Tag Archives: sok cytrynowy

Lemon juice

sok z cytryny

Lemon juice

Drinking on an empty stomach a glass of warm water with an ordinary lemon juice is the best
and the easiest way to release the body of toxic substances, that most threaten our health. Water with lemon hydrates and regulates your body's pH, It contains valuable vitamins and microelements.

Codzienne drinking on an empty stomach a glass of warm water with an ordinary lemon juice is the best and easiest way to release the body of toxic substances, that most threaten our health.
Water with lemon hydrates and regulates your body's pH

(a suitable pH in the body is the foundation of health), which causes the proper course of biochemical reactions in cells and organs. Increases the body's resistance, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Supports the work of the digestive system, It helps digestion and prevents constipation.
A positive effect on the urinary tract, jest jednym z najlepszych środków przeciw kamieniom nerkowym i żółciowym. Jest doskonała na oczyszczanie organizmu z kwasu moczowego w przypadku podagry, chronicznego reumatyzmu, anemia, dnie moczanowej, diabetes, nadwadze, nadciśnieniami, gastritis, choroby wątroby.

Treatment with lemon juice is a source of very few calories, and drinking it on an empty stomach,
is recommended for diets to speed up metabolism. Regular drinking of water with lemon also reduces wrinkles and skin discoloration. This drink is best to drink half an hour before or an hour after meals, it acts as a natural detox.
sok z cytryny
The main ingredient, któremu zawdzięczamy zdumiewające działanie soku z cytryny jest citric acid – This powerful antioxidant, which eliminates free radicals are responsible for most diseases and the aging of the organism.
It is also a natural antidepressant and antiseptic, bactericidal activity. Dlatego też sok cytrynowy jest składnikiem wielu kuracji odtruwających
i oczyszczających
Citric acid is the only acid-binding in the body with calcium.
This process forms a unique salt. Podczas jej rozpuszczania body receives phosphorus and calcium, roots, which normalize the metabolism and regenerate bone tissue. In addition, citric acid is formed during digestion of food. If we accept citric acid, in this way the body conserves energy, which may be used for cleaning the bones of poisonous toxins.
Furthermore, citric acid, łącząc się z aminami tworzy kwas aminowo-cytrynowy
o ładunku ujemnym. Out 21 irreplaceable amino acids in our body only 3 They are negatively charged.
Particularly valuable in the treatment of lemon is, że podczas niej w organizmie
powstaje naturalny kwas amonowo-cytrynowy, a component
(in the form of synthetic and therefore worse than directly from lemons) almost all pharmacological agents intended to combat diseases described above.
woda z cytryną
Lemon juice also contains synergistic juxtaposition of the following components:
1.Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6 – They take part in the correct operation of the nervous system, regulate the activity of nerve tissue, support the processes of concentration,
attention and thinking, They have an effect on blood pressure, muscle cramps. Odgrywa ważną rolę
w funkcjonowaniu narządów wzroku, regulate blood sugar, są niezbędne
do syntezy wielu hormonów, including testosterone. They take part in the formation of red blood cells
2.Vitamin E (Vitamin youth) – It is the main antioxidant, that protects cells against oxidants. Bierze udział w dostarczaniu składników odżywczych
do komórek. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and protects red blood cells from premature disintegration. It is also used to treat male infertility, muscle disorders, atherosclerosis and heart disease, anti-cancer
3.Beta-karoten (Vitamin A) – It is a powerful antioxidant, odpowiada
za integralność błon komórkowych i za prawidłowe wytwarzanie kolagenu.
Maintains normal skin condition, hair and nails. Provide normal growing bones and teeth by regulating the activity of bone tissue.
4.Makro i mikroelementy: magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, iron, eating, cobalt – Part of all cells, tissues and organs of the human body,
są niezbędne do wszystkich reakcji zachodzących w organizmie tj. bone structure, production of hormones, operation of the circulatory system and the heart muscle, układu nerwowego
i itd.
5.Fitoncydy – to naturalne antybiotyki – substances produced by plants, They have a bactericidal effect, Antiviral, Fungicides, Disinfectants, inhibit microbial life processes.
6.Bioflawonoidy – substancje te wpływają na większość procesów fizjologicznych
w organizmie, They are capable of quenching inflammation in vessel walls damaged by atherosclerosis. Prevent ischemic heart disease,
They are capable of sealing blood vessels. Delay aging, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, They affect the resistance through modeling of the immune system
7.Pectin – nutritionally is one of the fractions of the soluble dietary fibers (fiber), improve the digestive system.

8.Essential Oils – mają działanie bakteriobójcze, mitigating the problems of the circulatory system, including hypertension.

Lemon juice has wide-ranging effects on various ailments.
After drinking the stomach occurs citric acid and ascorbic, te dwa kwasy
w porównaniu z kwasem solnym zawartym w sokach żołądkowych są tak słabe,
that in no way can harm the gastric mucosa.
On the contrary – people, who suffer from a runny nose or stomach ulcers feel the beneficial effects of treatment with lemon juice
(by acidification of the stomach in order to avoid e.g. heartburn said J.Zięba).
Lemon juice treatment is cheap and easy to prepare, dlaczego zatem
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sok z cytryny