Tag Archives: joy

Videos various

The Power of Words
>> By changing your words, change your world <<

Free hugs – Sondrio, Italy
>> Love is a recipe for all problems <<

Sacred Geometry
I've always surround us digits, wszystko w okół nas wibruje jest geometrią.
Unfortunately, ale film jest zakazany, usuwany jest z YouTube i z Vimeo.
A jest to wspaniały, krótki dokument, pełen pięknych barw i kształtów.
Jest też świetna muzyka.
Film wgrałem na wrzutę i można go obejrzeć po wejściu na poniższy link:

święta geometria


Birds of Paradise
Our family, brothers and sisters from space.
The longing for unity, for freedom, for love.


Message of hope
Are one, despite differences.
Take a look, open your eyes, Open your heart, Believe in Love,
Explore the love, Select love.
Together we survive, divided we fall.


Miyoko Shida Fun
We have different talents, Internal huge potential and opportunities.
Everything is in us just need to find the key,
the way to your interior, consciousness.


Hidden History of the Human Race – Klaus Women
Klaus Dona has devoted many years of travel, during which documented the findings, official science which could not (read:. did not want to) explain. Pyramids, ancient cities flooded by the ocean, skull of inhuman construction, huge human skeletons, Crystal Skulls, sculptures and objects, containing information, which should not contain, Antarctic ice maps and Atlantis - physical evidence, that humanity only repealed the veil of secrecy associated with our heritage.


Meditation with images
Beautiful graphics, images combined with a nice and warm music.


święta geometria