Mudra OM – spiritual development, enlightenment


Mudra OM – spiritual development, enlightenment

“If (Also Aum) - The most sacred syllable of Hinduism. Omkara sound found in the Vedas, is the primary anthem. Om syllable-seed (bidźa), seen as a sound creation of the Universe. This transcendental vibration is considered to be identical with the person of absolute Vishnu. It is based on all the Vedic hymns. Is regarded as a holy well in Tibetan Buddhism. Om syllable mantra which is the most important, original sound also known pranava, akszara i omkara. As a rule, pronounce herself.”

Mudra OM is not appropriate only to Hinduism as can be read from wiki. Mudra chrześcijanizmowi OM is appropriate because it was originally called it Mahayana Buddhism Semite demon worshipers murdered priests yahwe, temples burnt and desecrated Science same form “A woman full of abominations” Catholicism called to her “stir thought and speech” conquered peoples. Since OM Mudra was known in the time of Christ, also in his paintings can be seen to reflect its like here:

jezus mudra om

This version is known mainly localized in the Greek Orthodox monasteries is obviously an incomplete version of mudras OM because each person knows it, and worse, disseminates it among people with real Teachings of Christ on the cross quickly ended with podpuszczenia Pharisees of the apostate church-Judaic anxious and pulling out of the deluded defrauded “faithful” 3 from the influence of the demon yahwe żmijowych sciences and his vision of the world is constantly fused in the blood of Christians by the syndicate satanic religions - Judaism-Catholicism-Islam. Therefore, to restore the correct version of the appearance of mudras will be forced to also reach the symbolism and Buddhist statues preserved, such as, for example, there:

mudra om budda

Hand system:
Hands put on the level of the heart, or as someone more convenient solar plexus. The spine should be relaxed but upright and vertical. To launch it just imagine the flame between his fingers and humming OM (zamruczeć jak as). After some practice it can also be arranged in the imagination (then the actual physical position does not matter if the idea is the same as described above) to use its benefits while in places where “stacking fingers” there is “Don'ts”

– contact with the Creator without the mediation
– is the key to enlightenment

