Tag Archives: sm

Multiple Sclerosis MS – Janusz Nawolski

Multiple Sclerosis MS – Janusz Nawolski – interview on NTV 27.01.2015

Dr David Wheldon (says in an interview with Janusz Wolski) is a microbiologist.
Cured his wife with highly advanced multiple antibiotics SM.

Home Dr. Wheldon:
Please also read the information on the page:

Natural antibiotic – Powerful

Natural antibiotic – Powerful

Translated translator

It is a natural antibiotic most powerful of all time
Kills any infection in the body


The basic formula of this powerful tonic dating back to medieval Europe, that is, from the time, when people suffer from various kinds of diseases and epidemics.
Master cleansing tonic is actually an antibiotic, that kills Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. It also has a strong anti-viral and anti-fungal formula, improves blood circulation and lymph flow to all parts of the body.
This measure, based on plants is the best choice in the fight against Candida.

This lotion has helped many people to treat many viral, bacterial diseases, pasożytniczych i grzybiczych, and even the plague! His power should certainly underestimated.
This can treat many chronic conditions and diseases. Encourages circulation and purifies the blood. This formula has helped millions of people over the centuries, to fight the most deadliest diseases.

The secret is a powerful combination of high-quality natural and fresh ingredients!
In conclusion, This tonic is effective in the treatment of all diseases, effectively strengthens the immune system, work antiviral, antibacterial, przeciwgrzybiczo i przeciwpasożytniczo. It helps in the most severe infections.

Master tonic – Recipe

You can wear gloves during the preparation, especially when working with hot peppers, because it is difficult to get a tingling hands off! Be careful, its odor is very strong and can stimulate the sinus immediately.

• 24 ounces / 700 ml apple vinegar (always use organic)
• ¼ cup finely chopped garlic
• ¼ cup finely chopped onion
• 2 fresh peppers, You can find the hottest (be careful with cleaning – Wear gloves !!!)
• ¼ cup grated ginger
• 2 tablespoons grated horseradish
• 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder or 2 turmeric root pieces

1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl, with the exception of vinegar.
2. Transfer the mixture to a jar.
3. Pour the apple cider vinegar and fill it to the top. It is best to, if 2/3 jar consists of the dry ingredients and fill the rest of vinegar.
4. Close Shake.
5. Keep the jar in a cool dry place for 2 weeks. Shake well several times a day.
6. After 14 days, squeeze well and strain the liquid through plastic deformation. For better results put gauze over it. Squeeze out all the juice so well out.
7. When cooking using the remaining dry blend.
Your master tonic is ready for use. You do not need to keep in the refrigerator tonic.
It will take a long time.


Additional Tips:
You can also use it in the kitchen – Mix with olive oil and some use it as a salad dressing or in your stews.
1. Caution: the taste is very strong and hot!
2. Additional Note: Eat a slice of orange, lemon or lime after the tonic, to alleviate the burning sensation and heat.
3. Gargle and swallow.
4. Do not dilute in water, how to reduce the effect of.
5. Take 1 spoon every day to strengthen the immune system and fight the cold.
6. Increase the amount of each day, until the dose 1 small glass a day (size liqueur glasses).
7. If you fight more serious disease or infection, Take 1 spoon tonic 5-6 per day.
8. It is safe for pregnant women and children (use of small doses!), Since the ingredients are completely natural and do not contain toxins.
Do not use on an empty stomach, and start with a spoon for the first few times. He is strong and can cause nausea or vomiting, if they are not used to it.

Health benefits

Garlic a potent antibiotic with a broad range of health benefits. In contrast to antibiotics, chemical, which kill millions of beneficial bacteria your body needs, its sole purpose is to bacteria and microorganisms. Garlic also encourages and increases the level of healthy bacteria. It is a powerful antifungal agent pathogen antigen and destroys harmful microorganisms and pathogens.

Onion Garlic is a next of kin, and has a similar, but milder action. Together they form a strong duo fight.

Horseradish is a powerful herb, effective for sinus and lung. This opens the sinus channels and improves circulation, where frequent colds and flu usually begin, because most doctors agree.

Ginger has potent anti-inflammatory properties and is a potent stimulant circulation.

Chili peppers cardiac pacemakers are the strongest. They just send their antibiotic to fight the disease, where it is most needed.

Turmeric is the most perfect spices, purified infection and reduces inflammation. Blocks the development of cancer and prevent dementia. This is particularly useful for those, who are struggling with joint pain.

Apple cider vinegar – there must be something very healthy in the use of apple cider vinegar as the father of medicine, Hippocrates, used, vinegar around 400 the points for its characteristics of healthy. It is said, that used only two remedies: honey and apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is made with fresh and ripe apples, which are then fermented and undergo a rigorous process, to give the final product. Apple cider vinegar contains pectin, fiber that reduces bad cholesterol and regulates blood pressure.

Experts agree, that people need more calcium, they age. Vinegar helps the extraction of calcium from food is mixed with, which helps in the maintenance of bone strength. Potassium deficiency causes a lot of problems, including hair loss, brittle nails and teeth, sinusitis, i Qatar.

Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium. Studies have shown, that potassium deficiency in the slow growth. All of these problems can be avoided, if you regularly use apple cider vinegar. Potassium also removes toxic waste from the body.

Beta-carotene prevents damage caused by free radicals, maintains firmness and youthful skin. Apple cider vinegar is good for those, who want to lose weight.

It breaks down fat, that supports the natural weight loss process. Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid, effective in combating fungal infections and bakteryjnych.Kwas dissolves uric acid deposits, which form around the joints, and thus alleviate the pain of arthritis. Uric acid is dissolved then removed from the body.

It is believed, cider vinegar that is useful in the treatment of conditions such as constipation, headache, artretyzm, weak bones, indigestion, high cholesterol, diarrhea, eczema, eye pain, chronic fatigue, mild poisoning, hair loss, hypertension, obesity, and many other health problems.

Captain tonic is the best combination to fight any of these conditions. Protect your health by using natural antibiotics!

Rate of healing, self-healing

Rate of healing, self-healing

energia reiki

Terapia uzdrawiania Reiki – pokaz samoleczenia

How do I get the opportunity to energy healing?
Energy imparted only by a master teacher unlocks REIKI, opening and launch of the human energy system for the universal life energy.
Already after 1-day course can effectively help yourself and others.
During the course, Reiki master transmits knowledge of the many possible applications of energy not only in healing, but also in everyday life.
Anyone at any age can complete the course REIKI, also children from approximately. 12-years of age,. Does not require any preliminary messages just have an open heart, because the universal divine energy belongs to all, who are ready to use it for a lifetime.
After completing the course, the person who transfers the energy Reiki is not a source of energy
(as bioterapeuta), but the mediator (channel), through which the REIKI (not be forwarded to your own energy). Passed by the laying on of hands for your own body or other body.
The energy flows through the hands harder every man, who completed the course REIKI,
so that everyone can effectively help you and your loved ones.
Activities, I lead (in addition to the transfer of full knowledge of REIKI),
are focused on the development of the internal, spiritual.
Convey simple methods:
– forgive yourself and others
– acceptance and fall in love with each other and the world around us
– looks, acceptance and to love God fully
– getting rid of anxiety and fear, which is a major problem in our lives
– opening up to clean, God's unconditional love, which gives us everything we want
We are looking for a master pattern, teacher – I show how to discover a master in itself.
When combined with forgiveness REIKI, acceptance, we will overcome anxiety and fear, move closer to God through it, know unconditional love, której nam teraz
tak bardzo brakuje.
She will give us everything we want: joy, happiness, prosperity and well-being, care and protection.
On the subject of healing therapy, energy therapy, energy treatments – here

Uzdrawianie metodą Reiki. Jak działa terapia Reiki
Film komentuje Mistrz Nauczyciel Reiki Carla Trujillo.


REIKI kursy BE – Traditional
And the degree of – enables self-healing using Reiki to you or others. Energy healing power of the body besides the physical illnesses, heal
also emotionally.
Energy regulates and improves the flow of energy in the human body, and which is very significant impact on the internal tranquility and peace, heals the soul.
Purifies the negative energy, also act protectively.
In REIKI is clean, unconditional love.
You can also energize: plants, animals, foods, water, items, etc..

Second degree – has a higher level of internal knowledge, greater self-knowledge, mental and emotional opening.
Energy Symbols, each participant receives, for example, help. in the purification of the soul (karma). Multiplied, the movement and strength of energy through the power of symbols.
You can transfer energy through Reiki symbols reinforced adjustable,
improve everything that we want. You can send Reiki energy at a distance to the needy,
heal relationships with loved ones and various life situations.
Time and space do not create barriers and borders.

Po ukończeniu II stopnia można przystąpić do inicjacji
w linii tybetańskiej, która jest uzupełnieniem tego
co przekazał nam dr Mikao Usui.
We meet a very old symbol of great power.
Their action is very fast, sometimes immediately. Cleanse, cut off from adverse situations and people, heal with body and soul, assist in difficult situations, heal relationships.
REIKI tybetańskie jeszcze głębiej i szybciej prowadzi
do wyższego rozwoju duchowego.
Deepens awareness and contact with the Universe
(the entire cosmos). Wytrwała praca z symbolami tybetańskimi daje wgląd
w najgłębszą istotę rzeczy i spraw dotyczących Ziemi i całego Wszechświata.

Master Healer, Master Teacher and Grand Master
After the second or third degree can deepen and broaden their knowledge, and thanks to the masterful symbols faster and easier to come to equilibrium, inner harmony, awareness.
Forgive, overcome fear, pokochać szczerze
i bezwarunkowo.
Assist and support the needy.
Indicate simple effective troubleshooting.
By humility, commitment to serve the Earth for the good of us all.

Questions about healing, courses – Please contact phone number or e-mail
My qualifications and diplomas – here

Healing masters are also members of the clergy.
In the picture sister and Father Mariusz Bugaj. Maciej Wronski

Siostra Mariusza i ks Maciej Wroński
Sister and Father Mariusz Maciej Wronski and Reiki Master

zabieg reiki