Tag Archives: chain of life

Life Chain

łancuch życia

Life Chain

I dedicate this book to all those, which conventional medicine has received the last hope of life, and in that, who believed, that their way is almost over.
I already know, that can be given a second chance and a new life despair. You only need to want it. This can be done, if you believe in it, What you will learn from the text of the book.
Mother Nature did not create them ourselves created diseases, but predicted, that her children,
we are, may get lost, so she gave us a chance to correct mistakes
and we believe his mother, who gave birth to us, we entrust mother nature, because she loves us unconditional love and like every mother takes care of us no matter what, who we are. Revealing hidden facts in front of people do not think about reaping profits, because I could hide, But for me the most value, as we have, we the people, human life, rather than greed and lust for power. Life and human health can not be a commodity, that drives the world's economic systems. life has no price, and we the people are one of the huge body cells, with which we are inextricably linked. Just forgot about it and to have lost. Wrong, it's time to remember, who we are, after which we came from and where we are going. We have created a monster, which drains our life force, but our consciousness does not allow us to notice him. But when we take off the shackles founded on our awareness, we can see the world from a different perspective. Maybe we will see a real deadly disease, which have become part and the victim. We will see a world without war, pain and death. It all depends on us. Let us remember, that fear is our worst enemy, and the freedom and love of our destiny. When we understand the way to opening our home state. Because, as Jesus said, "There is the winner of which gets city, but the one who overcomes himself ". The only way to free themselves from the yoke of bondage, is to change our consciousness and delete the illusion, which we developed in order to gain power and wealth by the elite at the top. Cut off from the life-giving sources monster, who has mastered the mind and body deprive him of power and the ability to control our mind, Groups are minions, who diligently serve him. It does not matter, whether they do it consciously, or not. The law of "cause and effect" and forgets nothing ever will claim for repayment of a debt, as it always tends to balance. If even a few people, including perhaps the representatives of conventional medicine, who took the oath of Hippocrates, having regard to the content of this book will change your consciousness and zauważyzagrożenie and illusion in which they are kept. They will have to consider who is to serve and at what price,
and their conscience becomes their guardian. Then I can say, that this book has achieved its goal. This book can not be treated piecemeal, but you need to understand all of its content in order to understand its simplicity and logic.

MARIAN JAN TARATAJCIO chain of life – pdf


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