Tag Archives: Alternative Healing

Braco uzdrowiciel

Braco uzdrowiciel

Braco Gaze - http://porady.uzdrawianie.orgBraco uzdrowiciel – patrz i zdrowiej

Dr. Marino Parodi (Italy) – psycholog i pisarz mówi, he met Braco at the PSI-days
in Basel 2006 r. and immediately sensed in him something extraordinary and powerful.

„Jest on potężnym uzdrowicielem od którego możemy się wiele nauczyć. Braco says, that love heals people. He can heal people because it carries the love.
But when I talk about healing, I talk about much more than about healing the body.
I'm talking about a new beginning, a search for happiness and the meaning of life. Understand the science means to understand the nature. Let's start with the recognition, that nature is beautiful and, everything
on this planet is beautiful. Let's start with the recognition, that we are all spiritual beings and that we are here to gain some experience. There is ample evidence of what I say. There are millions of people in this world, who had been healed
diseases, which are defined as incurable. This is a huge amount of evidence.
And I also was in a hopeless situation and I was healed, and today I am here
i jestem zdrowy i szczęśliwy.”

Braco1 - http://porady.uzdrawianie.org

Braco's Gaze was born in November 1967 in Zagreb (Croatia).
He studied economics and graduated with a master's degree at the age of 24 years. Then took up business. In the year 1993 at the request of her mother went to the well-known healer, Toplica Prokica (Ivica called). During this meeting, Braco suffered a deep spiritual experience. Between Ivica, Braco was born and friendship. 2 years later, Ivic died a tragic death. Braco does not realize, that he is the successor of the healer, and aims to bring people to love and support.

Braco2 - http://porady.uzdrawianie.org

Initially healed people individually by touch or photos. Soon, however,
this has changed and Braco discovered, to heal that does not need anyone to touch,
he can heal people with his energy through eye contact.
Every year more and more increased his strength and improved the energy transfer methods. Now it is enough to stand on a platform in front of a group of people seized
their loving gaze, that they have received a huge amount of energy, which changes their lives, not only at the level of the material in the form of healing their bodies, relationships and different situations, but also on a spiritual level.

Braco3 - http://porady.uzdrawianie.org

Equally effective work on these, who can not come to him
and their families during the session keep ahead image absent person. In contrast, pregnant women above 3 months and young children can take this energy, but only through your photos, since for them it is too strong in the immediate transmission.

Nawet gdy Braco podróżuje – a zdarza się to coraz częściej – do jego ośrodka przyjeżdżają tłumy ludzi z całego świata i odbywają się sesje z jego głosem nagranym na taśmie i choć Braco mówi tylko w swoim rodzinnym języku, his voice is the same effect on people as much as his presence. There are also videos, cassette with his voice and books. People say, even by not receiving strong energy.

Braco, as previously Ivica does not charge any money from the people. Jedyną rzeczą której nigdy nie odmawia – są kwiaty. Toteż ulice i parki Zagrzebia – gdzie mieszka
and where he built the resort, w którym spotyka się z ludźmi – dosłownie toną
abloom, which receives thousands of desperate, często „nieuleczalnie” chorych,
Braco which is the last resort in the event of, when no one and nothing can
help them and those who are already having suffered assistance would continue to come back to receive a dose of loving energy.

Braco4 - http://porady.uzdrawianie.org

Braco5 - http://porady.uzdrawianie.org

Today Braco works sometimes 7 days a week, traveling the world
and letting people know the healing power of love through his eyes the same. There have been cases, that people, which was not able to help the medicine, get well after the first session. His gaze comprises a group of several dozen to even 1000 people. Braco does not take money for their help, does not give interviews
and conducts its healing session in silence, where you can hear the music in the background relaxation. It is believed, it is not a healer, but only a sort of intermediary, man who opens the healing energy of love.

Braco phenomenon was examined by such eminent scientists, as: prof. Alex Schneider, Drago Plecko, and Dr. Harald Wiesendanger. They were amazed at the possibilities of Braco. Found, Braco that raises people to a higher level of consciousness. In their view,, Braco at the age of 40 years has reached such a high spiritual consciousness, I have a highly developed people at the age of 60, 70, whether 80 years.

Braco6 - http://porady.uzdrawianie.org
Braco increasingly traveling to other countries such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, and lately even the US, where he meets up with thousands of people passing
them during the session extremely strong energy. Information about it as well as a schedule provided by the energy session can be found at:

Braco7 - http://porady.uzdrawianie.org

Due to the high popularity of the possibility of contact was introduced via the Internet, using transmission line. The website: http://braco-tv.me/ We can register and purchase access to the session, in which we will be able to experience the live contact with Braco's healing session.
The cost is very low (3$), because it is only to cover fees associated with the transmission of the session and its maintenance.

Zapraszam na sesje uzdrawiające z Braco – sesje uzdrawiające, Movies:

More information:

Braco8 - http://porady.uzdrawianie.org



Braco – healing sessions, Movies

Braco – healing sessions, Movies

Braco individually initially healed by touching a person or pictures.
Soon, however, this has changed and Braco discovered, to heal that does not need anyone to touch, he can heal people with his energy through eye contact.

Braco – healing session


Braco uzdrowiciel – report on the meeting in Vienna


Braco uzdrowiciel – 15 years of healing

15 anniversary of healing the healer Braco and Anniversary 40 Birthday.
Every year, come from all over the world appreciate the healing.


Braco uzdrowiciel – Internal Awakening

39 Birthday Braco. From all over the world come to this day healed healer Braco thanks for the help, for the healing.


Braco – contemporary healer EN

Braco heals comprehensively, holistic body and soul energy of love.
Healed people tell their stories of healing.


Braco uzdrowiciel – history of the phenomenon of healing

There have been many reports, publications around the world about the phenomenon healer Braco.
Many fro truth, evidence. His energy was investigated, measured on the world congresses of alternative treatments.

Information and description of healings Braco: