Terapia i kursy uzdrawiania energią

Terapia i kursy uzdrawiania energią

uzdrawianie energią
Terapia Reiki

Terapia uzdrawiania energią – Unfortunately, in our much valued for different reasons. Chinese medicine already 5000 lat temu leczyła holistycznie, czyli ciało i duszę.
I teach energy healing and healing 20 years and I know how it is important and essential therapy in the treatment process and recovery.

Bardzo często potrzebne jest uzdrowienie duszy
na poziomie podświadomości.
Unlocking, dissolving blockages, programów które blokują
i utrudniają proces leczenia.

Therapy is second to none – effective, simple and easy.
The therapy consists of applying a hand to the human body and the universal life energy transfer.
With therapy available to all – regardless of age or religion.
Why therapy can help?
Because heals completely – body and soul, subconsciousness.
Blockages, cumbersome programs, fears, etc..
Therapy does not replace treatment, or medication, but complements and assists.
Supports the natural self-healing process, promotes self-healing, reinforces, cleanses the body.
In any case, the treatment does not worsen the state of health.
It is a wonderful gift, that makes, that we live a more leisurely life,
appears: happiness, the joy of what we, peace and balance, get rid of the fear, fear of tomorrow, the future.
Many difficult, incurable disease so you can get rid of therapy,
but not always, is an individual in question of the person.
Can greatly improve or completely removed from our lives a lot of problems: disease, ailments plaguing years, improve the overall health of
and well-being.

Uzdrawianie metodą Reiki. Jak działa terapia Reiki
Film komentuje Mistrz Nauczyciel Reiki Carla Trujillo.

Dzięki energii można uzdrowić każdy problem, tylko nie u każdej osoby od razu czy szybko. Niekiedy potrzeba czasu, cierpliwości i systematyczności.
Jest to uwarunkowane wieloma kwestiami, głównie na poziomie podświadomości.
Zawsze występuje przynajmniej poprawa czy ulga w cierpieniu.
Cause disease begins in the unconscious, at the level of the soul.
Most problems arise in childhood: survival, fears, anger, etc..
over time, they cause the appearance of sometimes difficult and serious diseases.
Energy treatments work well on:
– migraine
– stress
– neuroses
– depression
– fears
– autyzm
– circulation
– atherosclerosis
– guzy, Cysts
– digestive system
– Various pain and neuralgia, muscles, ponds,
– early state “incurable diseases” etc..
Therapy helps to treat almost all ailments.
Brings the body into balance at all levels:
energy, physical and spiritual, relieve suffering, gives a sense of
esteem, unconditional love and acceptance.
This is of course a matter of individual and depends on the job, time spent
myself and family and. There is always at least relief of suffering.

In many cases, the problem is the lack of their own, self-confidence, brak optymizmu, radości, sensu życia, smutek itp.
or – lack of love for yourself.

About this writing here

terapia reiki
Terapia Reiki

All times are generally heavy, increasingly difficult to us to find them,
Keeping up with changes, to cope with everyday life, on a regular basis to solve many problems. Most of the population of the Earth is chasing after money. In this way, getting lost even whole families, appear in dramas, addiction, suffering, hatred, etc..
Therapy used to date result in a change, which allow a much better deal in life. Makes, that we find ourselves in this difficult everyday, Muting, otherwise we see the surroundings and the people around us.
We have more time, more we can get, do, have time for themselves and their families. This is because, that in everyday life is a lot of chaos,
emotions that effectively inhibit our actions.
Always doing therapy free energy.

Po latach pracy duchowej i codziennego kontaktu z energiami,
w dużej mierze jestem połączony z energią tachionu (ok.80%).

Terapia uzdrawiania Reiki – pokaz samoleczenia

I am open to cooperation with medical institutions, holiday resorts, uzdrowiskami, hotels, pensjonatami, with civil society organizations, fundacjami, associations of patients,

Szczególnie zwracam się do rodziców zmagających się z problemami u swoich dzieci, takimi jak: porażenie mózgowe, autyzm, tumors, epilepsja i inne
– Please contact (such).

Doradzę jak sami skutecznie mogą pomóc swoim dzieciom.
If you have questions, please call etc. pm. 8.00 – 20.00 (Also holidays)
– 507 600 680

terapia energią reiki
Terapia energią Reiki

Healing masters are also members of the clergy.

In the picture sister and Father Mariusz Bugaj. Maciej Wronski

siostra mariusza
Siostra Mariusza i Mistrzowie Reiki

Kursy uzdrawiania energią

How do I get the opportunity to energy healing?
Energy imparted only by a master teacher unlocks REIKI, opening and launch of the human energy system for the universal life energy.
Already after 1-day course can effectively help yourself and others.
During the course, Reiki master transmits knowledge of the many possible applications of energy not only in healing, but also in everyday life.
Anyone at any age can complete the course REIKI, also children from approximately. 12-years of age,. Does not require any preliminary messages just have an open heart, because the universal divine energy belongs to all, who are ready to use it for a lifetime.
After completing the course, the person who transfers the energy Reiki is not a source of energy
(as bioterapeuta), but the mediator (channel), through which the REIKI (not be forwarded to your own energy). Passed by the laying on of hands for your own body or other body.
The energy flows through the hands harder every man, who completed the course REIKI,
so that everyone can effectively help you and your loved ones.
Activities, I lead (in addition to the transfer of full knowledge of REIKI),
are focused on the development of the internal, spiritual.
Convey simple methods:
– wybaczania sobie i innym
– akceptacji i pokochania siebie oraz otaczającego nas świata
– spojrzenia, acceptance and to love God fully
– pozbycie się lęku i strachu, which is a major problem in our lives
– otwarcie się na czystą, God's unconditional love, which gives us everything we want
We are looking for a master pattern, nauczyciela – ja pokazuję jak odkryć mistrza w sobie.
When combined with forgiveness REIKI, acceptance, we will overcome anxiety and fear, move closer to God through it, know unconditional love, której nam teraz
tak bardzo brakuje.
She will give us everything we want: joy, happiness, prosperity and well-being, care and protection.


Kursy REIKI USUI – tradycyjne
And the degree of – daje możliwość samodzielnego uzdrawiania metodą REIKI siebie i innych osób. Energy healing power of the body besides the physical illnesses, heal
also emotionally.
Energy regulates and improves the flow of energy in the human body, and which is very significant impact on the internal tranquility and peace, heals the soul.
Purifies the negative energy, also act protectively.
In REIKI is clean, unconditional love.
You can also energize: plants, animals, foods, water, items, etc..

Second degree – ma wyższy poziom wiedzy wewnętrznej, greater self-knowledge, mental and emotional opening.
Energy Symbols, each participant receives, for example, help. in the purification of the soul (karma). Multiplied, the movement and strength of energy through the power of symbols.
You can transfer energy through Reiki symbols reinforced adjustable,
improve everything that we want. You can send Reiki energy at a distance to the needy,
heal relationships with loved ones and various life situations.
Time and space do not create barriers and borders.

III stopień tybetański – REIKI TYBETAŃSKIE
Po ukończeniu II stopnia można przystąpić do inicjacji
w linii tybetańskiej, która jest uzupełnieniem tego
co przekazał nam dr Mikao Usui.
We meet a very old symbol of great power.
Their action is very fast, sometimes immediately. Cleanse, cut off from adverse situations and people, heal with body and soul, assist in difficult situations, heal relationships.
REIKI tybetańskie jeszcze głębiej i szybciej prowadzi
do wyższego rozwoju duchowego.
Deepens awareness and contact with the Universe
(the entire cosmos). Wytrwała praca z symbolami tybetańskimi daje wgląd
w najgłębszą istotę rzeczy i spraw dotyczących Ziemi i całego Wszechświata.

Master Healer, Master Teacher and Grand Master
After the second or third degree can deepen and broaden their knowledge, and thanks to the masterful symbols faster and easier to come to equilibrium, inner harmony, awareness.
Forgive, overcome fear, pokochać szczerze
i bezwarunkowo.
Assist and support the needy.
Indicate simple effective troubleshooting.
By humility, commitment to serve the Earth for the good of us all.

Healing at a distance
This is a proposal for those, who for various reasons can not have direct contact with us (Distance, work, mieszkają za granicą).
This is a global proposal, for everyone.
Energy knows no boundaries and barriers.
I need only a photo of the person (no other people in the picture) as the latest, which please send an e-mail:
Picture may be blurred even.

I make free energy Treatments.
Why ???

>> We live for the people not for money <<

Osoby zainteresowane terapią, kursami Reiki proszę o kontakt tel. 507 600 680
or e-mail to reserve – uzdrawianie.org@gmail.com
If you have questions, please call etc. pm. 8.00 – 20.00 (Also holidays).
Od 1996r. uzdrawiam energią i od 2002r. uczę uzdrawiania
my qualifications.

Currently, there is a lot of literature on energy healing.
Below are some items.

książka reiki książka reiki książka reikiksiążka reiki

>> All diseases can be cured only need to want and know how <<