Tag Archives: stomach cancer

Hericium erinaceus

soplówka jeżowata

Hericium erinaceus

hericium, This fungus known in Poland as Hericium erinaceus.
Oprócz tego, you can find it in every forest, recently gaining increasing fame of his kennel. Accordingly, the, the hairy appearance of Hericium resembles a monkey's head, so also it is commonly called. In China and Japan, This fungus is considered a culinary delicacy, because its taste resembles dry seafood. Thanks to numerous studies, the medicinal properties of Hericium, It is valued not only because of its taste, but due to a favorable effect, human health. In the wild, Hericium is very rare and is protected. Nevertheless, it can be personally grown in the garden or on the balcony.

In medicine, It is used for the extract or powder of the vital fungus. It contains essential amino acids, polypeptides, polysaccharides, and minerals such as potassium, iron, zinc, the saddle, germanium and a small amount of sodium. Its composition allows mainly to fight the ailments of the digestive system, starting from the esophagus,
and ending at the duodenum. Currently, many studies carried out on its ability to stimulate the production of NGF, który jest czynnikiem wzrostu nerwów
i życia komórek nerwowych. In case of too low NGF, we are exposed to the emergence of Alzheimer's disease or dementia. hericium, It operates most efficiently at the time of, when taken in the form of fresh mushrooms
(about 100g a day) or in the form of dry fungi (about 10g a day).
In its composition can also be found 17 the various amino acids (w tym 7 very important for a man), making, że koncentracja aminokwasów w tym grzybie
jest o 30 - 150% greater than e.g.. in pieczarce, a bypass section also Shitake.
Thanks to the above, Hericium is used as a high meat substitute in vegetarian meals. At the moment there are no known side effects of taking this fungus.

soplówka jeżowata

Hericium is mainly used in the case of gastrointestinal diseases. However, its properties permit efficient use of it as in the case of other diseases:
– stomach cancer, esophageal cancer - with a high content of polysaccharides, It has the ability to prevent and fight cancer
– stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers
– gastritis - just as in the case of the above mentioned diseases, so here the primary function of Hericium, It harmonizes the stomach, a więc zmniejszenia
lub też wyeliminowania takich dolegliwości jak ucisk, bóle, burning sensation in the stomach area, digestive problems, Heartburn, Reflux, nausea, wymioty, strong odor from the mouth, diarrhea and bloating
– multiple sclerosis - creates myelin, which has a positive impact on the affected patients
– Alzheimer's disease and dementia - Hericium has the ability to stimulate the levels of NGF and prevents excessive decline, which is the cause of the disease
– MRSA - a positive effect on the infectious disease that is resistant Staphylococcus aureus meta cyclin
– helicobacter pylori - the properties, can stimulate the immune system and destroy harmful bacteria helicobacter pylori; dodatkowo dzięki funkcji przeciwutleniającej ma możliwość łagodzenia zapaleń spowodowanych
tą chorobą
– nerve damage - to regenerate nerve cells
– neuropathy - I coordinate the level of NGF, which too little causes sensory neuropathy


Supplements based on Soplówki and mycelium can be bought on Allegro
Here a lot of information about the cultivation of mushrooms :


soplówka jeżowata- hodowla



Stomach cancer

birch leaf

Stomach cancer

Original information from a book by Czeslaw Klimuszko – “Wróćmy do ziół”

I console myself still, we'll find a cure for this terrible scourge, which puts out millions of lives, especially in countries with a higher civilization and living standards.
Effective antidote remain a dream.
Poniżej podana mieszanka wypróbowana przez szereg lat wielu pomogła
w zahamowaniu choroby i o lat kilka przedłużyła życie ludzkie.


All herbs after 50 g.
1. Willow bark (Cortex Salice)
1. Herb mistletoe (Herbs Visci)
2. Birch leaf (Folia Betulae)
3. Objectives Fiolka trójbarwnego (Violae plant tricoloris)
4. Bilberry leaf (Folia myrtilli)
5. St. John's wort (Herbs Hyperici)
6. Nettle leaf (Nettle leaves)
7. Couch grass rhizome (Rhizoma Agropyri)
8. The root of Oman (Radix Inulae)
9. Marshmallow root (Radix Althaeae)
10. Pine buds (Jewels Pini)
or Porost Icelandic (Lichen Islandicus)
Drink 3 times a day after a glass before a meal.
In addition to drink daily
before bedtime sweet juice of raw cabbage - 1 glass.

Czesław Klimuszko – “Wróćmy do ziół” – str.134-135

Please also read with a natural and effective Laminine


fiołek trójbarwny


Malignant and benign – therapies

Malignant and benign

Malignant and benign

Muscles. Fibrosarcoma

• The jar volume 12 Pour a liter compartments walnuts to 34 the height of the jar and pour the vodka fullness. By 30 days to keep at room temperature. Drink after 20 g in the morning and evening.

• Aloe Vera (at least 3 years) not watered by 5 days. Then cut it 375 g of leaves, which, after being cut spikes in a food processor grind the meat. Then add 625 g of honey and 675 ml red sweet wine. Stir everything together and let stand in a dark and cool place for 5 days. Drink for the first 7 days after one teaspoonful 3 times a day 40 minutes before eating. Period of application - 30 days.

Tumors (Stomach, Lung, leukemia)

• 2 powder teaspoon dried birch Broad whitefish (innota oblique) to 12 cup of warm, boiled water leave overnight to strain. In the morning boil and drink 3 times a day, a spoonful.


• Place on a piece of raw meat tumor, lightly sprayed with ammonia.