Tag Archives: silicon

Krzem z borem

Krzem z borem

Krzem z borem

Wzrost uprzemysłowienia, alkalizowania gleb wapnem oraz przetwarzanie i rafinowanie żywności, 90% populacji cierpi na niedobory krzemu i zakwaszenia organizmu

SILOR B Suplement diety to produkt zawierający w swoim składzie silicon i live
w postaci łatwo przyswajalnych monojonów. Dodatkowo zastosowano tu efekt synergii – wzajemna obecność cząstek boru i krzemu wzmaga ich przyswajalność.

SILOR B zalecany jest zwłaszcza ludziom starszym, kobietom po menopauzie, sportowcom, osobom ze schorzeniami układu krwionośnego oraz osobom w trakcie rekonwalescencji pourazowej.

krzem i bor-dzialanie

Krzem zawarty w preparacie odgrywa ważną rolę:
wspomaga układ odpornościowy – stymuluje produkcję przeciwciał
w zachowaniu w dobrej kondycji Hair, skóry i paznokci – włosy są bardziej elastyczne i błyszczące, często odzyskują dawną barwę, paznokcie są mniej kruche
i odporne na zakażenia grzybiczne
in syntezie kolagenu i elastyny, spowalniając procesy starzenia – skórze nadaje gładkość i elastyczność, chroni przed zmarszczkami
przyspiesza proces gojenia ran i urazów
chroni mięsień serca i cały układ krwionośny – uelastycznia aortę, tętnice,
żyły i naczynia włosowate, zapobiega żylakom i hemoroidom, zapobiega odkładaniu się cholesterolu
wpływa na wzrost i mineralizację kości, zapewnia większą elastyczność
mięśni i ścięgien;
przeciwdziała tworzeniu kamieni w drogach moczowych;
poprawia stan zdrowia cukrzyków, ogranicza ryzyko choroby Alzheimera;
powoduje radykalny wzrost możliwości myślowych i zdolności zapamiętywania oraz koordynacji wzrokowo-ruchowej.

Wpływ krzemu na organizm – szczegóły

Dzialanie krzemu

Bor odpowiada za prawidłową gospodarkę wapniową the body. Niedobór tego pierwiastka powoduje spadek jakości tkanki kostnej. Poleca się go w profilaktyce
i leczeniu osteoporozy, osteomalacji, reumatoidalnego zapalenia stawów.

Bor posiada właściwości antiseptic, przeciwwirusowe i przeciwgrzybicze. Wpływa na właściwą gospodarkę hormonalną organizmu, jest bardzo skutecznym chemioprewentykiem.

Przyjmując SILOR B 3 razy dziennie po 15 ml dostarczamy do organizmu 12,63 mg krzemu i 7 mg pipe, przez co zapobiegamy niedoborom tych minerałów
w codziennej diecie.

Krzem z borem, Sól SiSalt, Biochelaty i inne produkty oparte na złocie, srebrze, Copper can be ordered directly online store Nove IDEA
(here all products),
korzystając z autorskiego systemu zakupowo-rabatowego:
Po wejściu na stronę sklepu, proszę przycisnąć zielony przycisk – Załóż konto.
Po wpisaniu kodu rabatowego możną przystąpić do rejestracji i zakupów.

Kod rabatowy:


Krzem z borem


Silicon – element of life


czarny krzemień

Silicon – element of life

Flint water characterized by the ability of self-cleaning, as evidenced by
in the form of sediments, precipitated from water containing harmful substances, which sink to the bottom. This allows the water becomes crystal clear and enjoyable
flavor. Another positive aspect is, not that long breaks and a very positive effect on the body. Flint activated water acts deadly to microorganisms, and also reduces the growth of bacteria that cause decay
i fermentację.

Flint water also strongly binds heavy metals, radioactive substances
and other harmful compounds and precipitating them from the body.

Water enriched with micronutrients of black flint:
It is essential for the elderly and debilitated by disease, as a source of additional energy
Great works in additional nutrition for skin and hair
Has been used successfully in the treatment of:
– pathogens
– atherosclerosis,
– hypertension,
– in the gastro-intestinal metabolism helping,
– contributes to the functioning kidney,
– in inflammation of the urogenital system,
– nephrolithiasis,
– dysbakteriozie,
– food poisoning,
– paradontosis ,
– improves skin,
– strengthens the joint capsule and tendon,
– helps in the treatment of angina and other diseases.

How to use:
– Wash your flint and put it in glass jars.
– Then pour lukewarm water in a ratio of 10-15g
flint to about 1 liter of water.
– Leave for a minimum of 4 time.
– Consume water without the precipitated sludge to the bottom of the container
Silicon silicon water can be purchased at Allegro

czarny krzemień-zestaw

Silicon – element of life

Roundworms and flat, trematodes, bacteria and fungi – the whole jumble of ugly vampires devouring our blood and tissues with the silent acquiescence of official medicine.
A simple man busy with their own affairs, suspects, parasites that. He goes to the doctor and is tested.
Doctor examines blood swarming from trichomonads, Chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, leptospirów,
lots of spores and viruses, and seeks only, what is needed him as a person skilled in the.

It got to the, that does not see a gynecologist parasitic flora in patients with genital women, pulmonologist not notice many helminths in the alveoli, contrary education covers his eyes to the extent, the tangle of worms and fungi in the lungs – nocardiosis, in kormykoza, glistnica, paragonimoza – is not noticed by the.

Lymphatic vessels are devoured by protozoa trichomonas interspersed with mushrooms, which do not save anything.
Dishes circulatory system become calcified due to the shortage of silicon and become a place of discharge nieprzyswojonego cholesterol ( Also due to shortage of silicon), which settle trichomonas and fungi. It is a cancer of the blood vessels
or – according to medical terminology – arterioskleroza.

No one cares about, to speak loudly, that human blood is not sterile.
Health changes very rapidly, if parasites – lamblie, fluke cat, duodenal hookworm, liver fluke, toxoplasma and an enormous amount of mushrooms
– reside in the liver.

The liver is the primary blood filter. If it is filled with parasites, blood becomes their nutrition environment and transport.

Abruptly changes its chemical composition by the action of metabolic products of parasites. These changes may be so significant, that make frequent cramps in the bile ducts and pancreatic duct, cause intestinal cramping, change the composition of the plasma, and even cause the symptoms of epilepsy.

All the parasites multiply very quickly and consume silicon, the loss of an extremely negative impact on human health.

If we imagine a man as a biological, Electric radio system with CNC – brain, All life processes are only wholesome,
when the environment of the system ( blood, lymph and intracellular fluid) will clean,
the element of communication and energy conversion – silicon – will be enough, and when all the connections of the brain to the body will be wholesome and properly coordinated.

How, then, will take place human life processes, if the main element responsible for the connectivity and processing power silicon, will be devoured by parasites,
that their products of metabolism will poison all the liquid tissue?

How will operate, if the electrolytic properties of fluids will rapidly disorder?! And if in the same processor – brain – maggots are free to migrate wherever they wish, causing ” circuit” many thousands of his cell?

So why do not notice the dangerous fact: strokes and heart attacks, overthrow the, in which the silicon content is 1,2% in relation to the required 4,7 %.
Diabetes occurs due to a number of etiological factors, If the silicon content is 1,4% or less.
Hepatitis virus may develop a, if the silicon content decreased to 1,6%. Cancer develops when 1,3%.

Silicon – thanks to its electric properties, structure creates electrically charged.
They have properties of sticking to each other viruses and pathogenic organisms niesymbiotycznych, unsuitable for human body.
Binding, “glueing” properties of colloidal silicon solutions are unique.

Influenza viruses, Hepatitis, artretyzmu, dysbacteriosis : candida, yeast and other microorganisms causing pathologies in the body are,
through its gravitational pull of the electromagnetic, ” sucked” a colloidal solution of silicon – both in blood and in the intestine.

This means, that all diseases, the cause of which could be replaced without end, could not develop in the human body, if people were in the body sufficient amount of silicon.

The environment and living conditions on Earth are constantly changing.
Civilization helps us life. Shortens them one, ignoring the basic needs of the organism ( such as silicon demand).
This is what pushed us toward civilization chlorinated water, dairy products and processed with radionuclides and refined products, which do not contain silicon.

If blood is missing silicon, reducing its content in the lining of blood vessels.

Silicon, provides flexibility to the walls of blood and is responsible for communication with the brain on the expansion and vasoconstrictor, is replaced by calcium.

Just replacing silicon calcium causes, that the vessels become hard and ” not hear ” brain commands. This is, because silicon is only able to receive and process them.

Calcium enters the vascular wall, which leads to calcification.
For hard calcium tabs projecting from the blood begins to settle cholesterol.

Because of the shortage of silicon cholesterol is not absorbed and used for film formation of new cells, but on the walls of blood vessels are formed plaques of cholesterol.
This lipid matrix of calcium and colonies trichomonads, contributing to vasoconstriction.

Start with symptoms of diseases such as : Dusznica sick, myocardial infarction, kardioskleroza, arrhythmia serca, stroke and mental disorders.
They lead to a loss of the ability to work and premature death.

No body can not exist without silicon.
In practice, it turned out very soon, that as soon as the parasites die, the level of silicon in the human body grows very quickly and reaches the standard.
When the silicon level drops to a critical level, man becomes ill chronic and hard.
When silicon brain deficit is not able to control the growth process, development and life processes.

All phyto preparations and dietary supplements – from bran, and ending with the silicon water – each biokorekta, is just one aspect of the case.
General strengthening and adaptive action show preparations, to rebuild the human body and its energy news radio properties.
It is possible only when the administration of the additional element or silicon.

And no matter what method. In the food, water, with air or through the skin.
Only then start to work micronutrients and all other factors, changes in the system called MAN.

How to avoid a shortage of silicon?

One for ways to make up for the shortage of silicon is drinking kaolin clay.
Clay is considered to be edible, if the size of the particles does not exceed 2 millimicrons.
Should be adequate in terms of micro granules and the content of radionuclides.
They are usually white in color clays, Pale pink and blue – extracted from the depths 7 – 9 meters and more.

Inorganic silicon compounds easily vary the form of organic silicon in the human digestive tract under the influence of degradative enzymes silicon compounds,
that are secreted in the stomach, the duodenum and small intestine. .
Please do not confuse kaolin clay with chalk, which provides the calcium.
Often pregnant women and children seeking intuitively silicon and not understanding, as demanded by the body, start eating chalk ( CaCO3).

Another way is to drink the water of silicon, we get the usual method of soaking the natural material
( Silicon black stone) Water, for example in a bucket. Water has suitable properties after 2 – 3 days.
Look: N book details. Semyonov ” School health”.

Siliceous water retains its healing properties for a long time.
It is best stored at room temperature, in a covered dish.

Saps and extracts of medicinal herbs on the water prepared silica, are much more efficient. Water silica also improves the quality of domestic milk.

Another way is horsetail:
50 60 g herb tie the bundle and put a pot of water ( 8 – 10 l) and bring to the boil.
Leave on 3 – 4 hours. Use for cooking, drinking, wash out, kompresów, gargles, etc..

Horsetail baths:
soak 2 -3 handfuls of dried with cold water in the amount of 3 – 4 liters, to 2 – 3 hours.
Then bring to the boil and allow to sit for a while. Add to the water in the bath and urine in a warm bath 20 – 30 minutes, 3 times a week.
Water must not be too hot. A similar way to supplement silicon are swimming in the water with oat straw.

Text was developed based on the book of Nadezhda Semyonov – ” School health”.

More information about Silicon – www.igya.pl


czarny krzemień