle)
  • Trichinella spiralis (female)
  • Trichinella spiralis (larvae)
  • Trichinella spiralis (male)
  • Rat tapeworm (Cysts)
  • Rat tapeworm (haha)
  • Hymenolepis nana (haha)
Whipworm Bąblowiec Mushrooms
  • Whipworm
  • Whipworm (haha)
  • Coronary tapeworm, bąblowiec (Cysts)
  • Echinococcus (head)
  • Echinococcus)
  • Echinococcus (haha)
  • Echinococcus (Cysts)
  • Candida
  • Candida albicans
  • Aflatoksyna
  • Aspargillus yellow (Aspergillus yellow)
  • Aspargillus fumigatus (greenish-gray Aspergillus)
  • Aspargillus niger (Aspergillus black)
  • Aspergillus niger (Aspergillus black)
  • Baker's yeast
  • Thrush
  • The ndidoza, bielnica.
  • Mucor racemosus
  • Penicillium freuentans
  • Penicillium notatum (pędzlaki)
  • Pleśniak white (Mucor mucedo)




  • Intestinal nematode larvae
  • Intestinal parasitic nematode
  • Intestinal nematode (mature)
Hookworm Fluke
  • Hookworm
  • Hookworm (haha)
  • Hookworm Brazilian (female), parasite of cats
  • Hookworm Brazilian (male), parasite of cats
  • Tęgoryjec psi





  • Liver fluke
  • Liver fluke (haha)
  • Redi liver fluke
Bacteria, viruses Allergens The tendency to
  • Helicobacter pyroli
  • Herpesvirus
  • HIV
  • Tick-borne encephalitis
  • Benign neoplastic processes
  • Tropical Malaria
  • Malaria czterodniowa
  • Neoplastic processes (cyst, myoma)
  • Neoplastic processes (polipo, papillomas)
  • Rotavirus
  • Salmonella
  • Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus aureus
  • Staphylococcus epidermidis
  • Papillomavirus
  • Coxsackievirus common
  • Cytomegalovirus
  • Ebola virus
  • Poliovirus
  • Hepatitis Viruses
  • An indication of the small bowel dysbiosis
  • Indications for colon dysbiosis
  • Allergy general index
  • Citrus
  • Pollen
  • Hair
  • Foods
  • Leukemia śledzionowo- leukemia
  • Diphtheria
  • Crohn's disease
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Melanoma
  • Endometriosis
  • Epilepsja
  • Adenoma
  • Gruźlica
  • Kidney stones
  • Stones in the gallbladder
  • Syphilis
  • Lymphosarcoma
  • Uterine fibroid
  • Uraemia
  • Mucowiscydoza
  • Measles
  • Chickenpox
  • Osteoporosis
  • Uterine polyp
  • Teratoma
  • Rheumatoid encephalitis
  • Rubella
  • Gonorrhea
  • Stawrdnienie sclerosis
  • Szpiczak many
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Rabies
  • Thrombosis
  • Pulmonary fluke
  • Intestinal fluke
  • Pancreatic fluke
  • Schistosoma haematobium
  • Schistosome larvae wnętrzniaków


Vitamins and minerals – shortages Loads Inflammation
  • Deficiencies of vitamins
  • Mineral deficiency
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorus
  • Iodine
  • Silicon
  • Folic acid
  • Potassium
  • Selen
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B7
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin PP
  • Iron
  • Chrome
  • NAD
  • Loads yeast
  • Loads mykotoksyczne
  • Load vaccine
  • Relief of mold fungi
  • Indication on the athlete's płuciowego
  • Indication of infection in the intestinal mucosa
  • An indication of the load
  • Mental
  • Indications radioactive load
  • Indication of attrition WUN (Vegetative Nervous System)
  • Nephritis
  • Hepatitis
  • Pleurisy
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Encephalitis
  • Meningitis
  • Tick ​​the payment of the brain (environment)
  • Duodenal Ulcer
  • Stomach Ulcer
  • Cystitis bile






Break free from parasites and live without them



School of Health
Break free from parasites and live without them
Nadezhda Semyonov

Break free from parasites – Know, it's worth. These small creatures, often invisible to the naked eye, can ruin everyone's body. May not cause immediate death, but the parasite on the body progressively weaken them, lead to serious diseases, destroy the vitality, prevent the normal functioning. From the book you will learn from what you have to fight parasites, what to do to fight enjoyed the desired effect, how to live to protect themselves against parasites. This item is one of the best investments in health.

“School of Health – Break free from parasites and live without them” Polish is the Russian edition of the bestseller in the field of natural medicine, by Nadezhda Semyonov. The book is dedicated to the fight against parasites of the human body – these large, as well as invisible to the naked eye. He talks about the many diseases caused by them.

The author, is known in Russia and the world therapist, for many years running in Sochi on the Black Sea School Health, I called his name – “Nadezhda” (or “Hope”).

The book introduces readers Health School to those used in the School of Health (and thus proven in practice) dehelmintyzacji techniques (deparasitizing), and hence – getting rid of ailments and diseases caused by their invasions. The reader will find in the book School of Health lots of interesting information about the life cycles of these uninvited guests, and the most common methods of infection, functioning and structure of many organs of the human body and the role of individual micro- and macronutrients in maintaining homeostasis. And when you consider, the book also includes practical advice on nutrition and a detailed, drawings enriched cleansing exercise paradoxical description of A. Strielnikowej, get a picture of the mandatory items in the bookcase anyone who wants to on a daily basis to take care of their health and well-being.

About the author
Nadezhda Semyonov is known in Russia and the world specialist, dealing with natural treatments without the use of synthetic drugs. For many years, leads in Sochi, Black Sea, School of Health, I called his name, "Nadezhda" (or "Hope").

The author has developed a very effective program of getting rid of parasites, and hence the symptoms and diseases caused by them invasions. The program sparked huge interest. To this day, every turnusie School of Health participates bathers set.

Nadezhda Semyonov wrote this book, to help ailing people, who for various reasons can not come to the School, and want to perform a detoxification program in-house.
After applying the advice contained herein anyone can significantly improve your health.

"Roundworms and Tapeworms, trematodes, bacteria and fungi – the whole jumble of ugly vampires devouring our blood and tissues with the silent acquiescence of official medicine. A simple man, busy with their own affairs, suspects, parasites that. He goes to the doctor and is tested. Doctor examines blood swarming from trichomonads, Chlamydia, toksoplazmy, leptospirów, lots of spores, viruses and seeks only, what he needed as the skilled. It got to the, gynecologist did not see that the parasitic fauna female genitals in patients, pulmonologist not notice many geohelmintów in the alveoli, on the contrary, education covers his eyes to the extent, the tangle of worms and fungi in the lungs – nocardiosis, in kormykoza, glistnica, paragonimoza – he is not detected. "

"Helmint and its metabolites are genetically foreign man. They get into the blood and tissue rejection triggers a response and expulsion from the body or disposal, as in the case of each antigen. Allergy produce secreted by the parasite products of metabolism, and substances, that arise when splitting the shells of eggs of helminths (…). Often observed pneumonia, cough with asthma symptoms, fluid secretion and blood, rash, urticaria skin, bothersome itching, cold sweat, decrease in strength, pain in the heart… Please refer to the allergist and you will not hear a word from him about the parasitic nature of allergy (…)."

We give you the Polish edition of the most famous books of Nadezhda Siernionowej. It is also the author's debut on the Polish market. We hope, that this item will become for many people incentive to reflect on the state of their health, potential causes of diseases and conditions and possibilities to improve the well-being. There are few books on the market, that in such a direct and simple way to tell you what to do, to be healthier, how to start to eat, how to cleanse the body and what preparations used.
Nadezhda Semyonov is a person, that the fight against parasites – and the topic of health in general – spent more than 20 years of his life. Many years ago, when she was hit by parasitosis saw, that this common cause of many other diseases devotes too little attention. Also today, people find it difficult to admit, that developed in the era of technology and prosperity can touch their mass phenomenon, general mentality which is primarily due to lack of hygiene, poverty or Third World countries. But-as Nadezhda Semyonov repeats for a researcher -pasożyty "eat us mercilessly”. For these and other reasons, the author decided to take on their health into their own hands.
Many years of exploration and advancement of knowledge in this topic led it to develop a method dehelmintyzacji and cleanse the body of parasitic worms, fungi, protozoa, bacteria and viruses using herbs and other natural products. As she writes,: "Only clean the body has the right to life”. A large part of this knowledge comes-as the author herself admits – proven, popular methods used for thousands of years by the indigenous people of the Caucasus and the Black Sea coast.
Nadezhda Semyonov leads, called his name, School of Health -ośrodek, which helps people to get rid of it arriving parasites and improve health. This makes it possible to observe the effects of treatment, modify it and improve. It appears, that the current state is one of the best body purification systems, disposal of complaints and inquiries to health, as evidenced by the thousands of people, who healed up? of their, often lasting many years and assessed as incurable, diseases and conditions.
Diagnostics in the School of Health uses modern equipment of the Russian company "Imedis”, are able to identify, what percentage of the body is infected with the type of parasite. Although in Poland probably no more after-Pularnych in natural medicine cabinets scanning electronic systems of the body (usually they are in some way based on the method of R. Volla) n'e is accepted by the official medical centers, in Russia, sometimes lasting two weeks courses Device "Imedis”, are organized in cooperation with the renowned research center – Moscow Academy of Medical Sciences. l. M. Sieczienowa.
When reading a book by the author surprising given the huge degree of contamination of the population. According to Nadezhda Semyonov for some parasites – for example,. human roundworm – It reaches 60-80% and more. This does not correspond with the official data provided by the medical institutions involved in parazytozami. What is the truth? As a publishing house, of course, do not take this resolved, leaving the judgment to readers. The fact is, that the infection does not often obvious symptoms, therefore, does not always result in a visit to a physician performing e.g.. stool test or blood test (for the detection of eosinophilia like.). And even if tested in the absence of eggs of parasites in the stool (not all eggs are excreted daily) or by the analyst's failure may cause underestimation statistics. So the situation may look a little like, as crime statistics – to, someone did not report the theft does not mean, that she was not.
When translating a book our team often encountered problems related to the use by the author colloquial names of many plants. To avoid confusion in most places indulged in adding their Latin names. Similarly, we have made in the section on parasites. Some appear in the book, professional or regional terms we have been recognized as requiring greater explanation. However, do not put footnotes at end of this publication, they are not at the bottom of the, but are in the square brackets,.
While translating we also decided to leave the original term "body quantum” . We have done this despite the absence of its operation in the Polish language in the context of bio-energy. Of course we considered the possibility of introducing the term "astral”, because in Russian literature you can find many examples of its interchangeability of the term "body quantum”. Ultimately, however, we decided not to take this step, because – In our opinion, – in Polish the term "astral body” is more associated with esoteric, astral traveling and going out beyond their own body than with something related to human biology. In most cases, using this term, The author has in mind the human aura. However, the final interpretation is left to the reader.
At the end we are left to wish everyone a pleasant and fruitful reading. And above all, a lot of health – in preserving the, we hope, help information contained in this book.

Dear Friends,
Natural methods of healing without drugs deal with already over 25 |at. At that time, has been created a comprehensive approach to the human body. All this can be managed. Educational work with people was directed to teach each student to maintain the body's organic methods clean, consistent with the physiology of nutrition and treatment przeciwpa-sożytniczej using food products.
The 1997 God gave me a year to see the parasitic nature of human disease. Then from 17 years I have been cleaning the body and wrote a book describing the program of the School of Health "Hope”, among other things, the book "The Man – Salt of the Earth”. Hundreds of people were coming to Sochi, to the guesthouse "Burgas”, to learn and apply practical program of human ecology, I suddenly, like lightning, which illuminates the dark tunnel, so in my mind the bright flash of thought went through my whole being. People do not take into account the terrible tragedy, parasites that inhabit their bodies! All of us are eating alive! Starting from the skin to the brain, all our organs, tissues and systems have become… home, food and Hydrotransport for parasites.
Dozens of people, who came to the program of cleansing the body to the School Health "Hope”, Electronic passed testing for the presence of parasites and my suppose to be confirmed. The more parasites in the body, the more symptoms.
In the Caucasus, among the members of the ancient, cares about the cleanliness of the body of the people was known adage Ubychów: "If that is sick, worms that eat you”.
That's how I started to develop a new program antiparasitic. Was first described in the book "Mrs., deliver me from evil brood…!” They were tentative steps of new knowledge in the world zadręczonych-both disease and ignorance-people, in age suffering odlekowych.
The 1998 he was released my book "Cleanse your body of parasites!”. I introduced her first experience in the School of Health "Hope” in the release of parasites and opened the door to the mysterious world with an arsenal of toxins and waste products, which poison the human. Even then, I wanted to find a means harmless for our body, l, thank goodness, I managed to figure out a way to express the przeciwpasożytni-czych in ordinary foods of plant origin.



szkoła zdrowia

School of Health
Break free from parasites and live without them
Nadezhda Semyonov

The book "Health School - free from parasites and live without them 'cause a lot of interest. Many people ask about the information contained therein. To unveil the mystery present some facts connected with the author and her activities.

The School of Health Nadezhda Semyonov sickly people are cleansed of parasites. As a result of treatment, get rid of many deemed "incurable" diseases and conditions.

A positive treatment outcome should not surprise anyone, because the pollution of the body, parasitic infections and deficiency of micro- i makroelementów (for example,. silicon) can cause overweight, asthma, allergy, depression, diabetes, atherosclerosis, in particularly severe cases - tumors.

We invite you to read the entire article
The "clean your body of parasites.
In the south of Russia, Sochi, on the shores of the Black Sea is warm School Health Nadezhda Semyonov. His center to - and the topic of health in general - devoted more than 20 years old. In the republics of the former Soviet Union (and more) is considered by people interested in the flow of natural medicine as one of the leading authorities in the field of cleansing the body and getting rid of parasites from the body. Created their own method dehelmintyzacji, based on natural formulations used for centuries by the indigenous people of the Caucasus and the areas bordering the Black Sea. Most of the measures recommended by it - or their equivalents - is also available in Poland.

According to data published by the WHO (The World Health Organization, 1996 r., Geneva) parasites cause 80,83% cases of cancer of female organs, including cancers of the cervix.

For his work in the School of Health - in addition to the centuries-old experience of folk medicine in the fight against parasites - Collars intrusion detection system Vega-test diagnostics. Although this method is not confidence in the majority of the representatives of academic medicine and raises a lot of controversy, Nadezhda Semyonov considers it to be a simple and reliable way to quickly check, or in someone else's body is not an intruder lurking, to find out, what could be causing problems. In his books, describes a lot of cases, when someone get rid of parasites and improve the general state of health after undergoing confirmed the original diagnosis dehelmintyzacji device.

Fish parasites can be relatively easily infected by eating sushi (which is made with raw fish).

About me says, that was once very ill. Trained as an engineer - food technologist. For many years she worked on a big ship - the fish processing plant. Auto, writes about this period:
After graduating from high school and three years of independent work, I went to the Far East and employed for six years in the fishing industry as a manager of a factory producing canned laboratory (…). The work of the year 1962 in the food company require continuous monitoring of the health status. Getting stamp "healthy" believe, I am healthy. This was for a long time.
On one occasion, during the winter fishing in the vicinity of the islands Cirali.Link to the Commander, at night, after a very busy day at work I was about to go to sleep, when suddenly I felt, that in my throat something moving. This "something" quickly crawled into the mouth. I leaned over the sink, squeezed 'to' fingers and pulled - worm length of about 50 cm. Quickly changed its color. Turned on the water and I drew him into the ocean ... I could not sleep anymore. Without waiting for the dawn asked to adopt the master and demanded an immediate referral to treatment with me. America was only close - for the Gulf of Bristol's. I was terrified ... For so many years I lived with faith in science, fell from exhaustion and lack of strength, but believed, I'm healthy ".

The 1939 was estimated, parasitic protozoan that, Toxoplasmosis, were infected:

  • 83% residents of Paris,
  • 56% Germans,
  • 31% Americans,
  • 25% Russians,
  • 17% English.

The 1979 year, Semenov had when Nadezhda 39 years, hospital erected the diagnosis: heart failure with complications, Bechterew's disease, rheumatism arthritis, and to diseases such as colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis. After observing Nadieżdzie Semyonov told, they were her… 2 years of life.

Semenov decided to fight. Devoted to cleanse the body 3 years. During this time, cleanse the blood and rid of rheumatism, although the official medicine considers this to be impossible.

Understandable, that healing the heart and blood purification requires a good workout. Therefore joined Lovers Club Run. She started from short distances, ending on the Olympic route where 1983 he went 42 km over 4 hours 20 minutes - a full marathon. Still working on them, trained at the club and gathered information about the detoxification of pollutants. In this way, got rid of the many hidden diseases. Understandable, the most important thing is not only freedom from pollution, which accumulated in us, but also to cease their adoption. Nadezhda Semyonov effects observed wearing. Developed thanks to self-cleaning program and established the Health Club. He talks about it in his book, "The School of Health - Break free from parasites and live without them".
In the end, his return to health and get rid of heavy infestation Semenov mainly owes itself. Through his adventures had lost confidence in the world of medicine. Her criticism clearly trumps with another quote, which is negative assessment of modern medicine:

"Everyone has the opportunity to approach the topic" human health "from two different sides. This is the first page, to which we are accustomed, and called medicine. At its center is a disease and its symptoms are analyzed. This is the so-called patocentryczna (prof. N. M. Reasoning). Specialists learn this method in medical schools and work in the institutions subordinated to the health authorities. Their purpose is - in the language of the market - to sell goods, What is knowledge of diseases. And the goods they sell to good effect. The same principles of medicine to market forces such action, would be willing to buy a product that was intellectual as much as possible. And to whom is needed learning about diseases? Of course, the sick. Therefore, regardless of the beautiful words of humanitarianism, health care and health education, specialists work so, would be willing to buy the goods - knowledge of the diseases - were more and more. Lately cynical mask was broken patocentrycznej medicine. Govern medicine money. Already in the first semester of medical schools are taught to young students thesis, that most diseases are incurable. And then learns their trade at more expensive drugs, operations and procedures".

Potent plant products against many species of intestinal parasites include:

  1. Tansy,
  2. wormwood,
  3. glistnik (jaskółcze goals),
  4. garlic,
  5. cranberry,
  6. pumpkin seeds.

According to Nadezhda Semyonov - like Hulda Clark - most diseases as a result of human torments of parasitic infections:

Today Nadezhda Semyonov helps thousands of sick listeners of their School of Health and readers of books. One of the main priorities is to get rid of parasites.
Excursions Health Schools are held several times a year. Within the School of Health takes over 1000 people. Most leaves happy. Although participation in turnusie is not cheap (1000EUR), no shortage of takers.

The opinions of many people interviewed, how to compare their well-being and health of parasites before treatment and after treatment in this system is: "Heaven and Earth". People passing asthma, problems with constipation, wax młodnieje, with eye fatigue disappears forever. Normalizes the work of the whole digestive system. School of Health in Sochi come people from all over the world. Now also outside of Russia, a number of centers, which leads purification according to the program. It is not physically possible, despite building a new center, to accept all comers. Also, not everyone has the financial, Time, health or language, to become a student of the School.
In order to familiarize interested in their methods and views of the author has already spent a lot of e-books, among other things, that the title "School Health - free from parasites and live without them".

Much of the data says, that human Ascaris infected over 50% people in the world in different climatic zones. You can jokingly call it a cosmopolitan parasite.

Also Polish readers may refer to the effects of bringing the treatment system. The best book Nadezhda Semyonov, Russia, which became a bestseller publishing market natural medicine (more than 500 000 sold in the republics of the former Soviet Union) was published in Poland in September 2007 r. the publishing house Hartigrama. As a result, to work with its release the book is available in our online store.

What's interesting - contrary to popular belief, it, "What expensive is also better” - The author shows, that on the way to health is not needed "stuffed wallet", and expensive drugs available in a variety of sales networks even criticizes (especially when one uses these supplements without getting rid of the actual cause of their symptoms and thus somehow "feeds" only parasites).

Treatment carried out in your own home is not cosmically way, and most of the required resources to perform it is easy to come by. Practically every family can afford to buy the goods needed to. Some of them - eg. herbs - we can collect ourselves, vinegar also we can do it yourself. As the prices of these products are so small (these preparations are not nicely packaged in a cardboard box, but rather a raw material - usually dried herbs), almost everyone will prefer to buy them than to waste time collecting. A saved time can be devoted to the effective therapy according to the guidelines contained in the book.


Nadezhda Semyonov effectiveness of the program confirms this, that:

  1. diagnostic equipment can not detect parasites after its completion (or is their a negligible amount).
  2. people excrete parasites
  3. back to normal intensity in individual organs bioprądów human body (improve the general health status).

Here is one of many examples confirming the efficacy of the therapy. The girl at the age of 9 years, small sportswoman of the city of Irkutsk, within a year was invalid. Medical diagnosis - arthritis. A year before the illness, the birthday, podarowano jej city (infected with parasites). Parasites populated the girl's body. Chlamydia have caused a particular problem. They lead to arthritis and a variety of other complications. Antibiotic therapy is not enough, that did not help, This spillover has additional problems. The girl was brought to the School of Health 70% immobilized. Now, after total dehelmintyzacji, arthritis backward trend and the girl is healthy. Skiing, skating and dancing.

An interesting confirmation of the effectiveness and usefulness used by Nadezhda Semyonov procedures, in addition to feelings of participants, bioprądów intensity measurements of the human body, measured at specific points on the various stages of the course of treatment. These points of measurement
Healthy Human characterized currents flow at each point at 80/50 MKA. If they are smaller (or greater) - Indicates a disorder, about the disease. Measurement of these values ​​is the basis of diagnosis according to Voll (in Russia and in Germany it is legally registered medical diagnostic method).

Statement of changes in the intensity of that girl bioprądów
during the School Health Program. Current indicators are given in MKA (mikroamperach)

Key to the values ​​in the tables:

No. 1 – before the start of the program
No. 2 – after krystaloterapii
No. 3 – after correction of the spine gymnastics
No. 4 – after purification of the liver
No. 5 – after litoterapii
No. 6 – after hippotherapy and corrective gymnastics spine

All measurements were performed during the treatment of colorectal, silicon therapy, nutrition distributive, hirudoterapii (piawkami treatment), purifying breathing (gymnastics Strielnikowej) and any other activities performed during the program, the School of Health.

Table 1
Measures of the spine in the course of the program, the School of Health from the 1st to 21 on.

No. Name of the indicator body (measuring point) At Norm Current power (MKA)
No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6
1 Synovium T2-D2 80 27 40 50 60 60 73
2 Cervical T2-D3 80 32 40 60 68 70 70
3 Thoracic T2-D4 80 35 42 65 70 75 75
4 Lumbar T2-D5 80 43 48 50 65 75 75
5 Episode Cross T2-D6 80 42 46 67 70 70 70
6 Lumbosacral nerve plexus T2-E7 80 43 50 58 78 75 78
7 Plexus nerve-cross T2-E8 80 38 42 50 70 71 75
8 Exit to the kidneys T2-B12 80 27 30 48 40 60 70

As we can see from Table 1, circulation of energy at the output of the spine measured in all 5 episodes during the 3-week treatment listeners (very sick girl). All parameters greatly moved closer to the norm - 80 MKA.

From that moment the girl began to walk independently, going longer and longer walks. Her joints and toes can move freely.

Table 2
Measurements of the energy state of organs and systems during the program of School Health 1 of 21 on.

Table 2 precisely shows the reduction of the burden in organs and systems, and close to normal values.
These changes have confirmed the emergence of appetite, improvement in skin color - from pale, livid green to white with blush. Leg swelling disappeared. The girl started attending gymnastics classes static.

No. Name of the indicator body (measuring point) At Norm Current power (MKA)
No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6
1 Liver 1-2(2) 50 70 70 70 70 60 55
2 Pancreas 1-2 50 70 70 70 70 60 52
3 Ponds, intervertebral discs 2-3 2-3 50 90 80 75 70 65 55
4 Stomach 2-4(2) 50 70 70 64 60 55 52
5 Mucosa, connective tissue 3-4 50 80 80 70 70 58 55
6 Skin 3-4(2) 50 60 60 60 70 50 50
7 The transformation of fat 4-4 50 62 60 65 62 60 60
8 Gallbladder 4-4(2) 50 60 60 60 60 58 63
9 Kidneys 5-4 50 85 70 65 70 70 60
10 Urinary bubble
and genitourinary
5-4(2) 50 70 65 65 70 70 60

Table 3
Measurements of the state of the organs and systems (KPP hands)
KPP - Control point measurement

No. Name of the indicator body At Norm Current power (MKA)
No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6
1 The lymph system 1-3 50 20 25 30 40 50 50
2 Lungs 1-3(2) 50 28 32 41 45 50 55
3 The large intestine 2-4 50 35 40 45 50 50 50
4 Nerve conduction 2-4(2) 50 31 36 40 43 45 50
5 Blood circulation (condition of blood vessels) 3-4 50 28 35 38 41 45 50
6 The immune system.
Skin allergy symptoms
3-4(2) 50 29 35 40 40 45 45
7 Degenerative processes 4-4 50 18 35 35 40 50 50
8 Endocrine 4-4(2) 50 35 40 43 45 50 50
9 Heart 5-5 50 35 40 43 45 48 50
10 Small Intestine 5-4 50 29 35 38 36 50 50

Weakened energy authorities after dehelmintyzacji, liver cleansing and correction of spinal much nearer in their work to standards.
In the body of every human being can be rebuilt physical harmony, if there there will be order and allow the energy to circulate freely in the organs and systems.
You need to ensure that, so that the output current of the spine was 80 MKA, and in the organs and systems - 50 MKA.

*Quotes from the book "The School of Health - free from parasites and live without them", which appeared on the Polish market in September 2007 the publishing house Hartigrama. All quotations are arranged with the consent of Publishing Hartigrama.

The book can be purchased at Allegro
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How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio – Movies



How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio cz.1

Interview with monitor-polski.pl on how to use the zapper and natural supplements
in the treatment of many diseases. The underlying foundation of almost all diseases
are microorganisms, pathogens. These are the main reasons that you need to eliminate the various, simple means.


How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio cz.4

Interview with monitor-polski.pl on the use of natural supplements in the treatment of many diseases. The underlying foundation of almost all diseases are microorganisms, pathogens. These are the main reasons that you need to eliminate the various, simple means.


How to cure all diseases – Jan Taratajcio cz.5

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– Pathogens – Please read the introduction

Pathogens – Please read the introduction


Symptomatic treatment is the biggest mistake.
You should look for causes of disease.

The majority of health problems, diseases (ok.95%) is excessive growth of pathogens. Pathogens - in general terms (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, mushrooms, fungi and parasites).
That may be the foundation of many serious diseases and complications, often for many years.
Each of us has a variety of microbes, even Candida, that are needed for the various processes for the correct functioning of the body,
When the body is poisoned, damaged and weakened (imbalance)
by inadequate nutrition (acidifying), long drug therapies,
inadequate lifestyle (addictions, sweets, etc.), appear continuous inflammation
caused by excessive growth of harmful microbes.

It is important to measure diagnostic whole body
identify common pathogens, metals and their elimination through a carefully selected set of preparations.
There are already a number of specialist equipment such research - Vega test, Sage, Diacom, Voll'a - from such studies should begin.
Please ask, look for, such offices to practice, experience in the research and are known rzetelności.Tylko through research on pathogens can be reached
the causes of health problems.

Can be used alone device useful in removing pathogens.
For this it is necessary to use e.g. Zappera + Blutzappera and device that emits an electromagnetic wave.

Drinking Colloidal silver greatly facilitates the removal of pathogens
Silver colloidal, called natural antibiotic, contains pure silver.
Shreds 650 strains, Virus, microbes.

Fruit and vegetable diet, Dr. Ewa Dabrowska – is well-developed, maybe for some not easy, but to survive. Was developed by Dr. Eve in the early years 90, and is used today in several centers.
Please believe me that the effectiveness of this diet is phenomenal Lent.
In our house it was used - a revelation. You can get rid of the deposits, toxins, pathogens and many diseases that mention of the lectures of Dr. Eve:
Atopic eczema and other skin diseases, dry skin, Cracked
Asthma oskrzelowa
Diabetes and diabetic neuropathy
Prostatic hypertrophy
Premenstrual syndrome
Rheumatism, rheumatoid and other autoimmune diseases (Sjogren's syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis)
Gastrointestinal ulcers (gastroenteritis)
Viral diseases and viral fatigue syndromes after
Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease and other dementia syndromes
Cardiovascular disease (ischemic heart disease, high cholesterol
i trójglicerydy, hypertension, platelet aggregation disorders)
Thrombotic disease
Liver Disease
Leaky bowel syndrome

Detailed information on Dr. Ewa Dabrowska:

Every day you should eat garlic, onions and chili peppers, fresh horseradish
ginger - all raw.
As well as sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers (best homemade).

I wash fruits of hard gray dolphin soap and rinse with water properly.
Citrus fruits also wash the brush.

Suitable gastric acidity is very important,
this says naturopeuta George Zieba.
You should drink half an hour, possibly 15 minutes before a meal, and that you should not drink while eating or after eating, so as not to dilute the stomach acid.
It has such characteristics, to extract everything to the ground, which gets into the gastrointestinal tract. Unfortunately, when it is sparse is not as potent
and then often parasites (pathogens) settle in the gut. It is said to have a way with the center błonnikowym, which alters the feces, which fills the entire colon and then during a bowel movement was setting everything collects on the walls of the intestine. Lose weight at this supposedly sharply, so you can not overdo it.


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