Tag Archives: 432Prophet

Mystery 432 Prophet – Movies


432HzMystery 432 Prophet – Jan Taratajcio cz.1

Lecture for Altermedium Tv. The differences between the frequencies of 432 i 440 Prophet. A thorough discussion of the two frequencies.


Mystery 432 Prophet – Jan Taratajcio cz.2

The 2 Jan Taratajcio part explains what is the relationship between geometric figures
and sound. Everything is vibration, and the universe is fractal structure.
They knew about the ancient, also know what is the Flower of Life.
Frequency 432 H is life.


Explanation of the golden ratio in music – Jan Taratajcio

The first attempt to change the outfit A = 432 Hz to A = 440 Hz occurred in the year 1917
Rockefeller initiative. The music world for it disagreed, However, the US government
a year later accepted it as a standard. There was then a number of such attempts
and these initiatives are always popping out of the dynasty ruling classes. Stubbornly music world
for it did not agree.

It was not until 1939 England and Germany have introduced legislation to standardize frequency 440 HZ as ISO 16 for tuning any instrument.

Again the world of musicians do not accept and it was not until 1951 the Congress of musicians in London accepted this standard, despite the protests of many musicians,
This petition of several thousand French musicians.

Implementation of this frequency was tasked with the appropriate formation of the masses. It's not clear, why would anyone deliberately implement such tones, but you can only assume, if you do not know what, it is about power, money, either of two things. Most people are not even aware of this, that such a problem as the frequency of each note exists. Nothing strange indeed, mostly because people are not interested in such matters.

Jan Taratajcio for many years trying to unravel the problem of calculating the value of the frequency of individual sounds, to be compatible with the natural harmonic division, exerting a beneficial effect on human. This recording is the world's first presentation of the geometric calculation of sounds in music. Shows the location of individual notes in the chart triangular and sinusoidal. Sound A = 432 Hz octave sine graph razkreślnej concerns, while the sound of the triangle has a frequency 427,5 Prophet.
When you will understand, then all the calculations become very easy.

Lecture for PorozmawiajmyTv.





432 Prophet – Musical works

432Prophet 1

Musical works in the frequency of 432 Prophet
It has healing properties, healing any health problems.
Details here

The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic – 432 Prophet

Ave Maria – Maria Callas – 432 Prophet

Avatar – Music from the film 432 Prophet


Mozart Symphony No 40 G minor KV550 – 432 Prophet

– Please read the introduction



432 Prophet – frequency closely linked to the rule of the golden ratio.
Is the primary, natural sound healing.

This frequency is called Pythagorean because they have already Pitagoras first developed its principles. (The principles of this alignment were already known about 1800 lat p.n.e) According to Pythagoras used the ratio 3 : 2 sound tuning. According to the suit obtained sound A = 432 Prophet. This sound is closely related to the so-called. rule of the golden section. However, the breakdown of Pythagoras was not perfect. However, even in his day used 432Prophet sound as the basis for tuning instruments.

Even today Polish zloty department to determine the rules are not precise. English sources call it the Golden Number (Gold Number) Africa (Read Fi) and is it 1.618.
Be = 1.618 Gold Number

In general, the golden rule is defined proportion department 3 of 5, but it is not very precise and in English we have much more data on this subject.
Much broader meaning to the number of discovered Fibonacci. (1170-1250).

Developed the so-called Fibonacci. a sequence of numbers, which has the following properties.

This string looks like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610 etc.. Are added together, the first two numbers, that make up the third number.
0 + 1 = 1, 5 + 8 = 13, 55 + 89 = 144.

Dividing the higher the number the less we get just the number Fi = 1.618.
610 : 377 = 1.618, 144 : 89 = 1.6179, etc..

Obviously, the smaller the number of, the greater the roundness. 5 : 3 = 1.666. The higher the number of, the greater precision in relation to the number of fi or the golden ratio.
Golden ratio is therefore defined more precisely as: 1 : 1.618 or 0.618 : 1
This number, which is the golden ratio, reigns in the universe and is also called the number of God.

What is particularly interesting, Ark of the Covenant was built according to this rule
Noah's Ark and also had the dimensions of this rule.
(Genesis 6:15 and Outputs 25:10,)

More on this topic: www.zbawienie.com/

432Prophet 2

Secret frequencies can help you tune in to the universe

All, what appears to be a tangible consists really of electromagnetic waves. In physics, for the concept of duality corpuscular wave, means, that depending on the situation quantum such as electrons or photons, may be of a wave and tangible objects. Only, if one accepts this as fact, you can look at it differently as important to us various frequencies.

According to quantum mechanics, the whole matter is characterized by the wave-particle duality real. If we assume, that our bodies vibrate and are subject to interference may be, that it is also important, waves that are emitted in our area. Practically everywhere around us electromagnetic radiation, which affects our lives. This is why in the area of ​​mobile base stations, or even just near a WiFi router, do not want to grow plants, and if someone recline their growth will be slowed and disrupted.

There are many ways synchronization lost standards in this respect. Already in the Middle Ages were known healing the soul sounds called Solfeggio scale. Its elements were in the famous Gregorian chorales. It turns out, exposing some frequencies that can affect even our state of mind. Many people believe, specific frequencies that may cause human enlightenment, and affect the ease of handling.

It turns out, Solfeggio scale that outside there are other frequencies, which are all around us and have a very big impact on us and our lives. The attention primarily on the frequency 432 Prophet, which is supposed to be mathematically consistent with the universe. This is borne out, because, that it follows directly from the so-called golden ratio.

Frequency transmission 432 Hz mathematical form of pure tone may be advantageous, as a drug carrier power. Frequency 432 Hz vibrates in the most typical of the properties of light, time, space, materials, gravity and magnetism, DNA and our consciousness. Tone 432 Hz provides a natural frequency tuning of our universe, which takes place at the cellular level of our bodies.

Many ancient musical instruments were tuned to the tone 432 Prophet. It is also the frequency considered the most original and natural. Mainly because it is called a frequency space. People are able to hear sounds in the range of 20 Hz do 20 0000 Hz, however, because we give in 70% It interferes with the water for all incoming frequencies.

Even audible sounds emitted by dolphins at a frequency of 8 Hz, which is similar to a different fundamental frequency, Earth's Schumann resonance (7,83Prophet), can be beneficial to humans. If it were otherwise dolphin zdobywałaby not so many supporters, and therapists who use it do not odnosiliby success, Yet while it is quite the opposite, and dolphins are able to "wake up" even autism.

Around the theme of tones, that surround us not fail to mention the frequency 440 Prophet. It is called a tuning fork and is used for tuning music instruments. To the use of it has accumulated a lot of controversy. Audiophiles say, that the tone of the, which was adopted, as the international standard, is something very unnatural and its propagation is bad for the human energy centers.

Virtually the entire music industry tuned to this frequency, and no one even comes to mind to do otherwise. Conspiracy theorists say, that the implementation of this frequency, which occurred only after the Second World War, was charged with the appropriate formation of the masses. This would increase the frequency of aggression, psychosis, assist in the adoption of agitation, and above all, have a job creation emotional triggers, that led from emotional stress to physical illness.

It is not known, why would anyone deliberately implement such tones, but you can only assume, if you do not know what it is about power, money, either of two things. Probably most readers did not seem to even realize this, that such a problem as it exists Pitchfork. Nothing strange indeed, mostly because people are not interested in such matters.


