Tag Archives: cure

Affirmations – Movies

Affirmations – Your fate in your hands

Affirmations are internal programming, or reprogramming.
Thanks afirmacjom each of us can change your life, their fate,
heal your body, your soul.

The following affirmations by Peter Serafjogina

Health Affirmations
I accept good health and appearance of your body.
I accept the fullness of health and vitality in your body and life.
God's love and healing fills my whole body.
I feel safe and comfortable in your body.
Thank you for excellent health and well-being.


Affirmation health + 528Prophet – DNA repair
Continue to explore new ways to improve your health.
Your happy thoughts will help you create a healthy body.
Music tuned to 528Hz + Affirmation.
Let the body , mind and spirit clean energy vibrates Love.
Behold the power of God in Himself and God's creative potential.


Affirmation health – musical oasis
Affirmation health – Meditation will help change negative thinking about their own health. Positive thoughts are much stronger, than negative.
Autosugestia i afirmacja – Meditation is a very effective way to speed up the healing process.
Many diseases have an emotional base, is caused grief to someone
i niemożnością przebaczania. Getting rid of the injuries and forgiveness is very important for the health. It is important to desire health and freedom from negative thoughts
relative to each other or to other.
Read regularly, listened to, written affirmations really help to change
Your life for the better.
Feel free to listen.
Use this affirmation – meditation as many times as you want.


Affirmation health
Affirmation of health will help change negative thinking about their own health.
Known, that positive thoughts are much stronger, than negative.
Read regularly, listened to, written affirmations really help change your life for the better. Feel free to listen.


Affirmation health, musical oasis – Keys to Spiritual Health
Every day you wake up again. You decide on your own mood.
When you're happy / a, healthy / and it flows through your body healing power.
It gives you the affirmation of health – use it at will. Let you give good mood and desire to act. Flat błogości, satisfaction with life.
Health and new strength for everyday activities.
Repeat often – to pomaga :
” My body, mind and spirit are always in perfect health”


Affirmation health – meditation – relaxation
By changing the way you think, we can change all their lives. Many diseases start in our soul. Therefore, by changing the way of thinking, we can return to good health. We can recover, or maintain. While affirming let's start with a single change in our lives, which could reduce the signs of the disease, or risk of return. This may be attributable to changes in thought and behavior of self-acceptance. Let's use an affirmation to get to that place in our midst, where there is peace and hope, and, above all health.
Let us remember, that making changes in themselves, we influence not only on their lives, but also the lives of our loved ones. Think always repeat itself: “My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is calm.”




Affirmations – use


Affirmations – way to a happy life

This affirmation is the internal programming, or reprogramming.
Thanks afirmacjom each of us can change your life, their fate, heal your body, your soul.
This is the easiest way to change, improvement of what we want. despite the fact that it is a fairly simple form of self-healing therapy, take a look at the information broadly and recommendations of people who normally deal with this topic.
My favorite affirmation:
>> And (name) I love myself here and now, as I am <<
or diminutive:
>> I love myself as I am <<




With this concept met unless everyone, who dealt with the personal development
and spiritual. It is said about them more often, encourages their use. Often, however, provides information about them in a truncated form, while promising fabulous results, thereby improperly selected and used often lead to frustration,
rather than healing. Then I meet with the statements "affirmations do not work".
A truer statement would be - for me such and such affirmations, so and so used, did not work. But that does not mean, it is better to be chosen as ineffective.

Really We use affirmations unconsciously all the time. Everything we say to himself, what we hear from others - are unaware of affirmations, from which we build our image of ourselves, the world and our ability. If you are thinking of "I'm hopeless, I do not go, "and it looks like your reality is I have good news for you - affirmations work fine for you, you are a master of affirmation, If not only what you need. It would deliberately chose what content you enter into your mind, to achieve as effective, and much better for you effect.

At the beginning of conscious work with affirmations most often want to start with the so-called. affirmation of the right for example,. “I am a man of success” (and I have a contract to the lowest national work, I hate), “I have a great relationship with my partner the best” (and damn it gets me because I know, that the present is what u mistress) etc.. Think about it, that would be like the affirmation is nice for us, however, quickly travels between the content and the affirmation of the reality and what the judge of this reality and ourselves we think, only worsen our mood. Make, that we cease to believe in the possibility of change and we find, affirmations that are just distorting reality. And you just have to change the thinking carried out slowly, in a well-planned way – starting to realize where we are now, we believe we now have in the topic of work and relationships and consistently change them.

This requires taking responsibility for our beliefs and awareness, it is based on not build your life. Affirmations are not magic spells changing the world around us, but a way to change how we on this festival and myself think. With this change, we can begin to see the possibilities, had not noticed before (for example,. people fit them to build loving and respectful relationship; opportunity to open your own business like.), we will work with more confidence making better will be the results of our actions. Believe also, that we have the right to use these opportunities for a better life, instead of realizing the sacrifice of them acting as a self-fulfilling prophecy belief, "and so I can never do". In fact, regardless of whether we believe, something that can, or not - we are right, because that is realized in our lives.

To enter into the subconscious belief, before which we feel at the moment, a lot of resistance (because it is contrary to our past experience) must be used strategy packer dog on the bed.

If any of you have / had a dog, which was banned from entering the bed - it knows what it looks like. We lie in bed reading each book and on the floor, we see a dog sitting politely with pleading eyes look to the dog. However, like a dutiful subconscious – we are faithful to his principles and the dog hears - "Do not step on the bed" - and then come back to read. During this time, the dog approaches the bed and puts on it's mouth. It does not cause us alarm state, because it is only the dog's mouth. When there is no response from our side, on the bed comes the first paw. Zaczytani not react. In the end, it's not the whole paw dog, truth? Moments later there is a second paw, for some time bum (Most dog is still on the floor, Our principles have not been broken, you do not need to respond) and before you watch cuddles up to us all, happy pooch. If we remove the dog, He tries from the other side – with the same perseverance. While human pet owner may decide to stick to their principles, because no sensible reasons for doing so, subconscious is mainly because. Breaking them long enough, get used to it, that the normal state of affairs is a dog wylegujący next to us on the couch.

Next steps wdrapywania the dog on the bed is the use of various forms of affirmation, to familiarize her with the presence of new things in our lives. If unconscious after all stubborn at their terms - what you need to investigate why this was affected - perhaps considered, that the new belief is unfavorable for her? Reaction column or regresing session will meet and call our resistance and include them in the process of affirmation. Sometimes it is not about a single conviction, but a whole set of beliefs on a topic, and you need to work on this together, in the form of a decree afirmacyjnego.

If the input to the couch is for us the most important thing in the world, eventually find a way that we did it.

I will now discuss the different types of affirmations in the order they are entered into the subconscious.

General rules for the application of affirmation such:

for example,. "And (name) I love myself as I am right now. "

  1. We use your name or diminutives - such with which we identify (in some subjects may work better example. childhood nickname, in others the full version of the name)
  2. In the present tense, without "gdybania", without the "I want", "I wish", "I need". A clear message as if what we want has already taken place and only confirm.
  3. Do not use the word "no", because the subconscious likes to ignore the word, and then changes the meaning of affirmation (there are some exceptions, but this is not a topic for this article). So instead of talking: "Not weak", we use the term "I am healthy".
  4. We focus on what we want to achieve / have - positives, instead of what you want to get rid, ie health rather than disease, the rich and not the poor. We need to use positive phrases.
  5. Text affirmation should be concise and understandable by us. Let's not use words, that sounds wisely, but we do not get. It is better to write something in simple language, but in a way, the importance of which we are confident.
  6. Afirmujmy not something, what brand do not believe. It is better to refer the matter to smash to pieces, we can accept and increase graduation affirmation (affirmation of accepting a large number of different types of).
  7. Best to work with a few affirmations concerning the same subject. Not heal in one fell swoop life, while at the same time will discuss several topics, will be stronger resistance from the subconscious. Better to choose one topic and process it consistently to fruition, later another.
  8. Affirmations best to write (or otherwise repeat): daily, for a minimum of 21 days, minimum 15 times, First, or 3 personal forms (Agnieszka I love myself, Agnieszka you love yourself, It Agnieszka loves himself). People, which is very important to the opinion of others, more responsive to the affirmations written in 3 people, with high self-esteem and a strong internal authority enough 1-a person.
  9. We observe the reactions of our subconscious: what thoughts they appear, feelings and sensations in the body, resistance may write (for example,. thoughts, it is impossible, I have no right, etc.. ) in the form of so-called. reaction column. On its basis, we will further affirmation that it strikes which did not allow us to change
  10. The more emotion and attention we put into affirmations, This will work harder. So to repeat them with faith and enthusiasm increases their effectiveness.
  11. It should reword affirmation, if we, that in this version fails to hit well in our thinking pattern. We can also add to the end, "and it is for not safe and beneficial in every way" if there are fears the effect of the affirmation.

TYPES affirmation

ReleasingI ... I release the negative patterns, restrictions…
I ... I free from guilt to …., to …. .
I ... I release the grievances and claims to …… .
I ... I release the victim's role in your life.

Are released from the existing programs in our mind. They make room for new ones - positive content. They also help to get rid of negative emotions, habits, etc.. When working with the subconscious cleaning function regresingiem full session regresing. Sometimes there is a need to clarify something affirmations releasing after cleaning, but most often go straight to the introduction of positive content.

Are releasing a kind of affirmation affirmations forgiving.

I forgive myself ..., that …..
I ... I forgive her / him, me ....

In cases where we feel too much regret and blame to someone to forgive him, Let us write affirmations first release of these emotions, and then forgiving.

Deliverance and forgiveness brings relief and allows us to go further.

ACCEPTED / Awareness

I ... accept, I love and respect myself so, what I am.
I ... accept my present life (partners, work) such, what is the.
I accept your feelings ..., the, dreams.
I ... I agree to the professional success and high earnings.
I ... I have a right to pursue their dreams.
I ... I can succeed.

Preparing the ground for the existence of new positive things in our lives. For something in our lives was more, we must first accept where we are now, then considered, that may appear better, agree to it, recognize their right to do so, see opportunities to achieve this. Sometimes accept the changes, that go. Depending on the degree of resistance in the subconscious expand, these affirmations may need more or less.

For larger resistance can even begin to form:
I ... I realize, I can love myself as I am.
I ... I realize, I have the right to ...

When the time to prepare the mind:

Affirmations APPROPRIATE

I ... I am a man of success.
Every day, I make more money.
I appreciate each other ..., who I am and what I do.
I ... I'm such a valuable enough what I am, in everything we do.
It's for me … in order to make money and have money.

The possibilities are very much. Affirmations are used to input relevant new content to our mind, and thus the life. Are what we really want to achieve. Although affirmation may have very different forms, frequently used phrases: "I deserve", "Appreciate", "I am worthy", "I am valuable enough / smart", "I'm fine," etc.. Appreciating what is, recognizing their dignity, value and the right to have the best - we attract into our lives it.


How long does it take to reprogram the mind?

Very different, depending on the person, subject and labor intensity with affirmations. There are people, after a few days I can already see the first results. Most of the 21 days sees a change in thinking, or becomes aware of his other convictions, which on this topic, which must be processed, that there was a change in our lives. A complete work on yourself, from month to month you will see more and more changes. It's a job that requires diligence, but everything already pays heal. The general rule is that, we are working on a given affirmation min 21 days until we feel, it works. Exceptions are affirmations release, which should not be used for more than 21 days.

To speed up the process of writing a book outside use other methods:

  • Before writing to take 20 deep, connected breaths (without interruption between exhalation and inhalation). Uspokoją one nas i doenergetyzują.
  • Affirmation in the record to sound processing (for example,. free Audacity), multiply 15 times and play each other in the background, when we do something else.
  • Pieces of paper to write down affirmations and hang in place, which will be during the day often look.
  • Repeat affirmations at the same time using the EFT tapping - as a round positive. If they come out resistance can be immediately tap.
  • Writing affirmations imagine with the greatest amount of positive emotions as it is great, it is realized.
  • Record affirmations of musician in the background and listen to them in a meditative state.
  • For topics, that cause us great resistance, familiarity with the contents of the first affirmation - the flying itself in the background, prepares us for more informed work with them. The subconscious is tames their contents and further is easier.
  • Recordings by subliminal affirmations – very effective way of working with affirmations.

And many more. Depending on, whether we are good eyesight, słuchowcami or kinestetykami, Various methods may work for us harder or less. Experiment to find the most effective.
If I'm working with affirmations and begin to feel worse, i.e., that affirmations do not work, or hurt me, and I should stop writing them?

If affirmations were selected in accordance with the principles of art that did not harm, while we can experience a pleasant little resistance from the subconscious, which defends itself against changing the way of thinking. The most common are the strongest resistance just before the, subconscious will surrender and begin to feel the benefits of a change in attitude and improved well-being. So let's get through this moment, adding affirmation built on the basis of the reaction column. In the case of a regular job with what regresingiem 3 We weeks session, So emerging resistances can be processed in real time.

But before we gain skill in selecting each affirmation should verify with someone's help or a well-formulated them. It may be, that e.g.. affirm myself opening up to love, and our ideas about love, pain and suffering, then yes affirmation work, but not as consciously as we want and should first clear his ideas about love, and affirmations to change to something uniquely.

Various tests of associations, sets of questions to help us discover what really is behind the problems in the topic and give material to select the affirmation exactly to our needs.

I highly recommend working with affirmations. It is worth to do it for themselves!


afirmacje Affirmations 3